Accelerate UI

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Accelerate UI

I'm working on a raspberry pi via remote window. As the StackVM is rather slow on the device something things make it hard to work there. But I need to work there because I'm doing FFI stuff.
Which are the options to turn off features that might speed up UI responsiveness? I switched off syntax highlighting and code completion already. Anything I can tune Nautilus?



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Re: Accelerate UI


I do not know the status (becuse jb told me that he hacked something but
I got no time to check)
I started to code a mini mini code browser call ondoBrowser it is in
PetitBazars I can give access write if you want.



On 15/8/14 12:11, Norbert Hartl wrote:

> I'm working on a raspberry pi via remote window. As the StackVM is rather slow on the device something things make it hard to work there. But I need to work there because I'm doing FFI stuff.
> Which are the options to turn off features that might speed up UI responsiveness? I switched off syntax highlighting and code completion already. Anything I can tune Nautilus?
> thanks,
> Norbert

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Re: Accelerate UI

In reply to this post by NorbertHartl
I don't know if this feature still exists on Pharo. I achieved good reselts taking out shadows and show the contetns of the windows as you drag them or resize them. Turn off windows thumbnails in the taskbR. Use regular fonts and not tt.
And also try running Pharo, directly to the framebuffer instead of x server.
Tell me kf tou find something more.
Best nacho

Enviado desde mi iPad

> El 15/08/2014, a las 07:11, Norbert Hartl <[hidden email]> escribió:
> I'm working on a raspberry pi via remote window. As the StackVM is rather slow on the device something things make it hard to work there. But I need to work there because I'm doing FFI stuff.
> Which are the options to turn off features that might speed up UI responsiveness? I switched off syntax highlighting and code completion already. Anything I can tune Nautilus?
> thanks,
> Norbert

Nacho Smalltalker apprentice. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Re: Accelerate UI

In reply to this post by stepharo

I'm basically interested. I don't know how good that works. At the moment I have enough balls in the air so I'll keep that for later.


Am 15.08.2014 um 12:23 schrieb stepharo <[hidden email]>:

> Norbert
> I do not know the status (becuse jb told me that he hacked something but I got no time to check)
> I started to code a mini mini code browser call ondoBrowser it is in PetitBazars I can give access write if you want.
> Stef
> Stef
> On 15/8/14 12:11, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>> I'm working on a raspberry pi via remote window. As the StackVM is rather slow on the device something things make it hard to work there. But I need to work there because I'm doing FFI stuff.
>> Which are the options to turn off features that might speed up UI responsiveness? I switched off syntax highlighting and code completion already. Anything I can tune Nautilus?
>> thanks,
>> Norbert

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Re: Accelerate UI

In reply to this post by nacho

I need to work over the network which adds some time until things happen. I use vncserver with a headless X server. Seems to be the best for me in performance and hussle like having the right keyboard mapping and such. I think if it would run only twice as fast it would be ok to work with it.


Am 15.08.2014 um 12:53 schrieb Ignacio Sniechowski <[hidden email]>:

> I don't know if this feature still exists on Pharo. I achieved good reselts taking out shadows and show the contetns of the windows as you drag them or resize them. Turn off windows thumbnails in the taskbR. Use regular fonts and not tt.
> And also try running Pharo, directly to the framebuffer instead of x server.
> Tell me kf tou find something more.
> Best nacho
> Enviado desde mi iPad
>> El 15/08/2014, a las 07:11, Norbert Hartl <[hidden email]> escribió:
>> I'm working on a raspberry pi via remote window. As the StackVM is rather slow on the device something things make it hard to work there. But I need to work there because I'm doing FFI stuff.
>> Which are the options to turn off features that might speed up UI responsiveness? I switched off syntax highlighting and code completion already. Anything I can tune Nautilus?
>> thanks,
>> Norbert