According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

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According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

Intrader Intrader
Query action
Note: this is from hist presentation at ESUG.

Fits the following code perfectly:
onClick: ((html jQuery: #count) load
            html: [ :h | h render: (count := count - 1) ]);

However, what pattern fits the following":
      html submitButton
         onClick: (html jQuery ajax
            script: [ :s | s << (s jQuery: #logger) html: DateAndTime now ]);
         with: 'Replace'.

There appear that there are two messages starting with 'jQuery' '#jQuery' and
'#jQuery:'; but what is the Query and what is the action in the last example?

It would be nice to have some paragraphs describing the architecture of the
jQuery implementation in Seaside. Merely to point to the superb jQuery
documentation is not sufficient for me.


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Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

Lukas Renggli doesn't answer your question?


On 23 December 2010 22:54, Fritz Schenk <[hidden email]> wrote:

> "Basically
> Query action
> "
> Note: this is from hist presentation at ESUG.
> Fits the following code perfectly:
> <code>
> onClick: ((html jQuery: #count) load
>            html: [ :h | h render: (count := count - 1) ]);
> </code>
> However, what pattern fits the following":
> <code>
>      html submitButton
>         onClick: (html jQuery ajax
>            script: [ :s | s << (s jQuery: #logger) html: DateAndTime now ]);
>         with: 'Replace'.
> </code>
> There appear that there are two messages starting with 'jQuery' '#jQuery' and
> '#jQuery:'; but what is the Query and what is the action in the last example?
> It would be nice to have some paragraphs describing the architecture of the
> jQuery implementation in Seaside. Merely to point to the superb jQuery
> documentation is not sufficient for me.
> Thanks
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Lukas Renggli
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Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

Intrader Intrader
This is going to be helpful in understanding 'say it in Seaside(Smalltalk)'
Thank you for quick response.

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Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

Intrader Intrader
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli
Definitely helpful.
However, note that 'html jQuery ajax' is a queryless construct that does not
follow the diagram
I noted while reading the chapters covering the 'internals' of jQuery in Seaside:
1. Ah! - the 'No query' form 'html jQuery ajax.
2. Why is the 'new' message needed for jQuery?
3. to avoid purists comments please don't make allusion that javascript has
classes (as in 'JQueryClass is conceptually a Javascript class'); uhm, perhaps
that is also true of self. You might say that JQueryClass is modeled as a
Javascript object.
4. These chapters will make me a much better javascript and smalltalk programmer.

Thanks a bunch

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Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

Intrader Intrader
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli
Revisiting the posts I realize that upon reading
20/jquery/enhanced-todo-application/callbacks-redux, there no Ajax example given.

The Fig 146 does not include 'html jQuery ajax'.

What about making an example of the counter component with Ajax used to obtain
the new value. And the proof of the pudding would be mulicounter using the same
ajaxified counter.

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