Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

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Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

Edward Stow

I am constructing  custom SURequest object -- and need to access the
post parameters during callback.
How would you accesss the testParam callback parameter values.

Ideally with something like:

renderSaveRequestOn: html

        html anchor
  onClick:  (html request
  callback: [ self updateModel: self testParamValue];
                        addParameter: 'testParam' -> 'abc');
  with: 'SURequest example'
What would #testParamValue need to implement?


Edward Stow
seaside mailing list
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Re: Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

Lukas Renggli
>  How would you accesss the testParam callback parameter values.

This is not how Seaside works.

Try this:

>         html anchor
>                 onClick:  (html request
>                         callback: [ self updateModel: testParamValue ];
>                         callback: [ :value | testParamValue := value ] value: 'abc');
>                 with: 'SURequest example'


Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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Re: Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

Edward Stow
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:

>  Try this:
>  >         html anchor
>  >                 onClick:  (html request
>  >                         callback: [ self updateModel: testParamValue ];
>  >                         callback: [ :value | testParamValue := value ] value: 'abc');
>  >                 with: 'SURequest example'

I think a little more explanation of my scenario is needed:  I have a
client side javascript application -- a google maps mashup with a
number of overlays, that is manipulated entirely within the browser.
The browser model can be serialized in json format with a function
call eg:

myModel.toJson()  -- so what I want to end up with is a callback that
returns the json data to my Seaside component.

The basic questions is how to construct a the requests so to call some
function eg toJson() in the browser and return the string generated by
the function.


Edward Stow
seaside mailing list
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Re: Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

Edward Stow
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Edward Stow <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  >
>  >  Try this:
>  >
>  >
>  >  >         html anchor
>  >  >                 onClick:  (html request
>  >  >                         callback: [ self updateModel: testParamValue ];
>  >  >                         callback: [ :value | testParamValue := value ] value: 'abc');
>  >  >                 with: 'SURequest example'
>  >
>  I think a little more explanation of my scenario is needed:  I have a
>  client side javascript application -- a google maps mashup with a
>  number of overlays, that is manipulated entirely within the browser.
>  The browser model can be serialized in json format with a function
>  call eg:
>  myModel.toJson()  -- so what I want to end up with is a callback that
>  returns the json data to my Seaside component.
>  The basic questions is how to construct a the requests so to call some
>  function eg toJson() in the browser and return the string generated by
>  the function.

I have been hacking around (in the pejorative sense) with
WACallbackStream -- this works but is clearly not at all elegant.

MyComponent>>processCallbackStream: aCallbackStream
        aCallbackStream request fields
                at: 'testParam' ifPresent: [:testParam | self updateModel: testParam ].
        super processCallbackStream: aCallbackStream

And in


Edward Stow
seaside mailing list
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Re: Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

Lukas Renggli
In reply to this post by Edward Stow
>  >  >         html anchor
>  >  >                 onClick:  (html request
>  >  >                         callback: [ self updateModel: testParamValue ];
>  >  >                         callback: [ :value | testParamValue := value ] value: 'abc');
>  >  >                 with: 'SURequest example'

Why doesn't this code work?

I only notice now that you are using a #request, so you can even make
it simpler:

    html request callback: [ :value | self updateModel: value ] value: 'abc'

>  myModel.toJson()  -- so what I want to end up with is a callback that
>  returns the json data to my Seaside component.

The #callback:value:'s first argument is the callback block with the
value, the second argument is the JSON data (in this case a string)
that is serialized on the browser side and brought to the server side.
See the method comment for details.

Lukas renggli

Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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Re: Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

Edward Stow
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:

> >  >  >         html anchor
>  >  >  >                 onClick:  (html request
>  >  >  >                         callback: [ self updateModel: testParamValue ];
>  >  >  >                         callback: [ :value | testParamValue := value ] value: 'abc');
>  >  >  >                 with: 'SURequest example'
>  Why doesn't this code work?
>  I only notice now that you are using a #request, so you can even make
>  it simpler:
>     html request callback: [ :value | self updateModel: value ] value: 'abc'
>  >  myModel.toJson()  -- so what I want to end up with is a callback that
>  >  returns the json data to my Seaside component.
>  The #callback:value:'s first argument is the callback block with the
>  value, the second argument is the JSON data (in this case a string)
>  that is serialized on the browser side and brought to the server side.
>  See the method comment for details.

I read the comment (copied below) and was a little confused:

SUAjax>>callback: aBlock value: anObject
        "Register aBlock as a secondary callback. anObject is interpreted as
JavaScript on the client-side, the result will be sent back to the
server and passed into aBlock. Multiple secondary callbacks can be
defined with one receiver."

I took this to (incorrectly) mean that anObject is serialized to a
json format, and is included as a string in the post parameters.  This
does work:

        str := SUStream new nextPutAll: 'myMap.toJson()'.
  html anchor
                onClick:  (html request
                        callback: [ :value | self updateModel: value ] value: str );
                with: 'SURequest example'

So my final question is do you need the primary callback at all?


Edward Stow
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Accessing SURequest / SUAjax post parameters

Lukas Renggli
>  So my final question is do you need the primary callback at all?

Not in your case, I suppose.


Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]