About asking questions

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About asking questions

Lukas Renggli
A lot of people are asking question in the Seaside mailing-list and I
think this is really a good thing that should be encouraged.

There are some things however I would like to point out to make the
whole process as efficient as possible, for people asking and
answering questions.

1. Always state the version of Seaside/Scriptaculous you are using.
Also state the platform (Squeak, VisualWorks, ...) you are on.

2. Provide a minimal file-out with your mail that shows your problem.
It is really annoying and time-cosumung to have to copy and past code
into Squeak, register the application, add missing code to make it
work, etc. So the requirement is: a file-out that is minimal, that
shows the problem and that registers itself as application.

3. Don't write private mails to Seaside developers, they all have
other things to do as well. Write to the mailing-list, unless you have
a consulting contract.

In general this article is a really nice reference on how to ask
questions in a mailing-list:


Lukas Renggli
Seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: About asking questions

Philippe Marschall
There is also no need to introduce yourself, greet everybody and
"apologize" that you are a newbie. Better focus on your problem.


2007/6/10, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]>:

> A lot of people are asking question in the Seaside mailing-list and I
> think this is really a good thing that should be encouraged.
> There are some things however I would like to point out to make the
> whole process as efficient as possible, for people asking and
> answering questions.
> 1. Always state the version of Seaside/Scriptaculous you are using.
> Also state the platform (Squeak, VisualWorks, ...) you are on.
> 2. Provide a minimal file-out with your mail that shows your problem.
> It is really annoying and time-cosumung to have to copy and past code
> into Squeak, register the application, add missing code to make it
> work, etc. So the requirement is: a file-out that is minimal, that
> shows the problem and that registers itself as application.
> 3. Don't write private mails to Seaside developers, they all have
> other things to do as well. Write to the mailing-list, unless you have
> a consulting contract.
> In general this article is a really nice reference on how to ask
> questions in a mailing-list:
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
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