Hi list,
by adding: copy := locale copy. copy name: #'es_AR.UTF-8'. copy defaultStreamEncoder: (StreamEncoder lookupEncoderDirectory: #'utf-8'). copy needsInputMethod: true. self addLocale: copy platform: #unix. at the end of the #installESLocale I can input accented characters (thanks for tip Ralph!). However, once I do that, I can't access any store repositories (I get a "not enough elements available" error). Also if I remove the previous code and reinstall the locales everything goes back to normal (but without accented characters). All repositories run on postgres using utf-8 encoding. I also tried creating a new DB and running "Store.DbRegistry installDatabaseTables" to see if it makes any difference that the tables are crated with this locale from scratch, but I get the same error (I'm attaching a stack trace at the end of the mail). Any idea what can be happening? Thanks in advance, Andrés User Interrupt Semaphore>>wait EventQueue>>next WindowManager>>processNextEvent optimized [] in ApplicationDialogController>>eventLoop BlockClosure>>ensure: ApplicationDialogController>>eventLoop ApplicationDialogController(ApplicationStandardSystemController)>>controlLoop ApplicationDialogController(Controller)>>startUp optimized [] in StandardSystemController>>startUp BlockClosure>>on:do: BlockClosure>>on:from:do: ApplicationDialogController(StandardSystemController)>>startUp optimized [] in [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews BlockClosure>>ensure: optimized [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews BlockClosure>>ensure: Cursor>>showWhile: ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews ApplicationWindow(ScheduledWindow)>>openTransientIn:type:postOpen: ApplicationWindow(ScheduledWindow)>>openTransientIn:type: UIBuilder>>openPopUpIn:type: UIBuilder>>openDialogWithExtent: SimpleDialog>>choose:labels:values:default:equalize:for: SimpleDialog>>choose:labels:values:default: Dialog class>>choose:labels:values:default: Dialog class>>warn: optimized [] in Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>performHandler: IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>propagate IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>raiseRequest optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: BlockClosure>>on:do: EncodedStream(Stream)>>next:into:startingAt: EncodedStream(Stream)>>next: ByteValue(FixedSizeValue)>>size:readFrom:for: ByteValue class(FixedSizeValue class)>>size:readFrom:for: PostgreSQLMessage class>>readFrom:for: PostgreSQLMessageReadStream>>nextInTheContextOf: PostgreSQLMessageReadStream>>next PostgreSQLStartupMessageFlow>>initiate PostgreSQLConnection>>startup PostgreSQLConnection class>>using: PostgreSQLEXDIConnection>>acquireExternal PostgreSQLEXDIConnection>>acquireExternal: PostgreSQLEXDIConnection(ExternalDatabaseConnection)>>acquire: PostgreSQLEXDIConnection(ExternalDatabaseConnection)>>connect: optimized [] in Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: BlockClosure>>on:do: Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: optimized [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>connectTo: BlockClosure>>ensure: Cursor>>showWhile: Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>connectTo: optimized [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>createConnectOrDisconnectItemFor: ControllerWithSelectMenu(ControllerWithMenu)>>dispatchMenuSelection: ControllerWithSelectMenu(ControllerWithMenu)>>processMenu:at:centered: ControllerWithSelectMenu>>redButtonPressedEvent: RedButtonPressedEvent>>dispatchTo: ControllerWithSelectMenu(ControllerWithMenu)>>handleEvent: EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to: EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatch RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager: optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: BlockClosure>>on:do: WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: WindowManager>>processNextEvent optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Semaphore>>wait Receiver: a Semaphore Instance Variables: firstLink = a Process in Semaphore>>wait lastLink = a Process in Semaphore>>wait excessSignals = 0 Context PC = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EventQueue>>next Receiver: an EventQueue Instance Variables: contents = an OrderedCollection[0] accessProtect = a Semaphore[0] readSynch = a Semaphore[1] Temporaries: isEmpty = nil value = nil Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowManager>>processNextEvent Receiver: a WindowManager Instance Variables: windows = an OrderedCollection[2] activeController = nil interruptLock = false outstandingMetaOrDamage = false openInProgress = false eventQueue = an EventQueue baseProcess = a Process in Semaphore>>wait dontFilterEvents = false Temporaries: event = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in ApplicationDialogController>>eventLoop Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an ApplicationDialogController Context PC = 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in ApplicationDialogController>>eventLoop outerContext = nil copiedValues = an ApplicationDialogController Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in ApplicationDialogController>>eventLoop Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ApplicationDialogController>>eventLoop Receiver: an ApplicationDialogController Instance Variables: model = a SimpleDialog view = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 sensor = an EventSensor locked = false eventDispatcher = an EventDispatcher Context PC = 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ApplicationDialogController(ApplicationStandardSystemController)>>controlLoop Receiver: an ApplicationDialogController Instance Variables: model = a SimpleDialog view = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 sensor = an EventSensor locked = false eventDispatcher = an EventDispatcher Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ApplicationDialogController(Controller)>>startUp Receiver: an ApplicationDialogController Instance Variables: model = a SimpleDialog view = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 sensor = an EventSensor locked = false eventDispatcher = an EventDispatcher Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in StandardSystemController>>startUp Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an ApplicationDialogController Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in StandardSystemController>>startUp outerContext = nil copiedValues = an ApplicationDialogController Arguments: anExceptionSelector = ClosedWindowNotification handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in BlockClosure>>on:from:do: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:from:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in StandardSystemController>>startUp outerContext = nil copiedValues = an ApplicationDialogController Arguments: anExceptionSelector = ClosedWindowNotification originator = an ApplicationDialogController handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in StandardSystemController>>startUp Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ApplicationDialogController(StandardSystemController)>>startUp Receiver: an ApplicationDialogController Instance Variables: model = a SimpleDialog view = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 sensor = an EventSensor locked = false eventDispatcher = an EventDispatcher Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an ApplicationDialogController Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews outerContext = nil copiedValues = an ApplicationDialogController Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an ApplicationDialogController Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews outerContext = nil copiedValues = an ApplicationDialogController Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Cursor>>showWhile: Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor>>showWhile: Receiver: a Cursor Instance Variables: errorCode = 0 handle = a ByteArray[8] image = Depth1Image(extent: 16@16 depth: 1) mask = Depth1Image(extent: 16@16 depth: 1) hotSpot = 1@1 name = 'normal' Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews Temporaries: oldcursor = Cursor wait Context PC = 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ApplicationDialogController>>openTransientViews Receiver: an ApplicationDialogController Instance Variables: model = a SimpleDialog view = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 sensor = an EventSensor locked = false eventDispatcher = an EventDispatcher Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ApplicationWindow(ScheduledWindow)>>openTransientIn:type:postOpen: Receiver: an ApplicationWindow Instance Variables: handle = a GraphicsHandle(77595046) width = 414 height = 77 background = (ColorValue brightness: 0.752899) inputOrigin = 309@145 creationOrigin = 309@145 sensor = an EventSensor iconic = false windowType = #imageModalDialog effectiveWindowType = #modelessDialog statusLineHeight = 0 allowsStatusLine = true mapped = true eventHandlers = nil windowManager = a WindowManager label = ' ' icon = an Icon minimumSize = 414@77 maximumSize = 1024@768 component = a CompositePart lookPreferences = nil paintPreferences = nil edgeDecorationPolicy = a WinXPBorderDecorationPolicy widgetPolicy = a WinXPWidgetPolicy controller = an ApplicationDialogController model = a SimpleDialog damageRepairPolicy = a WindowDisplayPolicy masterWindow = an ApplicationWindow 77594655 keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor application = nil sendWindowEvents = nil receiveWindowEvents = nil windowEventBlock = nil damageRepairIsLazy = true activationNotification = true isEventDriven = nil toolbarVisible = true dropTarget = nil dragDropInProgress = nil dragDropTracker = nil Arguments: aRectangle = 305@120 corner: 719@197 aSymbol = #imageModalDialog aBlock = BlockClosure [] in ScheduledWindow>>openTransientIn:type: Temporaries: rect = 305@120 corner: 719@197 translation = 0@0 Context PC = 59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ApplicationWindow(ScheduledWindow)>>openTransientIn:type: Receiver: an ApplicationWindow Instance Variables: handle = a GraphicsHandle(77595046) width = 414 height = 77 background = (ColorValue brightness: 0.752899) inputOrigin = 309@145 creationOrigin = 309@145 sensor = an EventSensor iconic = false windowType = #imageModalDialog effectiveWindowType = #modelessDialog statusLineHeight = 0 allowsStatusLine = true mapped = true eventHandlers = nil windowManager = a WindowManager label = ' ' icon = an Icon minimumSize = 414@77 maximumSize = 1024@768 component = a CompositePart lookPreferences = nil paintPreferences = nil edgeDecorationPolicy = a WinXPBorderDecorationPolicy widgetPolicy = a WinXPWidgetPolicy controller = an ApplicationDialogController model = a SimpleDialog damageRepairPolicy = a WindowDisplayPolicy masterWindow = an ApplicationWindow 77594655 keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor application = nil sendWindowEvents = nil receiveWindowEvents = nil windowEventBlock = nil damageRepairIsLazy = true activationNotification = true isEventDriven = nil toolbarVisible = true dropTarget = nil dragDropInProgress = nil dragDropTracker = nil Arguments: aRectangle = 305@120 corner: 719@197 aSymbol = #imageModalDialog Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>openPopUpIn:type: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = an IdentityDictionary[3] namedComponents = an IdentityDictionary[0] labels = an IdentityDictionary[0] visuals = an IdentityDictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = an IdentityDictionary[0] source = nil policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a CompositeSpec window = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = a CompositePart decorator = nil wrapper = a SpecWrapper on: a BoundedWrapper on: a WidgetStateWrapper on: a CompositePart stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aRectangle = 305@120 corner: 719@197 aSymbol = #imageModalDialog Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>openDialogWithExtent: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = an IdentityDictionary[3] namedComponents = an IdentityDictionary[0] labels = an IdentityDictionary[0] visuals = an IdentityDictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = an IdentityDictionary[0] source = nil policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a CompositeSpec window = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = a CompositePart decorator = nil wrapper = a SpecWrapper on: a BoundedWrapper on: a WidgetStateWrapper on: a CompositePart stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: ext = 414@77 Temporaries: box = 305@120 corner: 719@197 openLocation = 512@158 Context PC = 33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SimpleDialog>>choose:labels:values:default:equalize:for: Receiver: a SimpleDialog Instance Variables: dependents = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil close = a ValueHolder on: false accept = a ValueHolder on: false cancel = a ValueHolder on: false preBuildBlock = nil postBuildBlock = nil postOpenBlock = nil escapeIsCancel = true parentView = nil Arguments: messageString = 'Unable to connect to "LocalSt...ot enough elements available' labels = an Array[1] values = an Array[1] defaultValue = nil eqBoolean = true aVisualOrNil = nil Temporaries: result = a ValueHolder on: nil spec = a FullSpec Context PC = 110 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SimpleDialog>>choose:labels:values:default: Receiver: a SimpleDialog Instance Variables: dependents = an ApplicationWindow 77595046 builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil close = a ValueHolder on: false accept = a ValueHolder on: false cancel = a ValueHolder on: false preBuildBlock = nil postBuildBlock = nil postOpenBlock = nil escapeIsCancel = true parentView = nil Arguments: messageString = 'Unable to connect to "LocalSt...ot enough elements available' labels = an Array[1] values = an Array[1] defaultValue = nil Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog class>>choose:labels:values:default: Receiver: a Dialog class Instance Variables: superclass = Object methodDict = a MethodDictionary[0] format = 16385 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[1] organization = name = #Dialog classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[2] environment = a NameSpace[576] Arguments: messageString = 'Unable to connect to "LocalSt...ot enough elements available' labels = an Array[1] values = an Array[1] defaultValue = nil Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog class>>warn: Receiver: a Dialog class Instance Variables: superclass = Object methodDict = a MethodDictionary[0] format = 16385 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[1] organization = name = #Dialog classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[2] environment = a NameSpace[576] Arguments: messageString = 'Unable to connect to "LocalSt...ot enough elements available' Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: ex = an IncompleteNextCountError Temporaries: .aProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile Context PC = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>performHandler: Receiver: an IncompleteNextCountError Instance Variables: messageText = nil originator = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder initialContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = 0 proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Arguments: aContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: Temporaries: result = nil oldHandler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: Receiver: an IncompleteNextCountError Instance Variables: messageText = nil originator = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder initialContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = 0 proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Arguments: aContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Temporaries: handler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: Receiver: an IncompleteNextCountError Instance Variables: messageText = nil originator = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder initialContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = 0 proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Arguments: startContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>propagate Receiver: an IncompleteNextCountError Instance Variables: messageText = nil originator = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder initialContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = 0 proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IncompleteNextCountError(GenericException)>>raiseRequest Receiver: an IncompleteNextCountError Instance Variables: messageText = nil originator = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder initialContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = 0 proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder index = 1 .startIndex = 1 Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[3] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = EndOfStreamNotification handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in Stream>>next:into:startingAt: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EncodedStream(Stream)>>next:into:startingAt: Receiver: an EncodedStream Instance Variables: binary = true stream = an ExternalReadStream encoder = an UTF8StreamEncoder policy = nil lineEndConvention = 2 lineEndCharacter = nil skipSize = nil Arguments: anInteger = 1 aSequenceableCollection = a ByteArray[1] startIndex = 1 Temporaries: index = 1 stopIndex = 2 Context PC = 29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EncodedStream(Stream)>>next: Receiver: an EncodedStream Instance Variables: binary = true stream = an ExternalReadStream encoder = an UTF8StreamEncoder policy = nil lineEndConvention = 2 lineEndCharacter = nil skipSize = nil Arguments: anInteger = 1 Temporaries: newCollection = a ByteArray[1] Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ByteValue(FixedSizeValue)>>size:readFrom:for: Receiver: a ByteValue Instance Variables: contextParent = a PostgreSQLConnection value = nil bytes = nil numberOfBytes = 1 Arguments: aSize = 1 aStream = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder aContextParent = a PostgreSQLConnection Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ByteValue class(FixedSizeValue class)>>size:readFrom:for: Receiver: a ByteValue class Instance Variables: superclass = FixedSizeValue methodDict = a MethodDictionary[6] format = 16388 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[0] organization = ('private' #bytesAsValue #valueAsBytes) ('printing' #asHexString #printHexStringOn: #valueAsString) ('debugging' #asString) name = #ByteValue classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = nil Arguments: aSize = 1 aStream = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder aConnectionContext = a PostgreSQLConnection Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLMessage class>>readFrom:for: Receiver: a PostgreSQLMessage class Instance Variables: superclass = ConnectionContextElement methodDict = a MethodDictionary[7] format = 16385 subclasses = an Array[2] instanceVariables = an Array[0] organization = ('testing' #isCompletedResponse #isCursorResponse #isReadyForQuery #isRow #isRowDescription) ('license' #license) ('printing' #printOn:) name = #PostgreSQLMessage classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = nil subclassesByMessageIdentificationCode = an IdentityDictionary[11] Arguments: aStream = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder aConnectionContext = a PostgreSQLConnection Temporaries: messageIdentification = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLMessageReadStream>>nextInTheContextOf: Receiver: a PostgreSQLMessageReadStream Instance Variables: connection = a PostgreSQLConnection underlyingStream = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder loggingBlock = nil Arguments: aContext = a PostgreSQLConnection Temporaries: message = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLMessageReadStream>>next Receiver: a PostgreSQLMessageReadStream Instance Variables: connection = a PostgreSQLConnection underlyingStream = an EncodedStream on an ExternalReadStream with an UTF8StreamEncoder loggingBlock = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLStartupMessageFlow>>initiate Receiver: a PostgreSQLStartupMessageFlow Instance Variables: contextParent = a PostgreSQLConnection Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLConnection>>startup Receiver: a PostgreSQLConnection Instance Variables: parameters = a ConnectionParameterSet socketSession = a NativeSocketSession stringEncodingName = nil readStream = a PostgreSQLMessageReadStream writeStream = a PostgreSQLMessageWriteStream backendKeyData = nil dataTypeTable = nil functionTable = nil Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLConnection class>>using: Receiver: a PostgreSQLConnection class Instance Variables: superclass = Object methodDict = a MethodDictionary[25] format = 16392 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[8] organization = ('testing' #isActive #isClosed) ('initialize-release' #close #startup #using:) ('services' #connection #encoding #encoding: #executeQuery: #newFunctionCall #newQuery) ('private' #dataTypeTableFromBackend #functionTableFromBackend) ('license' #license) ('private - sockets' #basicSocketSession #readStream #socketSession #writeStream) ('accessing' #backendKeyData #backendKeyData: #dataTypeTable #functionTable #parameters #stringEncodingName #stringEncodingName:) name = #PostgreSQLConnection classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = nil activeConnections = a WeakArray[1] commonLog = nil Arguments: aParameterSet = a ConnectionParameterSet Temporaries: newConnection = a PostgreSQLConnection Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDIConnection>>acquireExternal Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection Instance Variables: stateHolder = a ValueHolder on: #new traceStream = nil traceLevel = 0 participants = a WeakArray[0] participantsSemaphore = a RecursionLock transaction = a PostgreSQLEXDITransaction username = 'andres' password = nil environment = 'localhost_VW_LocalStore_7.4.1' transactionCoordinator = a ValueHolder on: false cachedSession = nil isolationLevel = nil environmentParameters = a PostgreSQLEXDIEnvironmentString connection = nil parameterSet = a ConnectionParameterSet Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDIConnection>>acquireExternal: Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection Instance Variables: stateHolder = a ValueHolder on: #new traceStream = nil traceLevel = 0 participants = a WeakArray[0] participantsSemaphore = a RecursionLock transaction = a PostgreSQLEXDITransaction username = 'andres' password = nil environment = 'localhost_VW_LocalStore_7.4.1' transactionCoordinator = a ValueHolder on: false cachedSession = nil isolationLevel = nil environmentParameters = a PostgreSQLEXDIEnvironmentString connection = nil parameterSet = a ConnectionParameterSet Arguments: aPassword = 'aPassword' Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDIConnection(ExternalDatabaseConnection)>>acquire: Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection Instance Variables: stateHolder = a ValueHolder on: #new traceStream = nil traceLevel = 0 participants = a WeakArray[0] participantsSemaphore = a RecursionLock transaction = a PostgreSQLEXDITransaction username = 'andres' password = nil environment = 'localhost_VW_LocalStore_7.4.1' transactionCoordinator = a ValueHolder on: false cachedSession = nil isolationLevel = nil environmentParameters = a PostgreSQLEXDIEnvironmentString connection = nil parameterSet = a ConnectionParameterSet Arguments: aPassword = 'aPassword' Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDIConnection(ExternalDatabaseConnection)>>connect: Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection Instance Variables: stateHolder = a ValueHolder on: #new traceStream = nil traceLevel = 0 participants = a WeakArray[0] participantsSemaphore = a RecursionLock transaction = a PostgreSQLEXDITransaction username = 'andres' password = nil environment = 'localhost_VW_LocalStore_7.4.1' transactionCoordinator = a ValueHolder on: false cachedSession = nil isolationLevel = nil environmentParameters = a PostgreSQLEXDIEnvironmentString connection = nil parameterSet = a ConnectionParameterSet Arguments: aPassword = 'aPassword' Context PC = 51 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a Store.DBAccess .aProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = Error handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.DBAccess>>connectTo: Receiver: a Store.DBAccess Instance Variables: environmentString = nil connection = a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection sequenceConnection = nil connectedProfileHolder = a ValueHolder on: nil recentProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile isOnline = false tablePrefix = 'andres' debug = false log = false logFile = nil databaseIdentifier = 'CAG 7.4.1' storeBroker = Store.PostgreSQLServerBroker installScript = nil debugger = a Store.StoreLogEnvironment Arguments: aProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>connectTo: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>connectTo: outerContext = nil copiedValues = a Store.ConnectionProfile Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Cursor>>showWhile: Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor>>showWhile: Receiver: a Cursor Instance Variables: errorCode = 0 handle = a ByteArray[8] image = Depth1Image(extent: 16@16 depth: 1) mask = Depth1Image(extent: 16@16 depth: 1) hotSpot = 0@0 name = 'wait' Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>connectTo: Temporaries: oldcursor = Cursor normal Context PC = 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>connectTo: Receiver: a Store.MiniRepositoryManager Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil labelHolder = a ValueHolder on: an UserMessage('Not connected', #repmanNotConnected, #labels) Arguments: aProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>createConnectOrDisconnectItemFor: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: controller = a ControllerWithSelectMenu Temporaries: .self = a Store.MiniRepositoryManager .aProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ControllerWithSelectMenu(ControllerWithMenu)>>dispatchMenuSelection: Receiver: a ControllerWithSelectMenu Instance Variables: model = a ValueHolder on: an UserMessage('Not connected', #repmanNotConnected, #labels) view = an InputFieldView sensor = a TranslatingSensor menuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController performer = a Store.MiniRepositoryManager selectMenuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController Arguments: menuSelection = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>createConnectOrDisconnectItemFor: Context PC = 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ControllerWithSelectMenu(ControllerWithMenu)>>processMenu:at:centered: Receiver: a ControllerWithSelectMenu Instance Variables: model = a ValueHolder on: an UserMessage('Not connected', #repmanNotConnected, #labels) view = an InputFieldView sensor = a TranslatingSensor menuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController performer = a Store.MiniRepositoryManager selectMenuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController Arguments: aMenu = a Menu aPoint = 572@246 centered = true Temporaries: valueResult = a MenuItem 'Connect to LocalStore 7.4.1' Context PC = 41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ControllerWithSelectMenu>>redButtonPressedEvent: Receiver: a ControllerWithSelectMenu Instance Variables: model = a ValueHolder on: an UserMessage('Not connected', #repmanNotConnected, #labels) view = an InputFieldView sensor = a TranslatingSensor menuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController performer = a Store.MiniRepositoryManager selectMenuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController Arguments: event = a RedButtonPressedEvent Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonPressedEvent>>dispatchTo: Receiver: a RedButtonPressedEvent Instance Variables: time = 2971965 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = an ApplicationWindow 77594655 state = 1 x = 568 y = 188 gx = 572 gy = 246 buttonNumber = 1 Arguments: anObject = a ControllerWithSelectMenu Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ControllerWithSelectMenu(ControllerWithMenu)>>handleEvent: Receiver: a ControllerWithSelectMenu Instance Variables: model = a ValueHolder on: an UserMessage('Not connected', #repmanNotConnected, #labels) view = an InputFieldView sensor = a TranslatingSensor menuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController performer = a Store.MiniRepositoryManager selectMenuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.MiniRepositoryManager>>installLabelController Arguments: anEvent = a RedButtonPressedEvent Context PC = 38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to: Receiver: an EventDispatcher Instance Variables: windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController currentMouseConsumer = nil grabbingMouse = false keyboardProcessor = nil lastControlObject = nil trapList = nil state = nil repairDamageWhenDebugging = true flushQueueAfterError = true distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true dragDropInProgress = false dragDropTracker = nil dispatchUnknownEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonPressedEvent object = a ControllerWithSelectMenu Temporaries: tmp = nil Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: Receiver: an EventDispatcher Instance Variables: windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController currentMouseConsumer = nil grabbingMouse = false keyboardProcessor = nil lastControlObject = nil trapList = nil state = nil repairDamageWhenDebugging = true flushQueueAfterError = true distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true dragDropInProgress = false dragDropTracker = nil dispatchUnknownEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonPressedEvent Temporaries: objectWantingControl = a ControllerWithSelectMenu targetKeyboardProcessor = nil Context PC = 113 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatch Receiver: a RedButtonPressedEvent Instance Variables: time = 2971965 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = an ApplicationWindow 77594655 state = 1 x = 568 y = 188 gx = 572 gy = 246 buttonNumber = 1 Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: a RedButtonPressedEvent Instance Variables: time = 2971965 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = an ApplicationWindow 77594655 state = 1 x = 568 y = 188 gx = 572 gy = 246 buttonNumber = 1 Arguments: aWinMgr = a WindowManager Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .event = a RedButtonPressedEvent .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = BadControllerError handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: a WindowManager Instance Variables: windows = an OrderedCollection[2] activeController = nil interruptLock = false outstandingMetaOrDamage = false openInProgress = false eventQueue = an EventQueue baseProcess = a Process in Semaphore>>wait dontFilterEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonPressedEvent Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowManager>>processNextEvent Receiver: a WindowManager Instance Variables: windows = an OrderedCollection[2] activeController = nil interruptLock = false outstandingMetaOrDamage = false openInProgress = false eventQueue = an EventQueue baseProcess = a Process in Semaphore>>wait dontFilterEvents = false Temporaries: event = a RedButtonPressedEvent Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess outerContext = nil copiedValues = a WindowManager Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in WindowManager>>newProcess outerContext = nil copiedValues = a WindowManager Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Context PC = 9 |
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