Access Violations in 4.0 VM

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Access Violations in 4.0 VM

Bill Dargel
I've run into problems with Dolphin crashing after I turned it into a
COM server and started calling on it from a VisualBasic client. It
happens often enough to be a problem, but not often enough to track down
easily. :-(

I apologize for the length of this post, but it is a nebulous enough
problem that I'm not sure what details may be relevant. In trying to
simplify, I did uncover that with even the default image the VM causes
access violations which are caught and so never bother the user. But
perhaps it's masking some real problems for me? If anyone has any ideas
on this, or any other aspect of my problem, or how I might proceed, I'm

First, let me get the environment out of the way. Dolphin 4.01.03 With
Gorisek's Source Tracking System, SUnit w/Jeff's browser, and a few of
Ian's goodies. Windows 2000 Pro SP2. VisualStudio 6.0 SP5, VisualBasic
with vbUnit3.06.02 Pro (eval) integrated.

Overall, it appears to fall apart more readily when the image is
stressed, by making more COM calls in sequence or by letting the memory
footprint grow before letting it idle long enough for garbage collection
to kick in and reduce the memory utilized.

It's been failing a lot of different ways -- sometimes with access
violations or protection fault walkbacks and sometimes just terminating
without a word. Once recently when it did that, I checked the .errors
file and it looks like it got  an initial gpFault and then a couple of
additional gpFaults while trying to create a WalkbackDialog. Another
time it gave an OK dialog saying it had hit a breakpoint and then died.
Looking at the .errors showed a sequence of over 240 gpFaults within 2

At one point I got the idea of attaching the VisualStudio C++ debugger
to the Dolphin process. I saw that as it ran it would often encounter a
number of Access Violations but keep running. When it eventually hits
the wall, it's either problems with the Heap such as "HEAP[Dolphin.exe]:
Invalid Address specified to RtlSizeHeap(c10000,c438a0)" or
"HEAP[Dolphin.exe]: HEAP: Free Heap block c45618 modified at c45654
after it was freed", or it's problems with hitting a UserBreakpoint such
as at NTDLL 77fa018c, which was being called through 3 other levels in
NTDLL from OLE32 from OLEAUT32 from DOLPHINVM004 10012536().

Another indication of things going awry is when a 2nd instance of
Dolphin gets started. I've registered the COM implementation classes and
classFactories for them. So when I have the development image open the
COM client usually just connects to it. But sometimes, right in the
middle of a series of COM calls, a second instance of Dolphin.exe gets
started. Does this tell me anything useful, other than perhaps the 1st
instance has become unresponsive in some way?

I've been trying to isolate and simplify what was being called and still
being able to reproduce some manifestation of the problem. Since the
Access Violations showing up in the C++ debugger seemed to be a definite
precursor of the eventual crash, I only worried about what would cause
one of them to appear while simplifying the test. Unfortunately I then
noticed that in just the initial loading of my working image (before any
COM calls are made on it) there are a couple of instances of
"First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
Violation" right in between loading "riched20.dll" and "shlwapi.dll".

I went back to the distributed Default.img and found that the image
would load cleanly. BUT, when I opened a Class Hierarchy Browser it then
    - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
    - Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Object Arts\Dolphin
Smalltalk 4.0\DolphinCR004.dll', no matching symbolic information found.

    - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access

Granted, if I wasn't looking at the C++ debugger's output I wouldn't
know there was any problem. Is this considered normal? From what I
understand, an access violation is occurring but it's being caught and
the program is continuing. I'm all for robust code, but should the
violation even occur in the first place? If access violations are
expected and ignored at some level, how do I ever figure out what's
going wrong and eventually crashing the program? Help!

Wishing I was back working only in Smalltalk...

Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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Re: Access Violations in 4.0 VM

Randy Manning
VB is bad to the bone; Don't get me wrong...
I just "Like" Dolphin better than VB. I know that one can create simple
more quickly than in Samalltalk. BUT !!! , One does not have the opportunity
investigate what's going on in a VB program. Such is not the case in
One is allowed to make things get better - - I'd rather take the learning
Stick with Smalltalk - and you'll come out ahead.

Hope I'm not being a bore.


"Bill Dargel" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> I've run into problems with Dolphin crashing after I turned it into a
> COM server and started calling on it from a VisualBasic client. It
> happens often enough to be a problem, but not often enough to track down
> easily. :-(
> I apologize for the length of this post, but it is a nebulous enough
> problem that I'm not sure what details may be relevant. In trying to
> simplify, I did uncover that with even the default image the VM causes
> access violations which are caught and so never bother the user. But
> perhaps it's masking some real problems for me? If anyone has any ideas
> on this, or any other aspect of my problem, or how I might proceed, I'm
> listening...
> First, let me get the environment out of the way. Dolphin 4.01.03 With
> Gorisek's Source Tracking System, SUnit w/Jeff's browser, and a few of
> Ian's goodies. Windows 2000 Pro SP2. VisualStudio 6.0 SP5, VisualBasic
> with vbUnit3.06.02 Pro (eval) integrated.
> Overall, it appears to fall apart more readily when the image is
> stressed, by making more COM calls in sequence or by letting the memory
> footprint grow before letting it idle long enough for garbage collection
> to kick in and reduce the memory utilized.
> It's been failing a lot of different ways -- sometimes with access
> violations or protection fault walkbacks and sometimes just terminating
> without a word. Once recently when it did that, I checked the .errors
> file and it looks like it got  an initial gpFault and then a couple of
> additional gpFaults while trying to create a WalkbackDialog. Another
> time it gave an OK dialog saying it had hit a breakpoint and then died.
> Looking at the .errors showed a sequence of over 240 gpFaults within 2
> seconds!
> At one point I got the idea of attaching the VisualStudio C++ debugger
> to the Dolphin process. I saw that as it ran it would often encounter a
> number of Access Violations but keep running. When it eventually hits
> the wall, it's either problems with the Heap such as "HEAP[Dolphin.exe]:
> Invalid Address specified to RtlSizeHeap(c10000,c438a0)" or
> "HEAP[Dolphin.exe]: HEAP: Free Heap block c45618 modified at c45654
> after it was freed", or it's problems with hitting a UserBreakpoint such
> as at NTDLL 77fa018c, which was being called through 3 other levels in
> NTDLL from OLE32 from OLEAUT32 from DOLPHINVM004 10012536().
> Another indication of things going awry is when a 2nd instance of
> Dolphin gets started. I've registered the COM implementation classes and
> classFactories for them. So when I have the development image open the
> COM client usually just connects to it. But sometimes, right in the
> middle of a series of COM calls, a second instance of Dolphin.exe gets
> started. Does this tell me anything useful, other than perhaps the 1st
> instance has become unresponsive in some way?
> I've been trying to isolate and simplify what was being called and still
> being able to reproduce some manifestation of the problem. Since the
> Access Violations showing up in the C++ debugger seemed to be a definite
> precursor of the eventual crash, I only worried about what would cause
> one of them to appear while simplifying the test. Unfortunately I then
> noticed that in just the initial loading of my working image (before any
> COM calls are made on it) there are a couple of instances of
> "First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation" right in between loading "riched20.dll" and "shlwapi.dll".
> I went back to the distributed Default.img and found that the image
> would load cleanly. BUT, when I opened a Class Hierarchy Browser it then
> got:
>     - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation.
>     - Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Object Arts\Dolphin
> Smalltalk 4.0\DolphinCR004.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
>     - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation.
> Granted, if I wasn't looking at the C++ debugger's output I wouldn't
> know there was any problem. Is this considered normal? From what I
> understand, an access violation is occurring but it's being caught and
> the program is continuing. I'm all for robust code, but should the
> violation even occur in the first place? If access violations are
> expected and ignored at some level, how do I ever figure out what's
> going wrong and eventually crashing the program? Help!
> Wishing I was back working only in Smalltalk...
> -Bill
> -------------------------------------------
> Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
> Shoshana Technologies
> 100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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Re: Access Violations in 4.0 VM

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Bill Dargel
"Bill Dargel" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> ...
> I went back to the distributed Default.img and found that the image
> would load cleanly. BUT, when I opened a Class Hierarchy Browser it then
> got:
>     - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation.
>     - Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Object Arts\Dolphin
> Smalltalk 4.0\DolphinCR004.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
>     - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation.
> Granted, if I wasn't looking at the C++ debugger's output I wouldn't
> know there was any problem. Is this considered normal? From what I
> understand, an access violation is occurring but it's being caught and
> the program is continuing. I'm all for robust code, but should the
> violation even occur in the first place?

It is normal for Dolphin to cause occassional access violations in normal
use. Dolphin "grows" both process stacks and its object memory by using
"guard" pages. This is an efficient way to provide a dynamically sized chunk
of virtual memory that starts small, but which has the potential to grow
very large, without requiring a bounds test on every access. When you open a
CHB, Dolphin has to allocate a large number of objects, and so it is quite
common for such an object memory growth to occur.

>....If access violations are
> expected and ignored at some level, how do I ever figure out what's
> going wrong and eventually crashing the program? Help!

Careful perusal of the error log should help you to determine where the
access violations are occurring. Dolphin obviously doesn't log the
violations that it uses internally to manage virtual memory.



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Re: Access Violations in 4.0 VM

Randy Manning
In reply to this post by Bill Dargel
Sorry Bill,
Just re-read your post and realised what a mistake I made on your behalf.
I thought you were attcking Smalltalk...
So sorry,


"Bill Dargel" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> I've run into problems with Dolphin crashing after I turned it into a
> COM server and started calling on it from a VisualBasic client. It
> happens often enough to be a problem, but not often enough to track down
> easily. :-(
> I apologize for the length of this post, but it is a nebulous enough
> problem that I'm not sure what details may be relevant. In trying to
> simplify, I did uncover that with even the default image the VM causes
> access violations which are caught and so never bother the user. But
> perhaps it's masking some real problems for me? If anyone has any ideas
> on this, or any other aspect of my problem, or how I might proceed, I'm
> listening...
> First, let me get the environment out of the way. Dolphin 4.01.03 With
> Gorisek's Source Tracking System, SUnit w/Jeff's browser, and a few of
> Ian's goodies. Windows 2000 Pro SP2. VisualStudio 6.0 SP5, VisualBasic
> with vbUnit3.06.02 Pro (eval) integrated.
> Overall, it appears to fall apart more readily when the image is
> stressed, by making more COM calls in sequence or by letting the memory
> footprint grow before letting it idle long enough for garbage collection
> to kick in and reduce the memory utilized.
> It's been failing a lot of different ways -- sometimes with access
> violations or protection fault walkbacks and sometimes just terminating
> without a word. Once recently when it did that, I checked the .errors
> file and it looks like it got  an initial gpFault and then a couple of
> additional gpFaults while trying to create a WalkbackDialog. Another
> time it gave an OK dialog saying it had hit a breakpoint and then died.
> Looking at the .errors showed a sequence of over 240 gpFaults within 2
> seconds!
> At one point I got the idea of attaching the VisualStudio C++ debugger
> to the Dolphin process. I saw that as it ran it would often encounter a
> number of Access Violations but keep running. When it eventually hits
> the wall, it's either problems with the Heap such as "HEAP[Dolphin.exe]:
> Invalid Address specified to RtlSizeHeap(c10000,c438a0)" or
> "HEAP[Dolphin.exe]: HEAP: Free Heap block c45618 modified at c45654
> after it was freed", or it's problems with hitting a UserBreakpoint such
> as at NTDLL 77fa018c, which was being called through 3 other levels in
> NTDLL from OLE32 from OLEAUT32 from DOLPHINVM004 10012536().
> Another indication of things going awry is when a 2nd instance of
> Dolphin gets started. I've registered the COM implementation classes and
> classFactories for them. So when I have the development image open the
> COM client usually just connects to it. But sometimes, right in the
> middle of a series of COM calls, a second instance of Dolphin.exe gets
> started. Does this tell me anything useful, other than perhaps the 1st
> instance has become unresponsive in some way?
> I've been trying to isolate and simplify what was being called and still
> being able to reproduce some manifestation of the problem. Since the
> Access Violations showing up in the C++ debugger seemed to be a definite
> precursor of the eventual crash, I only worried about what would cause
> one of them to appear while simplifying the test. Unfortunately I then
> noticed that in just the initial loading of my working image (before any
> COM calls are made on it) there are a couple of instances of
> "First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation" right in between loading "riched20.dll" and "shlwapi.dll".
> I went back to the distributed Default.img and found that the image
> would load cleanly. BUT, when I opened a Class Hierarchy Browser it then
> got:
>     - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation.
>     - Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Object Arts\Dolphin
> Smalltalk 4.0\DolphinCR004.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
>     - First-chance exception in Dolphin.exe (DLL): 0xC0000005: Access
> Violation.
> Granted, if I wasn't looking at the C++ debugger's output I wouldn't
> know there was any problem. Is this considered normal? From what I
> understand, an access violation is occurring but it's being caught and
> the program is continuing. I'm all for robust code, but should the
> violation even occur in the first place? If access violations are
> expected and ignored at some level, how do I ever figure out what's
> going wrong and eventually crashing the program? Help!
> Wishing I was back working only in Smalltalk...
> -Bill
> -------------------------------------------
> Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
> Shoshana Technologies
> 100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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Re: Access Violations in 4.0 VM

Gary Overgard
In reply to this post by Bill Dargel
I do not have anything particularly useful to add to this, other than to say
I am also quite interested in VB calling COM (and hopefully soon COM+
objects) that are written in Dolphin.  It may be nice to stay in the
Smalltalk world, but if you are hoping to introduce Smalltalk to a VB shop
(as in my case) its quite useful to be able to do 'piece' solutions.
 --Gary Overgard