About packages : question from a beginner

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About packages : question from a beginner

Hello everyone.

I've just started with smalltalk and i'm using the book "Pharo By Example" to start off (the latest version from 2009-10-28). However, it seems that many things have changed since then, and the latest and probably most destabilizing one concerns packages.

In chapter 2, the book says to create a package through the browser. However, no matter  how much I look and search (both on Pharo and internet), I can't seem to find the place to do it. I can add a category, browse a package, but not create a package.

I use the image downloaded from the Pharo-Project website, so I guess it's a good one. Can anyone explain to me which part of information I have missed?
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Re: About packages : question from a beginner

Noury Bouraqadi-2

You should use the image used to build the book examples

As you noted, it's an old one. A lot of thing changed. Fortunately, the system is improving.

Have fin,

On 7 oct. 2011, at 02:14, Aeren wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I've just started with smalltalk and i'm using the book "Pharo By Example"
> to start off (the latest version from 2009-10-28). However, it seems that
> many things have changed since then, and the latest and probably most
> destabilizing one concerns packages.
> In chapter 2, the book says to create a package through the browser.
> However, no matter  how much I look and search (both on Pharo and internet),
> I can't seem to find the place to do it. I can add a category, browse a
> package, but not create a package.
> I use the image downloaded from the Pharo-Project website, so I guess it's a
> good one. Can anyone explain to me which part of information I have missed?
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/About-packages-question-from-a-beginner-tp3880345p3880345.html
> Sent from the Pharo By Example mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: About packages : question from a beginner

This post was updated on .
I already tried with this image, but it immediately crashes with a segmentation fault. And I also tried downloading the OmniBrowserO2 through Pharo which seems to be the second solution, but the download systematically fails after a few files... :S

In the meanwhile i'm using regular categories, but i'd still like to sort out the package issue since from what I understood it is compulsory in order to use Metacello and Monticello which I will need to use.
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Re: About packages : question from a beginner

Marcus Denker-4
In reply to this post by Noury Bouraqadi-2

On Oct 7, 2011, at 8:19 AM, Aeren wrote:

> I already tried with this image, but it immediately crashes with a
> segmentation fault.

Yes, it is not compatible to the newer VMs.

> And I also tried downloading the OmniBrowserO2 through
> Pharo which seems to be the second solution, but the download systematically
> fails after a few files... :S

O2 is not been developped anymore and therefore does not work in newer versions
of Pharo.

Yes, all this is unfortunate but sadly the day has only 24hours and we do the best we can.

The best solution actually would be to update the book, but nobody has time to do it.


Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de

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Re: About packages : question from a beginner

Noury Bouraqadi-2

On 7 oct. 2011, at 08:24, Marcus Denker wrote:

> On Oct 7, 2011, at 8:19 AM, Aeren wrote:
>> I already tried with this image, but it immediately crashes with a
>> segmentation fault.
> Yes, it is not compatible to the newer VMs.
>> And I also tried downloading the OmniBrowserO2 through
>> Pharo which seems to be the second solution, but the download systematically
>> fails after a few files... :S
> O2 is not been developped anymore and therefore does not work in newer versions
> of Pharo.
> Yes, all this is unfortunate but sadly the day has only 24hours and we do the best we can.
> The best solution actually would be to update the book, but nobody has time to do it.
Still a beginner might find useful materials.

I suggest to try with an older VM (4.X).
For windows its on GForge


> Marcus
> --
> Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de
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Noury Bouraqadi
Ecole des Mines de Douai
-19èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA’11)
17-19 Octobre 2011, Valenciennes, France

-5th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies
November 3th - 5th, 2011 Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)

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