Accessing 64bit .so files in VA 7.5.2 (32bit)

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Accessing 64bit .so files in VA 7.5.2 (32bit)

Gaurav Sharma
I was trying to access some 64bit .so files in VA Smalltalk (7.5.2) installed on a linux machine. The code works fine for 32bit files but fails for 64bit files...
We used a platform function object but it is not able to return  a valid function pointer as  "abtValidAddress" returns false.
Any clue as to how this can be fixed? or are 64bit .so files not supported?

( PlatformFunction

      language: 'mvs'

     function:  'bjl'

     library: (CfsDirectoryDescriptor getcwd,'/',('BJL32'))

     parameterTypes: #(pointer)

     returnType: #int32 ) abtValidAddress.




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Re: Accessing 64bit .so files in VA 7.5.2 (32bit)

Marten Feldtmann-2
You can not access 64 bit libraries from 32 bit applications.

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