Hello stéphane,
Sunday, August 27, 2006, 10:50:25 AM, you wrote:
sd> I would like to know whether there are pratical issues with
sd> producing too much symbols (especially when we know that unique
sd> identity is not required).
Identity hash is not very big, and because String>>hash is rather
deficient in VW, then internment / set / dictionary performance won't
be very good. I'd implement a really good hash for Strings and
Symbols first, implement it as a primitive, and then change the
SymbolTable to a single WeakSet... like in Squeak.
Squeak's hash, suggested by Mr. van der Gulik, is truly awesome.
But of course I am biased because Luciano and I implemented all of
that in Squeak to begin with :).
Best regards,
Andres mailto:
[hidden email]