AbtTimestamp>>abtAsDateAndTime forgets uSecs

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AbtTimestamp>>abtAsDateAndTime forgets uSecs

Hi there,

In the process of porting STON to VAST, I stumbled upon a problem in AbtTimestamp>>abtAsDateAndTime

    "Answer the receiver as an object which responds to the Date protocol."
    ^DateAndTime year: self date year
        month: self date monthIndex
        day: self date dayOfMonth
        hour: self time hours
        minute: self time minutes
        second: self time seconds

The problem here is that the Timestamp's uSecs are not transferred. Sure, DateAndTime only has a resolution of milliseconds, but most AbtTimestamps also only have milliseconds even though it holds uSecs. I can't remember seeing an AbtTimestamp produced in VAST that had more that three non-zero digits in its uSecs.

So there probably is no mathematically correct way to convert an AbtTimestamp to a DateAndTime, but the loss if a few hundred milliseconds is not really a good thing as well.

Why do I need that? Because I firts thought it would be best if I use DateAndTime to write and read TimeStamps from STON files. STON is based on JSON and therefor uses the same format for expressing timestamps and DateAndTime, including the offset (whcih is not present in AbtTimestamp). Unfortunately, this doesn't fully work due to the above-mentioned problem. If I loose milliseconds, I cannot use STON as a data export format that accurately stores timestamps. This still holds true if I lose up to 999 nanoseconds, but it makes things at least a bit more accurate in the light of the fact that VAST-generated Timestamps only resolve down to milliseconds....


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