Hello Forum,
Well, I suppose this is my first contribution, if it wouldn't be considered presumptuous to call it that. As I said in a previous post, criticism is welcome. The package below will add two classes to the framework: ActiveTreeModel and ActiveTreeNode. They extend the behavior of TreeModel and TreeNode (from which they subclass, respectively) to allow more robust manipulation of the children in a node. I explain in the class comments what "active" means. A full explanation can be found in the book Reusable Software, by Bertrand Meyer, or the book Object-Oriented Software Construction by the same author. I tested the classes for about an hour, albeit not with TestCase<s> as I don't know how to use SUnit yet within Dolphin (although after having read Kent Beck's tutorial, it seems pretty straightforward). Please bear in mind that I only just started with Dolphin and Smalltalk about five weeks ago, so the grammar is probably a bit crude. Also, you will see methods such as #moveChild:toBefore: that probably could have been named simply #move:toBefore, in retrospect. That's the Eiffel convention coming out. Both ActiveTreeModel and ActiveTreeNode should be non-breaking if they were to be substituted everywhere one is using TreeModel and TreeNode. In ActiveTreeModel, I override #nodeClass, and in ActiveTreeNode, I override #size. Overriding #size might not have been warranted: again, in Eiffel, the method, count, includes the count of the node's children _and_ the node's object, or in other words, <(children size) + 1>. A more efficient approach to counting nodes might be to maintain the count dynamically, so that #size would simply return a value immediately. Indeed OA's comments in TreeModel even encourage a more efficient counting implementation. I hope this little extension proves useful. If anything, it could be something to build on. Cheers, Eric ======================================================================== = | package | package := Package name: 'EST Framework Extensions'. package paxVersion: 1; basicComment: ''. package classNames add: #ActiveTreeModel; add: #ActiveTreeNode; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: '..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Models\Tree\Dolphin Tree Models'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! TreeModel subclass: #ActiveTreeModel instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! TreeNode subclass: #ActiveTreeNode instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! ActiveTreeModel guid: (GUID fromString: '{35807D61-53DC-4DDF-9F30-F28A495D2057}')! ActiveTreeModel comment: 'One of the limitations of TreeModel is that children of a node cannot be manipulated explicitly except in the most basic way: adding at the end, removing, or moving to end of the children of a different parent. Manipulation beyond this can only be done on a copy in the form of an ordered collection, a bag, a set, etc. ActiveTreeModel builds on TreeModel by overcoming this limitation and exploiting the fact that children are stored in an OrderedCollection. Nodes can be added to children after or before another child node, or altogether replaced by another node*. ActiveTreeModel opens the door to creating a fully active tree structure**. The node class of an ActiveTreeModel is an ActiveTreeNode. *Note that, when replacing node, no attempt is made to preserve the children of the node being replaced. Further, it is node itself that is replaced, not the node''s object. **Active structures are those data structures that encapsulate some notion of cursor. The cursor may be implied (the simple manipulation of items by an index), or explicitly defined as a new behavior. Indeed, a cursor can be quite complicated and contain a great deal more information beyond position alone. An active tree structure normally provides two types of cursors: a cursor for addressing the parent nodes of the tree (global cursor), and a cursor for addressing children (child cursor). In other words, whereas nodes are unaware of their position in a tree (unable, for example, to answer "I am the 4th node in the 3rd level" or "I am the 3rd child of the 5th node in the 6th level"), an active tree provides for a meta-awareness of the relative positions of its nodes. '! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesForClass!MVP-Models! ! !ActiveTreeModel methodsFor! add: leafObject asChildOf: parentObject after: anotherLeafObject "Adds the <Object>, leafObject, to the receiver as a child of the <Object>, parentObject, and after the <Object>, anotherLeafObject, answering the new leaf. If the parent is nil then leaf is added as a root of the tree. If leaf already exists in the tree, then answer the existing node which is left in place (i.e. it is not an error to attempt to add an equivalent node twice, and the existing node is not overwritten with the new object). If the parent node does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>. If anotherLeafObject does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>. Otherwise, answer the leaf object added." | parentNode childNode targetNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. childNode notNil ifTrue: [^childNode object]. parentNode := parentObject isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [self getNodeFor: parentObject]. targetNode := self getNodeFor: anotherLeafObject. self addChild: leafObject parentNode: parentNode after: targetNode. self trigger: #item:addedInParent: with: leafObject with: parentObject. ^leafObject! add: leafObject asChildOf: parentObject before: anotherLeafObject "Adds the <Object>, leafObject, to the receiver as a child of the <Object>, parentObject, and before the <Object>, anotherLeafObject, answering the new leaf. If the parent is nil then leaf is added as a root of the tree. If leaf already exists in the tree, then answer the existing node which is left in place (i.e. it is not an error to attempt to add an equivalent node twice, and the existing node is not overwritten with the new object). If the parent node does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>. If anotherLeafObject does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>. Otherwise, answer the leaf object added." | parentNode childNode targetNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. childNode notNil ifTrue: [^childNode object]. parentNode := parentObject isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [self getNodeFor: parentObject]. targetNode := self getNodeFor: anotherLeafObject. self addChild: leafObject parentNode: parentNode before: targetNode. self trigger: #item:addedInParent: with: leafObject with: parentObject. ^leafObject! addChild: anObject parentNode: parentNode after: anActiveTreeNode "Private - Create a child leaf and add under the specified parent node and after the target node, anActiveTreeNode. Answer the new child node." | childNode | childNode := self newNode: anObject. objectNodeMap at: anObject put: childNode. parentNode addChildNode: childNode after: anActiveTreeNode. ^childNode! addChild: anObject parentNode: parentNode before: anActiveTreeNode "Private - Create a child leaf and add under the specified parent node and before the target node, anActiveTreeNode. Answer the new child node." | childNode | childNode := self newNode: anObject. objectNodeMap at: anObject put: childNode. parentNode addChildNode: childNode before: anActiveTreeNode. ^childNode! atChild: anObject put: replacementObject "Replace the <Object>, anObject, with the <Object>, replacementObject. If the target of the replacement not found, raise a <NotFoundError>. Otherwise, answer the replacement object." | targetNode | targetNode := self getNodeFor: anObject ifAbsent: []. self atChildNode: targetNode put: replacementObject. self trigger: #item:replacedInChildrenWith: with: anObject with: replacementObject. ^replacementObject! atChildNode: anActiveTreeNode put: replacementObject "Private - Replace anActiveTreeNode with a new node for replacementObject. Answer the replacement node. Note that this uses the private method #changeKey:to: of LookupTable. If the key is not changed, then the replacement node is not accessible even though the lookup table contains it." | replacementNode parentNode | replacementNode := self newNode: replacementObject. objectNodeMap at: anActiveTreeNode object put: replacementNode. objectNodeMap changeKey: anActiveTreeNode object to: replacementNode object. parentNode := anActiveTreeNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [anActiveTreeNode parent]. parentNode atChildNode: anActiveTreeNode put: replacementNode. ^replacementNode! childAfterOrNil: leafObject | childNode parentNode nodeAfter | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. (nodeAfter := parentNode childNodeAfterOrNil: childNode) isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. ^nodeAfter object! childAt: anInteger inParent: parentObject "Answers the child located at the index, anInteger, within the parentObject's collection of children." | parentNode | parentNode := self getNodeFor: parentObject ifAbsent: []. ^(parentNode childNodeAt: anInteger) object! childBeforeOrNil: leafObject | childNode parentNode nodeBefore | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. (nodeBefore := parentNode childNodeBeforeOrNil: childNode) isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. ^nodeBefore object! firstChildOrNil: parentObject | parentNode | parentNode := self getNodeFor: parentObject ifAbsent: []. ^parentNode firstChildNodeOrNil object.! indexOfChild: leafObject "Answers the index of the child within the collection of its parent's children. In other words, this is a local index." | childNode parentNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. ^parentNode indexOfChildNode: childNode! lastChildOrNil: parentObject | parentNode | parentNode := self getNodeFor: parentObject ifAbsent: []. ^parentNode lastChildNodeOrNil object.! moveChild: leafObject downBy: anInteger "Overshooting the last child does not generate an error; the move simply takes on the behavior of #moveChildToBottom:." | parentNode childNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. self moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode downBy: anInteger; notifyMoved: leafObject inParent: parentNode object. ^leafObject! moveChild: leafObject toAfter: anotherLeafObject | parentNode childNode targetNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. targetNode := self getNodeFor: anotherLeafObject ifAbsent: []. self moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode toAfter: targetNode; notifyMoved: leafObject inParent: parentNode object. ^leafObject! moveChild: leafObject toBefore: anotherLeafObject | parentNode childNode targetNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. targetNode := self getNodeFor: anotherLeafObject ifAbsent: []. self moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode toBefore: targetNode; notifyMoved: leafObject inParent: parentNode object. ^leafObject! moveChild: leafObject upBy: anInteger "Overshooting the first child does not generate an error; the move simply takes on the behavior of #moveChildToTop:." | parentNode childNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. self moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode upBy: anInteger; notifyMoved: leafObject inParent: parentNode object. ^leafObject ! moveChildDown: leafObject ^self moveChild: leafObject downBy: 1! moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode downBy: anInteger "Private" ^parentNode moveChildNode: childNode downBy: anInteger ! moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode toAfter: targetNode "Private" ^parentNode moveChildNode: childNode toAfter: targetNode ! moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode toBefore: targetNode "Private" ^parentNode moveChildNode: childNode toBefore: targetNode ! moveChildNode: childNode parentNode: parentNode upBy: anInteger "Private" ^parentNode moveChildNode: childNode upBy: anInteger ! moveChildNodeToBottom: childNode parentNode: parentNode "Private" ^parentNode moveChildNodeToBottom: childNode! moveChildNodeToTop: childNode parentNode: parentNode "Private" ^parentNode moveChildNodeToTop: childNode! moveChildToBottom: leafObject | parentNode childNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. self moveChildNodeToBottom: childNode parentNode: parentNode; notifyMoved: leafObject inParent: parentNode object. ^leafObject! moveChildToTop: leafObject | parentNode childNode | childNode := self getNodeFor: leafObject ifAbsent: []. parentNode := childNode parent isNil ifTrue: [anchorNode] ifFalse: [childNode parent]. self moveChildNodeToTop: childNode parentNode: parentNode; notifyMoved: leafObject inParent: parentNode object. ^leafObject! moveChildUp: leafObject ^self moveChild: leafObject upBy: 1! nodeClass ^ActiveTreeNode! notifyMoved: leafObject inParent: parentObject "Private - All moves, however they are carried out, are treated as the same." self trigger: #item:movedInParent: with: leafObject with: parentObject! sizeOfChildrenIn: parentObject "Answer the number of child nodes in the parent (does not include the node object itself)." ^(self sizeOfNodeFor: parentObject ) - 1! sizeOfNodeFor: parentObject "Private - answer the number of child nodes in the parent, plus the node itself." ^(self getNodeFor: parentObject ifAbsent: []) size ! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #add:asChildOf:after:!adding!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #add:asChildOf:before:!adding!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #addChild:parentNode:after:!adding!private! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #addChild:parentNode:before:!adding!private! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #atChild:put:!public!replacing! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #atChildNode:put:!private!replacing! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #childAfterOrNil:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #childAt:inParent:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #childBeforeOrNil:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #firstChildOrNil:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #indexOfChild:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #lastChildOrNil:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChild:downBy:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChild:toAfter:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChild:toBefore:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChild:upBy:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildDown:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:parentNode:downBy:!private!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:parentNode:toAfter:!private!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:parentNode:toBefore:!private!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:parentNode:upBy:!private!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildNodeToBottom:parentNode:!private!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildNodeToTop:parentNode:!private!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildToBottom:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildToTop:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #moveChildUp:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #nodeClass!constants!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #notifyMoved:inParent:!events!private! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #sizeOfChildrenIn:!operations!public! ! !ActiveTreeModel categoriesFor: #sizeOfNodeFor:!operations!private! ! ActiveTreeNode guid: (GUID fromString: '{365D0D0C-869E-4C81-BE51-6328B5998F39}')! ActiveTreeNode comment: 'ActiveTreeNode represents a node of a tree in an <ActiveTreeModel> hierarchy. It builds on <TreeNode> by providing the ability to manipulate its children in a more robust manner.'! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesForClass!MVP-Models-Support! ! !ActiveTreeNode methodsFor! addChildNode: anActiveTreeNode after: anotherActiveTreeNode "Adds anActiveTreeNode as a child of the receiver, after anotherActiveTreeNode. If anotherActiveTreeNode not found, raise a <NotFoundError>. Otherwise, answer the node added." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. anActiveTreeNode = anotherActiveTreeNode ifTrue: [^anActiveTreeNode]. children add: anActiveTreeNode after: anotherActiveTreeNode. anActiveTreeNode parent: anotherActiveTreeNode parent. ^anActiveTreeNode! addChildNode: anActiveTreeNode before: anotherActiveTreeNode "Adds anActiveTreeNode as a child of the receiver, before anotherActiveTreeNode. If anotherActiveTreeNode not found, raise a <NotFoundError>. Otherwise, answer the node added." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. anActiveTreeNode = anotherActiveTreeNode ifTrue: [^anActiveTreeNode]. children add: anActiveTreeNode before: anotherActiveTreeNode. anActiveTreeNode parent: anotherActiveTreeNode parent. ^anActiveTreeNode! atChildNode: anActiveTreeNode put: replacementNode "Replace anActiveTreeNode in the receiver's children. If several of the children are equal to anActiveTreeNode, only the first is replaced. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise <NotFoundError>. Otherwise, answer the replacement node." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. children at: (self indexOfChildNode: anActiveTreeNode) put: replacementNode. replacementNode parent: self. ^replacementNode! childNodeAfterOrNil: anActiveTreeNode "Answers the child node that comes after anActiveTreeNode. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>. If the node is childless, or anActiveTreeNode is the last node, answers nil." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. children last = anActiveTreeNode ifTrue: [^nil]. ^children after: anActiveTreeNode! childNodeAt: anInteger "Answers the child node at index anInteger. Coerce anInteger into being bounds-correct. Should never fail." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. ^children at: (anInteger < 1 ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [anInteger > children size ifTrue: [children size] ifFalse: [anInteger]])! childNodeBeforeOrNil: anActiveTreeNode "Answers the child node that comes before anActiveTreeNode. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>. If the node is childless, or anActiveTreeNode is the first node, answers nil." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. children first = anActiveTreeNode ifTrue: [^nil]. ^children before: anActiveTreeNode! firstChildNodeOrNil "Answer the first node,or nil if the node is childless." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. ^children first! indexOfChildNode: anActiveTreeNode "Answers the index of the child node anActiveTreeNode. If the node is childless, answers 0. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^0]. ^children indexOf: anActiveTreeNode ifAbsent: [self errorNotFound: anActiveTreeNode]! lastChildNodeOrNil "Answer the last node,or nil if the node is childless." self children isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. ^children last! moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode downBy: anInteger "Moves anActiveTreeNode down anInteger times. Answers the node being moved, or nil if the node is childless. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>." ^self moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode toAfter: (self childNodeAt: (anInteger + (self indexOfChildNode: anActiveTreeNode)))! moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode toAfter: anotherActiveTreeNode (self children isEmpty or: [anotherActiveTreeNode isNil]) ifTrue: [^nil]. anActiveTreeNode = anotherActiveTreeNode ifTrue: [^anActiveTreeNode]. self removeChildNode: anActiveTreeNode; addChildNode: anActiveTreeNode after: anotherActiveTreeNode. ^anActiveTreeNode! moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode toBefore: anotherActiveTreeNode (self children isEmpty or: [anotherActiveTreeNode isNil]) ifTrue: [^nil]. anActiveTreeNode = anotherActiveTreeNode ifTrue: [^anActiveTreeNode]. self removeChildNode: anActiveTreeNode; addChildNode: anActiveTreeNode before: anotherActiveTreeNode. ^anActiveTreeNode! moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode upBy: anInteger "Moves anActiveTreeNode up anInteger times. Answers the node being moved, or nil if the node is childless. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>." ^self moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode toBefore: (self childNodeAt: (anInteger negated + (self indexOfChildNode: anActiveTreeNode)))! moveChildNodeDown: anActiveTreeNode "Moves the child node, anActiveTreeNode, down one. If the node is already at the end, then simply answers the node. Otherwise, answers the node being moved, or nil if the node is childless. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>." ^self moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode downBy: 1 ! moveChildNodeToBottom: anActiveTreeNode ^self moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode toAfter: children last! moveChildNodeToTop: anActiveTreeNode ^self moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode toBefore: children first! moveChildNodeUp: anActiveTreeNode "Moves the child node, anActiveTreeNode, up one. If the node is already at the beginning, then simply answers the node. Otherwise, answers the node being moved, or nil if the node is childless. If anActiveTreeNode does not exist, raise a <NotFoundError>." ^self moveChildNode: anActiveTreeNode upBy: 1! size "Answers the number of elements in the node: the number of children plus itself." ^children size + 1! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #addChildNode:after:!adding!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #addChildNode:before:!adding!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #atChildNode:put:!public!replacing! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #childNodeAfterOrNil:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #childNodeAt:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #childNodeBeforeOrNil:!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #firstChildNodeOrNil!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #indexOfChildNode:!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #lastChildNodeOrNil!enquiries!public! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:downBy:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:toAfter:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:toBefore:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNode:upBy:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNodeDown:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNodeToBottom:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNodeToTop:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #moveChildNodeUp:!public!updating! ! !ActiveTreeNode categoriesFor: #size!operations!public! ! "Binary Globals"! ======================================================================== === |
If anyone is having trouble installing Eric's package [1] then reading the
following might help. Note (especially Eric) that it's not a problem with the package itself but caused by the way that it is being distributed. If I cut/paste Eric's code into a text file, rename it with a pac extension and file it into Dolphin using the PackageBrowser then nothing happens - no errors and the code is not installed into the image. I tracked it down to the following (located very early on in the file) package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: '..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Models\Tree\Dolphin Tree Models'; yourself). Either my newsreader or Eric's has wrapped the text half way through the file name and, helpfully, removed the trailing space. Dolphin just reads the text from the file and you end up with a filename with an embedded crlf sequence. Edit the pac file to read as below and the PB should install it correctly. package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: '..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Models\Tree\Dolphin Tree Models'; yourself). I'm a bit surprised the Dolphin didn't throw _some_ sort of error though. [1] If you copy the original code into a Dolphin workspace, highlight it all and the "File It In" from the workspace menu then the code does install. As a rule I tend not to use this method as it means you have to manually recreate the package. -- Ian Use the Reply-To address to contact me (limited validity). Mail sent to the From address is ignored. |
In reply to this post by Eric Taylor
> Well, I suppose this is my first contribution, if it wouldn't be > considered presumptuous to call it that. As I said in a previous post, > criticism is welcome. Thanks for posting this. I do have a couple of criticisms, so I hope you really meant that ;-) But first a few observations. One is that (with one exception) you don't override any of the existing behaviour, nor extend the state of the objects themselves (add instvars). So (with that one exception) you could have chosen to package this as loose methods to add to TreeModel and TreeNode. I'm not saying it /should/ be packaged like that, just mentioning that you /could/. That possibility might not have occurred to your Eiffel-trained mind. The exception is ActiveTreeNode>>size -- but I'm not sure what value that is supposed to add; I could understand it answering how many children it had (non-recursive), or how many nodes it stood for including itself (recursive), but the actual implementation seems a little odd for a method called #size. I would be tempted to rename it to something that doesn't "interfere" with the general method #size. In which case all the methods could (only "could", mind) move up to TreeNode, and then ActiveTreeModel wouldn't need its override of #nodeClass, and so again it would be /possible/ to promote the new behaviour to TreeModel itself. Another observation -- you mentioned that you are not completely happy with the naming conventions. I didn't see anything which struck me as non-idiomatic for Smalltalk. Or rather, there is one small exception, ActiveTreeModel>>atChild:put:. Normally the #at:put: pattern is used for some sort of keyed container (or where an object has a keyed-container-like role). In this case there isn't a key (compare Sets vs. Dictionaries) so the name I would expect to see is something like #replace:with: Still, I think that as a matter of good naming (as opposed to idiomatic naming), the "Child" part of several of the ActiveTreeModel methods is inappropriate -- the object are not children of the tree (any more than the elements of an Array are children of the array). If they are children at all then they are children of other objects in the tree (or may be root objects -- and so are not children at all). A question: the name ActiveTreeModel (and the class comment) suggest that they are active in the Eiffel sense. I'm a bit puzzled by that since I can't see anything "active" (in that sense) in this implementation. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the meaning you give to the term ? Anyway, the criticism. It's about the events you trigger. First a minor point: it's conventional for a class to include (on the class-side) a #publishedEventsOfInstances to say what (public) events its instances trigger. See for instance TreeModel class>publishedEventsOfInstances. Nothing breaks if you forget to do that, but it does mean that a useful browsing/documentation option is lost. (And it also breaks one of my tools, but I doubt if you care much about that ;-) The more important point is that ActiveTreeModel breaks the contract that it appears to inherit. It's a subclass of TreeModel and doesn't indicate that it can't be used as a TreeModel, but in fact will break when used with a standard TreePresenter and one of the normal tree views. The class doesn't generate the necessary update events. It's OK to change the event you trigger if the new class isn't intended to use used in a TreePresenter-based triad (but I don't think that's the case here). It's also OK to generate new events which the existing components don't know about (perhaps you have an extended implementation in mind which does know about them). But it isn't OK, not to generate the events which a vanilla tree view expects to see, or it will fail to update correctly. So I think that you have to trigger #treeChanged: notifications whenever a child is moved or replaced (the argument should be the parent node or nil for a root item). As I mentioned before, that will cause the exiting TreeView implementation to collapse the changed part of the tree, which may not be what you want to happen, but that's a problem with TreeView and should be fixed there, not by breaking the model's contract. In any case, not all tree view implementations suffer from that problem. BTW, I think you may have a bug in ActiveTreeModel>>firstChildOrNil: where it #sends #object to the result of (parentNode firstChildOrNil). I think that'll break if the parent has no children. I think there are few other places where #object can be sent to nil. That's It. I hope it didn't come across as too negative. -- chris |
Hello Chris,
>I do have a couple of criticisms, so I hope you really meant that ;-) I did, only at this early stage they're more like lessons than criticisms. >One is that (with one exception) you don't override any of the existing >behaviour, nor extend the state of the objects themselves... This will change as the two classes mature. I haven't yet provided the "active" part of the structure, which will require an extension of state and behavior (see below). >The exception is ActiveTreeNode>>size -- but I'm not sure what value that >is supposed to add... Upon reconsideration, it offers no value. It should be removed, along with its encapsulation in ActiveTreeModel. >Or rather, there is one small exception, ActiveTreeModel>>atChild:put: I missed this one. Originally I thought the argument of #at: expected an index, but I can see now in the framework that it is polymorphic on a number of types of arguments. >In this case there isn't a key (compare Sets vs. Dictionaries) so the name >I would expect to see is something like #replace:with:... I originally had #replace:with:, but I changed it to #atChild:put:. But <objectNodeMap> in TreeModel is a PluggableLookupTable, so would #at:put: still be acceptable? >...the objects are not children of the tree... Coming from Eiffel, this is where I'm a little confused by the implementation of TreeModel. Formally, there's only ever _one_ root of a tree. TreeModel automatically sets up an anchorNode, which to me is the root. I'm puzzled by #addRoot:, which to me should be #addToRoot: or #addAtRoot, since adding roots would contradict the one-root invariant. With anchorNode automatically created, it would seem that all we're ever adding to TreeModel is children. So I would agree with you when you say that the use of "child" is inappropriate in the selectors, although we might be coming to accord from two different perspectives. >A question: the name ActiveTreeModel (and the class comment) suggest that >they are active in the Eiffel sense. I'm a bit puzzled by that since I >can't see anything "active" (in that sense) in this implementation. Maybe >I'm just misunderstanding the meaning you give to the term ? There's no misunderstanding on your part. In the class comment of ActiveTreeModel I indicated that I was simply opening the door to adding this behavior. Your reply to my post affirms the reason I decided to clip the development of these two classes: I wanted first to establish a solid foundation, get the kinks out, as they say. From your post I would say that I have a little work to do. So, very little of what I've done falls under "active." As you noticed, there is no notion of cursor, implicit or explicit, local or global, or otherwise. Also, ActiveTreeNode<s> don't yet know the level they're on. I should point out that implementing cursors could be a little tricky since multiple views might share the same instance of a single model. Also, there is a thread-safety issue here. I can foresee having to implement mutexes and perhaps something along the lines of a trigger called #invalidateCursors. Any thoughts? >First a minor point: it's conventional for a class to include (on the >class-side) a #publishedEventsOfInstances. I'll add my events to the list this evening. Sorry for breaking your tool :| >So I think that you have to trigger #treeChanged: notifications whenever a >child is moved or replaced (the argument should be the parent node or nil >for a root item). I didn't catch this either. I'll address this issue this evening. >BTW, I think you may have a bug in ActiveTreeModel>>firstChildOrNil: where >it #sends #object to the result of (parentNode firstChildOrNil). I think >that'll break if the parent has no children. I think there are few other >places where #object can be sent to nil. Since we're dealing with objects at the tree level (objects are expected as arguments, not nodes), I _return_ objects at this level for symmetry. But I think, in general, I may have other problems with what it is I'm returning from methods. I've noticed that the way Smalltalk statements go together means that the return value takes on more significance, or I should say a different significance, from what I'm accustomed to in Eiffel. I'll explore further what you mean. >I hope it didn't come across as too negative. It didin't, but don't mince words: What do you _really_ think? :-) Thanks very much for your input. I will take it to heart and start revamping. Ian must be bloody disappointed by now :). Holistically speaking, am I on the right track and do you feel that such behavior will be useful to you? Cheers, Eric > -----Original Message----- > From: Chris Uppal [mailto:[hidden email]] > Posted At: Monday, June 19, 2006 5:24 AM > Posted To: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin > Conversation: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > Subject: Re: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > > Eric, > > > Well, I suppose this is my first contribution, if it wouldn't be > > considered presumptuous to call it that. As I said in a previous > > criticism is welcome. > > Thanks for posting this. I do have a couple of criticisms, so I hope you > really meant that ;-) > > But first a few observations. > > One is that (with one exception) you don't override any of the existing > behaviour, nor extend the state of the objects themselves (add instvars). > So > (with that one exception) you could have chosen to package this as loose > methods to add to TreeModel and TreeNode. I'm not saying it /should/ be > packaged like that, just mentioning that you /could/. That possibility > might > not have occurred to your Eiffel-trained mind. The exception is > ActiveTreeNode>>size -- but I'm not sure what value that is supposed to > add; I > could understand it answering how many children it had (non-recursive), or > how > many nodes it stood for including itself (recursive), but the actual > implementation seems a little odd for a method called #size. I would be > tempted to rename it to something that doesn't "interfere" with the > general > method #size. In which case all the methods could (only "could", mind) > move up > to TreeNode, and then ActiveTreeModel wouldn't need its override of > #nodeClass, > and so again it would be /possible/ to promote the new behaviour to > TreeModel > itself. > > Another observation -- you mentioned that you are not completely happy > with the > naming conventions. I didn't see anything which struck me as non- > idiomatic for > Smalltalk. Or rather, there is one small exception, > ActiveTreeModel>>atChild:put:. Normally the #at:put: pattern is used > some > sort of keyed container (or where an object has a keyed-container-like > role). > In this case there isn't a key (compare Sets vs. Dictionaries) so the name > I > would expect to see is something like #replace:with: > > Still, I think that as a matter of good naming (as opposed to idiomatic > naming), the "Child" part of several of the ActiveTreeModel methods is > inappropriate -- the object are not children of the tree (any more than > the > elements of an Array are children of the array). If they are children at > all > then they are children of other objects in the tree (or may be root > objects -- > and so are not children at all). > > A question: the name ActiveTreeModel (and the class comment) suggest that > they > are active in the Eiffel sense. I'm a bit puzzled by that since I can't > see > anything "active" (in that sense) in this implementation. Maybe I'm just > misunderstanding the meaning you give to the term ? > > Anyway, the criticism. It's about the events you trigger. > > First a minor point: it's conventional for a class to include (on the > class-side) a #publishedEventsOfInstances to say what (public) events its > instances trigger. See for instance TreeModel > class>publishedEventsOfInstances. Nothing breaks if you forget to do > that, but > it does mean that a useful browsing/documentation option is lost. (And it > also > breaks one of my tools, but I doubt if you care much about that ;-) > > The more important point is that ActiveTreeModel breaks the contract that > it > appears to inherit. It's a subclass of TreeModel and doesn't indicate > that it > can't be used as a TreeModel, but in fact will break when used with a > standard > TreePresenter and one of the normal tree views. The class doesn't > generate > the necessary update events. It's OK to change the event you trigger if > the > new class isn't intended to use used in a TreePresenter-based triad (but I > don't think that's the case here). It's also OK to generate new events > which > the existing components don't know about (perhaps you have an extended > implementation in mind which does know about them). But it isn't OK, not > to > generate the events which a vanilla tree view expects to see, or it will > fail > to update correctly. So I think that you have to trigger #treeChanged: > notifications whenever a child is moved or replaced (the argument should > be the > parent node or nil for a root item). > > As I mentioned before, that will cause the exiting TreeView implementation > to > collapse the changed part of the tree, which may not be what you want to > happen, but that's a problem with TreeView and should be fixed there, not > by > breaking the model's contract. In any case, not all tree view > implementations > suffer from that problem. > > BTW, I think you may have a bug in ActiveTreeModel>>firstChildOrNil: where > it > #sends #object to the result of (parentNode firstChildOrNil). I think > that'll > break if the parent has no children. I think there are few other places > where > #object can be sent to nil. > > That's It. I hope it didn't come across as too negative. > > -- chris > |
> > Or rather, there is one small exception, ActiveTreeModel>>atChild:put: > > I missed this one. Originally I thought the argument of #at: expected > an index, but I can see now in the framework that it is polymorphic on a > number of types of arguments. > > > In this case there isn't a key (compare Sets vs. Dictionaries) so the > > name I would expect to see is something like #replace:with:... > > I originally had #replace:with:, but I changed it to #atChild:put:. But > <objectNodeMap> in TreeModel is a PluggableLookupTable, so would > #at:put: still be acceptable? I wouldn't say so myself. Not unless you are going to foreground the idea that a tree can be considered to be a mapping from nodes to collections of child nodes -- in which case I would expect to be able to use #at: or #atChild:, and probably at least the core part of the protocol(s) understood by keyed collections (possibly with slightly modified names), such as #do: and #keysAndValuesDo:, #at:ifAbsent:, #at:ifPresent: etc). Currently the Tree object uses a map internally, but doesn't appear publicly as a kind of map -- you can change that if you wish (of course ;-) but I don't offhand see much benefit in doing so. > > ...the objects are not children of the tree... > > Coming from Eiffel, this is where I'm a little confused by the > implementation of TreeModel. Formally, there's only ever _one_ root of > a tree. TreeModel automatically sets up an anchorNode, which to me is > the root. I'm puzzled by #addRoot:, which to me should be #addToRoot: > or #addAtRoot, since adding roots would contradict the one-root > invariant. It may help to consider that, despite its name, a TreeModel is actually a Forest -- it has multiple roots. What may be confusing is that the /implementation/ (as opposed to the public ADT) is as a single-rooted tree. That's because it's a handy implementation technique to have a hidden root one level up from the public roots. It makes some of the code more complicated/obscure, but on the whole it makes things simpler. But, despite that aspect of the implementation, the ADT is a multiple rooted Forest. > I should point out that implementing cursors could be a little tricky > since multiple views might share the same instance of a single model. > Also, there is a thread-safety issue here. I can foresee having to > implement mutexes and perhaps something along the lines of a trigger > called #invalidateCursors. Any thoughts? I may be missing a lot about the Eiffel approach -- I've never used that language and only read the book once, many years ago -- but I'm not immediately convinced by the idea of a collection knowing the state of an iteration over it. That seems to be confusing two roles, and has (as you note) severe practical problems. I would take the approach of the standard Smalltalk collections and have Internal Iterators (#do: and friends) which hold the necessary state "inside" the iteration method. TreeModel already has some iteration methods, but by no means a complete set -- for instance there's no way to iterate over a subtree. Optionally, you might also want External Iterators (akin to those in Java); traditionally External Iterators for Smalltalk are expressed as some sort of ReadStream (which carries with it a lot of unnecessary baggage unfortunately). I would solve the problems of concurrent updates (either from within the iterating Process or from some other Process) by just ignoring it. In Smalltalk one is expected to have the sense not to modify a container whilst iterating it ;-) And as far as genuine concurrent updates go, I don't think that containers should be responsible for protecting themselves against it (mainly because the best they can do is protect their internal state, they cannot protect the /meaning/ of the data, so the application-level code usually has to arrange for Mutex protection anyway). > > BTW, I think you may have a bug in ActiveTreeModel>>firstChildOrNil: > > where it #sends #object to the result of (parentNode firstChildOrNil). > > I think that'll break if the parent has no children. I think there are > > few > other >places where #object can be sent to nil. > > Since we're dealing with objects at the tree level (objects are expected > as arguments, not nodes), I _return_ objects at this level for symmetry. > But I think, in general, I may have other problems with what it is I'm > returning from methods. I've noticed that the way Smalltalk statements > go together means that the return value takes on more significance, or I > should say a different significance, from what I'm accustomed to in > Eiffel. I'll explore further what you mean. You may find the Object methods #ifNil:, #ifNotNil:, and #ifNil:ifNotNil: useful for reducing the clutter of nil testing (I don't recall seeing you use them, so you may not yet have noticed them -- especially as they hadn't been added to Dolphin when Ted's book came out). Use like: ^ (some expression) ifNotNil: [:it | it sharpness]. or: xyz := (some expression) ifNil: [some defaultValue]. Alternatively -- for the case in hand -- you might want to consider using the Null Object pattern for communication between ActiveTreeModels and ActiveTreeNodes. (An instance of ActiveTreeNodes with a nil #object would do fine I think). Yet another pattern (one which I rather like), is rather than having a method which answers a possibly non-existent object, to change the protocol so you pass the discovered object to a block /if/ it exists (compare Dictionary>>at:ifPresent:). E.g. aNode withNextDo: [:it | it some action]. That might be over-much bother for this application, but it's a nice pattern to keep in mind -- it can sometimes clean up client code dramatically. > > I hope it didn't come across as too negative. > > It didin't, but don't mince words: What do you _really_ think? :-) > [...] do you feel that such behavior > will be useful to you? I'm sure it will be useful. Whether it will be useful to me personally may be a different matter -- I already have several custom TreeModel implementations, so it might not add much to what I've already got. If I were starting out from fresh then I would definitely use it. BTW, comparing your tree with my nearest equivalent (a non-generic TodoList that could well have inherited from, or been subsumed by, your code had it existed at the time), I'd suggest adding a few Boolean-valued test methods, such as #canMoveFirst, #canMoveDown, and so on. They are handy for simplifying UI code which must determine whether the corresponding operations should be enabled. Just a suggestion... -- chris |
(Because of formatting issues, I've changed the manner in which I quote from a reply: a single '>' at the beginning and end of the quote). > I wouldn't say so myself. Not unless you are going to foreground the idea that a tree can be considered to be a mapping from nodes to collections of child nodes -- in which case I would expect to be able to use #at: or #atChild:, and probably at least the core part of the protocol(s) understood by keyed collections (possibly with slightly modified names), such as #do: and #keysAndValuesDo:, #at:ifAbsent:, #at:ifPresent: etc). > Node-mapping is precisely the behavior I wish to abstract, not foreground. I think I'll stick with your original suggestion of #at:put: for now, and then see how it plays out in a few use cases. In searching the framework, #replace:with: seems to have a very different usage. > Currently the Tree object uses a map internally, but doesn't appear publicly as a kind of map -- you can change that if you wish (of course ;-) but I don't offhand see much benefit in doing so. > I don't either. > It may help to consider that, despite its name, a TreeModel is actually a Forest -- it has multiple roots. > Yes, the formalities behind the design of the TREE class in Eiffel are based on FOREST, and the fact that the only object that should ever be added to a tree is another tree: A leaf becomes a tree when it takes on a single child, but since that child must also be a tree, we have two trees. Two or more trees form a forest. So, upon closer inspection, it turns out that we don't really need to make the distinction. That's why in Eiffel you won't a data structure called FOREST. If I had discovered no notion whatsoever of a tree in the Dolphin framework, I would have begun with Tree as a subclass of SequenceableCollection. Then, I would have created a TreeModel that wraps Tree. There would have been no need for TreeNode: Every class in the framework is already a node :). The variables <parent>, <item>, and <children> would reside in Tree, <item> serving as the "node," whatever it may be. When I look at a menu, I don't see menu items, only menus, which are trees. That some of these trees may be childless (no sub-menus) is irrelevant really. I'm digressing a bit. Sorry. > I may be missing a lot about the Eiffel approach...but I'm not immediately convinced by the idea of a collection knowing the state of an iteration over it. That seems to be confusing two roles, and has (as you note) severe practical problems. > I very much like Smalltalk's approach to iteration. I think this is where the power of the language shines. I would agree with you: a collection should _not_ know about the state of an iteration. I hope I haven't conveyed the idea that that's what I'm after :o. In Eiffel, CURSOR and ITERATOR are two very different animals, the former maintaining the state of current position, the latter maintaining the state of just about anything pertinent to the iteration. Indeed, iterators often utilize cursors. This is what I foresee in the way of cursor for the "active" part of ActiveTreeModel: CursorAbstract Cursor TreeCursor ActiveTreeCursor and then a <likedCursor> protocol. As to the states in each, successively: CursorAbstract: <currentPosition> Cursor: (no additional states, only concretized behavior) TreeCursor: <parent>, <firstChild> ActiveTreeCursor: <level> <linkedCursor>: <currentPosition>, <siblingBefore>, <siblingAfter> Eric S. Taylor > -----Original Message----- > From: Chris Uppal [mailto:[hidden email]] > Posted At: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:15 AM > Posted To: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin > Conversation: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > Subject: Re: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > > Eric, > > > > Or rather, there is one small exception, > > > > I missed this one. Originally I thought the argument of #at: expected > > an index, but I can see now in the framework that it is polymorphic on a > > number of types of arguments. > > > > > In this case there isn't a key (compare Sets vs. Dictionaries) so the > > > name I would expect to see is something like #replace:with:... > > > > I originally had #replace:with:, but I changed it to #atChild:put:. But > > <objectNodeMap> in TreeModel is a PluggableLookupTable, so would > > #at:put: still be acceptable? > > I wouldn't say so myself. Not unless you are going to foreground the idea > that > a tree can be considered to be a mapping from nodes to collections of > child > nodes -- in which case I would expect to be able to use #at: or #atChild:, > and > probably at least the core part of the protocol(s) understood by keyed > collections (possibly with slightly modified names), such as #do: and > #keysAndValuesDo:, #at:ifAbsent:, #at:ifPresent: etc). > > Currently the Tree object uses a map internally, but doesn't appear > publicly as > a kind of map -- you can change that if you wish (of course ;-) but I > don't > offhand see much benefit in doing so. > > > > > ...the objects are not children of the tree... > > > > Coming from Eiffel, this is where I'm a little confused by the > > implementation of TreeModel. Formally, there's only ever _one_ root > > a tree. TreeModel automatically sets up an anchorNode, which to me is > > the root. I'm puzzled by #addRoot:, which to me should be #addToRoot: > > or #addAtRoot, since adding roots would contradict the one-root > > invariant. > > It may help to consider that, despite its name, a TreeModel is actually a > Forest -- it has multiple roots. What may be confusing is that the > /implementation/ (as opposed to the public ADT) is as a single-rooted > tree. > That's because it's a handy implementation technique to have a hidden root > one > level up from the public roots. It makes some of the code more > complicated/obscure, but on the whole it makes things simpler. But, > despite > that aspect of the implementation, the ADT is a multiple rooted Forest. > > > > I should point out that implementing cursors could be a little tricky > > since multiple views might share the same instance of a single model. > > Also, there is a thread-safety issue here. I can foresee having to > > implement mutexes and perhaps something along the lines of a trigger > > called #invalidateCursors. Any thoughts? > > I may be missing a lot about the Eiffel approach -- I've never used that > language and only read the book once, many years ago -- but I'm not > immediately > convinced by the idea of a collection knowing the state of an iteration > over > it. That seems to be confusing two roles, and has (as you note) severe > practical problems. > > I would take the approach of the standard Smalltalk collections and have > Internal Iterators (#do: and friends) which hold the necessary state > "inside" > the iteration method. TreeModel already has some iteration methods, but > by no > means a complete set -- for instance there's no way to iterate over a > subtree. > Optionally, you might also want External Iterators (akin to those in > Java); > traditionally External Iterators for Smalltalk are expressed as some sort > of > ReadStream (which carries with it a lot of unnecessary baggage > unfortunately). > > I would solve the problems of concurrent updates (either from within the > iterating Process or from some other Process) by just ignoring it. In > Smalltalk one is expected to have the sense not to modify a container > whilst > iterating it ;-) And as far as genuine concurrent updates go, I don't > think > that containers should be responsible for protecting themselves against it > (mainly because the best they can do is protect their internal state, they > cannot protect the /meaning/ of the data, so the application-level code > usually > has to arrange for Mutex protection anyway). > > > > > BTW, I think you may have a bug in ActiveTreeModel>>firstChildOrNil: > > > where it #sends #object to the result of (parentNode firstChildOrNil). > > > I think that'll break if the parent has no children. I think there > are > > > few > > other >places where #object can be sent to nil. > > > > Since we're dealing with objects at the tree level (objects are expected > > as arguments, not nodes), I _return_ objects at this level for symmetry. > > But I think, in general, I may have other problems with what it is I'm > > returning from methods. I've noticed that the way Smalltalk statements > > go together means that the return value takes on more significance, or I > > should say a different significance, from what I'm accustomed to in > > Eiffel. I'll explore further what you mean. > > You may find the Object methods #ifNil:, #ifNotNil:, and #ifNil:ifNotNil: > useful for reducing the clutter of nil testing (I don't recall seeing you > use > them, so you may not yet have noticed them -- especially as they hadn't > been > added to Dolphin when Ted's book came out). Use like: > > ^ (some expression) ifNotNil: [:it | it sharpness]. > > or: > > xyz := (some expression) ifNil: [some defaultValue]. > > Alternatively -- for the case in hand -- you might want to consider > the > Null Object pattern for communication between ActiveTreeModels and > ActiveTreeNodes. (An instance of ActiveTreeNodes with a nil #object would > do > fine I think). > > Yet another pattern (one which I rather like), is rather than having a > method > which answers a possibly non-existent object, to change the protocol so > you > pass the discovered object to a block /if/ it exists (compare > Dictionary>>at:ifPresent:). E.g. > > aNode withNextDo: [:it | it some action]. > > That might be over-much bother for this application, but it's a nice > pattern to > keep in mind -- it can sometimes clean up client code dramatically. > > > > > I hope it didn't come across as too negative. > > > > It didin't, but don't mince words: What do you _really_ think? :-) > > [...] do you feel that such behavior > > will be useful to you? > > I'm sure it will be useful. Whether it will be useful to me > may be > a different matter -- I already have several custom TreeModel > implementations, > so it might not add much to what I've already got. If I were starting out > from > fresh then I would definitely use it. > > BTW, comparing your tree with my nearest equivalent (a non-generic > TodoList > that could well have inherited from, or been subsumed by, your code had it > existed at the time), I'd suggest adding a few Boolean-valued test > methods, > such as #canMoveFirst, #canMoveDown, and so on. They are handy for > simplifying > UI code which must determine whether the corresponding operations should > be > enabled. Just a suggestion... > > -- chris |
In reply to this post by Chris Uppal-3
(Because of formatting issues, I've changed the manner in which I quote from a reply: a single '>' at the beginning and end of the quote). > I wouldn't say so myself. Not unless you are going to foreground the idea that a tree can be considered to be a mapping from nodes to collections of child nodes -- in which case I would expect to be able to use #at: or #atChild:, and probably at least the core part of the protocol(s) understood by keyed collections (possibly with slightly modified names), such as #do: and #keysAndValuesDo:, #at:ifAbsent:, #at:ifPresent: etc). > Node-mapping is precisely the behavior I wish to abstract, not foreground. I think I'll stick with your original suggestion of #at:put: for now, and then see how it plays out in a few use cases. In searching the framework, #replace:with: seems to have a very different usage. > Currently the Tree object uses a map internally, but doesn't appear publicly as a kind of map -- you can change that if you wish (of course ;-) but I don't offhand see much benefit in doing so. > I don't either. > It may help to consider that, despite its name, a TreeModel is actually a Forest -- it has multiple roots. > Yes, the formalities behind the design of the TREE class in Eiffel are based on FOREST, and the fact that the only object that should ever be added to a tree is another tree: A leaf becomes a tree when it takes on a single child, but since that child must also be a tree, we have two trees. Two or more trees form a forest. So, upon closer inspection, it turns out that we don't really need to make the distinction. That's why in Eiffel you won't a data structure called FOREST. If I had discovered no notion whatsoever of a tree in the Dolphin framework, I would have begun with Tree as a subclass of SequenceableCollection. Then, I would have created a TreeModel that wraps Tree. There would have been no need for TreeNode: Every class in the framework is already a node :). The variables <parent>, <item>, and <children> would reside in Tree, <item> serving as the "node," whatever it may be. When I look at a menu, I don't see menu items, only menus, which are trees. That some of these trees may be childless (no sub-menus) is irrelevant really. I'm digressing a bit. Sorry. > I may be missing a lot about the Eiffel approach...but I'm not immediately convinced by the idea of a collection knowing the state of an iteration over it. That seems to be confusing two roles, and has (as you note) severe practical problems. > I very much like Smalltalk's approach to iteration. I think this is where the power of the language shines. I would agree with you: a collection should _not_ know about the state of an iteration. I hope I haven't conveyed the idea that that's what I'm after :o. In Eiffel, CURSOR and ITERATOR are two very different animals, the former maintaining the state of current position, the latter maintaining the state of just about anything pertinent to the iteration. Indeed, iterators often utilize cursors. This is what I foresee in the way of cursor for the "active" part of ActiveTreeModel: CursorAbstract Cursor TreeCursor ActiveTreeCursor and then a <likedCursor> protocol. As to the states in each, successively: CursorAbstract: <currentPosition> Cursor: (no additional states, only concretized behavior) TreeCursor: <parent>, <firstChild> ActiveTreeCursor: <level> <linkedCursor>: <currentPosition>, <siblingBefore>, <siblingAfter> > And as far as genuine concurrent updates go, I don't think that containers should be responsible for protecting themselves against it... > I agree, but I think now we may be mixing metaphors: Tree (ultimately a type of Container), TreeModel, TreeView, and TreePresenter. The data structure Tree should neither trigger events nor respond to any. The protection scheme would definitely have to be put into a higher level of abstraction, closer to the application layer. > You may find the Object methods #ifNil:, #ifNotNil:, and #ifNil:ifNotNil:...et seq. > Everything after this sentence is great advice, most instructive. You've given me much food for thought. Thanks very much. Cheers, Eric > -----Original Message----- > From: Chris Uppal [mailto:[hidden email]] > Posted At: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:15 AM Posted To: > comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin > Conversation: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > Subject: Re: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > > Eric, > > > > Or rather, there is one small exception, > > > > I missed this one. Originally I thought the argument of #at: > > expected an index, but I can see now in the framework that it is > > polymorphic on a number of types of arguments. > > > > > In this case there isn't a key (compare Sets vs. Dictionaries) so > > > the name I would expect to see is something like #replace:with:... > > > > I originally had #replace:with:, but I changed it to #atChild:put:. > > But <objectNodeMap> in TreeModel is a PluggableLookupTable, so would > > #at:put: still be acceptable? > > I wouldn't say so myself. Not unless you are going to foreground the > idea that a tree can be considered to be a mapping from nodes to > collections of child nodes -- in which case I would expect to be able > to use #at: or #atChild:, and probably at least the core part of the > protocol(s) understood by keyed collections (possibly with slightly > modified names), such as #do: and #keysAndValuesDo:, #at:ifAbsent:, > #at:ifPresent: etc). > > Currently the Tree object uses a map internally, but doesn't appear > publicly as a kind of map -- you can change that if you wish (of > course ;-) but I don't offhand see much benefit in doing so. > > > > > ...the objects are not children of the tree... > > > > Coming from Eiffel, this is where I'm a little confused by the > > implementation of TreeModel. Formally, there's only ever _one_ root > > of a tree. TreeModel automatically sets up an anchorNode, which to > > me is the root. I'm puzzled by #addRoot:, which to me should be #addToRoot: > > or #addAtRoot, since adding roots would contradict the one-root > > invariant. > > It may help to consider that, despite its name, a TreeModel is > actually a Forest -- it has multiple roots. What may be confusing is > that the /implementation/ (as opposed to the public ADT) is as a > single-rooted tree. > That's because it's a handy implementation technique to have a hidden > root one level up from the public roots. It makes some of the code > more complicated/obscure, but on the whole it makes things simpler. > But, despite that aspect of the implementation, the ADT is a multiple > rooted Forest. > > > > I should point out that implementing cursors could be a little > > tricky since multiple views might share the same instance of a > > Also, there is a thread-safety issue here. I can foresee having to > > implement mutexes and perhaps something along the lines of a trigger > > called #invalidateCursors. Any thoughts? > > I may be missing a lot about the Eiffel approach -- I've never used > that language and only read the book once, many years ago -- but I'm > not immediately convinced by the idea of a collection knowing the > state of an iteration over it. That seems to be confusing two roles, > and has (as you note) severe practical problems. > > I would take the approach of the standard Smalltalk collections and > have Internal Iterators (#do: and friends) which hold the necessary > state "inside" > the iteration method. TreeModel already has some iteration methods, > but by no means a complete set -- for instance there's no way to > iterate over a subtree. > Optionally, you might also want External Iterators (akin to those in > Java); traditionally External Iterators for Smalltalk are expressed as > some sort of ReadStream (which carries with it a lot of unnecessary > baggage unfortunately). > > I would solve the problems of concurrent updates (either from within > the iterating Process or from some other Process) by just ignoring it. > In Smalltalk one is expected to have the sense not to modify a > container whilst > iterating it ;-) And as far as genuine concurrent updates go, I don't > think > that containers should be responsible for protecting themselves > against it (mainly because the best they can do is protect their > internal state, they cannot protect the /meaning/ of the data, so the > application-level code usually has to arrange for Mutex protection > anyway). > > > > > BTW, I think you may have a bug in ActiveTreeModel>>firstChildOrNil: > > > where it #sends #object to the result of (parentNode firstChildOrNil). > > > I think that'll break if the parent has no children. I think > > > there > are > > > few > > other >places where #object can be sent to nil. > > > > Since we're dealing with objects at the tree level (objects are > > expected as arguments, not nodes), I _return_ objects at this level for symmetry. > > But I think, in general, I may have other problems with what it is > > I'm returning from methods. I've noticed that the way Smalltalk > > statements go together means that the return value takes on more > > significance, or I should say a different significance, from what > > I'm accustomed to in Eiffel. I'll explore further what you mean. > > You may find the Object methods #ifNil:, #ifNotNil:, and #ifNil:ifNotNil: > useful for reducing the clutter of nil testing (I don't recall seeing > you use them, so you may not yet have noticed them -- especially as > they hadn't been added to Dolphin when Ted's book came out). Use > like: > > ^ (some expression) ifNotNil: [:it | it sharpness]. > > or: > > xyz := (some expression) ifNil: [some defaultValue]. > > Alternatively -- for the case in hand -- you might want to consider > using the Null Object pattern for communication between > ActiveTreeModels and ActiveTreeNodes. (An instance of ActiveTreeNodes > with a nil #object would do fine I think). > > Yet another pattern (one which I rather like), is rather than having a > method which answers a possibly non-existent object, to change the > protocol so you pass the discovered object to a block /if/ it exists > (compare > Dictionary>>at:ifPresent:). E.g. > > aNode withNextDo: [:it | it some action]. > > That might be over-much bother for this application, but it's a nice > pattern to keep in mind -- it can sometimes clean up client code > dramatically. > > > > > I hope it didn't come across as too negative. > > > > It didin't, but don't mince words: What do you _really_ think? :-) > > [...] do you feel that such behavior will be useful to you? > > I'm sure it will be useful. Whether it will be useful to me > personally may be a different matter -- I already have several custom > TreeModel implementations, so it might not add much to what I've > already got. If I were starting out from fresh then I would > definitely use it. > > BTW, comparing your tree with my nearest equivalent (a non-generic > TodoList that could well have inherited from, or been subsumed by, > your code had it existed at the time), I'd suggest adding a few > Boolean-valued test methods, such as #canMoveFirst, #canMoveDown, and > so on. They are handy for simplifying UI code which must determine > whether the corresponding operations should be enabled. Just a > suggestion... > > -- chris |
In reply to this post by Chris Uppal-3
I apologize if you received a similar post prior to the first one. I see now what's going on: I can't save drafts of replies to posts. When I hit save, it posts the reply immediately. The second post completes the response to your response. Cheers, Eric > -----Original Message----- > From: Chris Uppal [mailto:[hidden email]] > Posted At: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:15 AM > Posted To: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin > Conversation: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > Subject: Re: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > > Eric, > > > > Or rather, there is one small exception, > > > > I missed this one. Originally I thought the argument of #at: expected > > an index, but I can see now in the framework that it is polymorphic on a > > number of types of arguments. > > > > > In this case there isn't a key (compare Sets vs. Dictionaries) so the > > > name I would expect to see is something like #replace:with:... > > > > I originally had #replace:with:, but I changed it to #atChild:put:. But > > <objectNodeMap> in TreeModel is a PluggableLookupTable, so would > > #at:put: still be acceptable? > > I wouldn't say so myself. Not unless you are going to foreground the idea > that > a tree can be considered to be a mapping from nodes to collections of > child > nodes -- in which case I would expect to be able to use #at: or #atChild:, > and > probably at least the core part of the protocol(s) understood by keyed > collections (possibly with slightly modified names), such as #do: and > #keysAndValuesDo:, #at:ifAbsent:, #at:ifPresent: etc). > > Currently the Tree object uses a map internally, but doesn't appear > publicly as > a kind of map -- you can change that if you wish (of course ;-) but I > don't > offhand see much benefit in doing so. > > > > > ...the objects are not children of the tree... > > > > Coming from Eiffel, this is where I'm a little confused by the > > implementation of TreeModel. Formally, there's only ever _one_ root > > a tree. TreeModel automatically sets up an anchorNode, which to me is > > the root. I'm puzzled by #addRoot:, which to me should be #addToRoot: > > or #addAtRoot, since adding roots would contradict the one-root > > invariant. > > It may help to consider that, despite its name, a TreeModel is actually a > Forest -- it has multiple roots. What may be confusing is that the > /implementation/ (as opposed to the public ADT) is as a single-rooted > tree. > That's because it's a handy implementation technique to have a hidden root > one > level up from the public roots. It makes some of the code more > complicated/obscure, but on the whole it makes things simpler. But, > despite > that aspect of the implementation, the ADT is a multiple rooted Forest. > > > > I should point out that implementing cursors could be a little tricky > > since multiple views might share the same instance of a single model. > > Also, there is a thread-safety issue here. I can foresee having to > > implement mutexes and perhaps something along the lines of a trigger > > called #invalidateCursors. Any thoughts? > > I may be missing a lot about the Eiffel approach -- I've never used that > language and only read the book once, many years ago -- but I'm not > immediately > convinced by the idea of a collection knowing the state of an iteration > over > it. That seems to be confusing two roles, and has (as you note) severe > practical problems. > > I would take the approach of the standard Smalltalk collections and have > Internal Iterators (#do: and friends) which hold the necessary state > "inside" > the iteration method. TreeModel already has some iteration methods, but > by no > means a complete set -- for instance there's no way to iterate over a > subtree. > Optionally, you might also want External Iterators (akin to those in > Java); > traditionally External Iterators for Smalltalk are expressed as some sort > of > ReadStream (which carries with it a lot of unnecessary baggage > unfortunately). > > I would solve the problems of concurrent updates (either from within the > iterating Process or from some other Process) by just ignoring it. In > Smalltalk one is expected to have the sense not to modify a container > whilst > iterating it ;-) And as far as genuine concurrent updates go, I don't > think > that containers should be responsible for protecting themselves against it > (mainly because the best they can do is protect their internal state, they > cannot protect the /meaning/ of the data, so the application-level code > usually > has to arrange for Mutex protection anyway). > > > > > BTW, I think you may have a bug in ActiveTreeModel>>firstChildOrNil: > > > where it #sends #object to the result of (parentNode firstChildOrNil). > > > I think that'll break if the parent has no children. I think there > are > > > few > > other >places where #object can be sent to nil. > > > > Since we're dealing with objects at the tree level (objects are expected > > as arguments, not nodes), I _return_ objects at this level for symmetry. > > But I think, in general, I may have other problems with what it is I'm > > returning from methods. I've noticed that the way Smalltalk statements > > go together means that the return value takes on more significance, or I > > should say a different significance, from what I'm accustomed to in > > Eiffel. I'll explore further what you mean. > > You may find the Object methods #ifNil:, #ifNotNil:, and #ifNil:ifNotNil: > useful for reducing the clutter of nil testing (I don't recall seeing you > use > them, so you may not yet have noticed them -- especially as they hadn't > been > added to Dolphin when Ted's book came out). Use like: > > ^ (some expression) ifNotNil: [:it | it sharpness]. > > or: > > xyz := (some expression) ifNil: [some defaultValue]. > > Alternatively -- for the case in hand -- you might want to consider > the > Null Object pattern for communication between ActiveTreeModels and > ActiveTreeNodes. (An instance of ActiveTreeNodes with a nil #object would > do > fine I think). > > Yet another pattern (one which I rather like), is rather than having a > method > which answers a possibly non-existent object, to change the protocol so > you > pass the discovered object to a block /if/ it exists (compare > Dictionary>>at:ifPresent:). E.g. > > aNode withNextDo: [:it | it some action]. > > That might be over-much bother for this application, but it's a nice > pattern to > keep in mind -- it can sometimes clean up client code dramatically. > > > > > I hope it didn't come across as too negative. > > > > It didin't, but don't mince words: What do you _really_ think? :-) > > [...] do you feel that such behavior > > will be useful to you? > > I'm sure it will be useful. Whether it will be useful to me > may be > a different matter -- I already have several custom TreeModel > implementations, > so it might not add much to what I've already got. If I were starting out > from > fresh then I would definitely use it. > > BTW, comparing your tree with my nearest equivalent (a non-generic > TodoList > that could well have inherited from, or been subsumed by, your code had it > existed at the time), I'd suggest adding a few Boolean-valued test > methods, > such as #canMoveFirst, #canMoveDown, and so on. They are handy for > simplifying > UI code which must determine whether the corresponding operations should > be > enabled. Just a suggestion... > > -- chris |
In reply to this post by Eric Taylor
> Node-mapping is precisely the behavior I wish to abstract, not > foreground. I think I'll stick with your original suggestion of > #at:put: for now, and then see how it plays out in a few use cases. In > searching the framework, #replace:with: seems to have a very different > usage. It's /entirely/ up to you what you do, of course, but -- for the record -- I didn't suggest using #at:put:... > Yes, the formalities behind the design of the TREE class in Eiffel are > based on FOREST, and the fact that the only object that should ever be > added to a tree is another tree: An interesting and reasonable way to design things. But its very different from the way that Dolphin TreeModels work -- there a TreeModel isn't the kind of thing that can be added to another TreeModel (except as an atomic node). I think to emulate that kind of pattern you would need a new kind of TreeNode -- something like IndirectionNode perhaps, which would contain a reference to another TreeModel and "fake up" its own #children by invoking the foreign TreeModel's #roots. Actually you'd need a different kind of TreeModel too -- not inheriting from TreeModel since that "knows" that it knows about all of its elements. (There'd be issues with events too, but nothing that can't be solved with a bit of extra code.) > If I had discovered no notion whatsoever of a tree in the Dolphin > framework, I would have begun with Tree as a subclass of > SequenceableCollection. Reasonable. I think that on further investigation you would have found it better to start by subclassing Collection directly (SequenceableCollection is about linear collections of objects, and trees are, um, not so linear ;-) but that general idea would be a good approach. OTOH, I have tried -- on and off -- to produce a decent Graph (aka "network") collection class. So far I have failed. It's easy enough to create something that works for a limited subset of potential applications, but as soon as I try to resolve the problems caused by the wide range of domains that need graphs, the thing falls apart. I can create an abstraction which is any of: easy to understand and use, efficient enough to cover the cases I /know/ I'l need, flexible enough to cover the cases I /know/ I'l need, but I can't get all three :-( I sort of suspect that the sucess of TreeModel (and its friends) is down to /not/ attempting to solve this problem in even remotely full generality. > In Eiffel, > CURSOR and ITERATOR are two very different animals, the former > maintaining the state of current position, the latter maintaining the > state of just about anything pertinent to the iteration. Indeed, > iterators often utilize cursors. I'm afraid I don't understand the distinction you are making there. I'll just have to wait and see what the code looks like ;-) -- chris |
> It's /entirely/ up to you what you do, of course, but -- for the record -- I didn't suggest using #at:put:... > My apologies. I misunderstood. > An interesting and reasonable way to design things. But its very different from the way that Dolphin TreeModels work -- there a TreeModel isn't the kind of thing that can be added to another TreeModel (except as an atomic node). > At the level of Model, I would agree. And I wouldn't expect TreeModels to work in this way. They're serving a higher purpose. > I think to emulate that kind of pattern you would need a new kind of TreeNode -- something like IndirectionNode perhaps, which would contain a reference to another TreeModel and "fake up" its own #children by invoking the foreign TreeModel's #roots. Actually you'd need a different kind of TreeModel too -- not inheriting from TreeModel since that "knows" that it knows about all of its elements. (There'd be issues with events too, but nothing that can't be solved with a bit of extra code.) > That's the beauty of the recursive definition of a Tree (not a TreeModel): there is no need to explicitly define a TreeNode. Further, a Tree should contain no event-related code. That would be the responsibility of TreeModel, TreeView, or TreePresenter. I would say that VirtualTreeModel is closer to a fundamental Tree. > I think that on further investigation you would have found it better to start by subclassing Collection directly (SequenceableCollection is about linear collections of objects, and trees are, um, not so linear ;-) but that general idea would be a good approach. > The non-linearity of a Tree is actually a meta-property, occurring only once we have a Forest. The list portion of a Tree (in other words, its list of children) is actually linear. The data type of that list could be a LinkedList, OrderedCollection, Array, etc., each variation giving rise to a whole different set of features serving equally various purposes. > OTOH, I have tried -- on and off -- to produce a decent Graph (aka "network") collection class. > A most ambitious undertaking. For one of my electives at university I took a course called Graph Theory. This was a most challenging course indeed. The course started out rather simplisticly, but very quickly ramped up. There is a graphs cluster for Eiffel out there under Open Source. It took quite some time to develop, and yet it only scratches the surface. I wouldn't touch the subject. > I'm afraid I don't understand the distinction you are making there [between CURSOR and ITERATOR]. I'll just have to wait and see what the code looks like ;-) > Yes, yes, the code. Well, I'm off to that now. I should close by saying that you may already be more familiar with the distinction between CURSOR and ITERATOR than you think. If you have used, or interfaced with, a relational database, or worked with SQL, you are already familiar with CURSOR. Record pointers in a conventional database are implemented with this very scheme. But these record pointers just sit there until one actually moves them: cursor.next(), cursor.previous(), cursor.first(), etc. An ITERATOR, on the other hand, is programmed with a certain task, or tasks, and a specific rule for traversal, and then is let loose, so to speak, on the data. It may actually use a cursor to advance itself. Cheers, Eric > -----Original Message----- > From: Chris Uppal [mailto:[hidden email]] > Posted At: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 3:09 PM > Posted To: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin > Conversation: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > Subject: Re: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > > Eric, > > > Node-mapping is precisely the behavior I wish to abstract, not > > foreground. I think I'll stick with your original suggestion of > > #at:put: for now, and then see how it plays out in a few use cases. > > searching the framework, #replace:with: seems to have a very different > > usage. > > It's /entirely/ up to you what you do, of course, but -- for the record -- > I > didn't suggest using #at:put:... > > > > Yes, the formalities behind the design of the TREE class in Eiffel are > > based on FOREST, and the fact that the only object that should ever be > > added to a tree is another tree: > > An interesting and reasonable way to design things. But its very > different > from the way that Dolphin TreeModels work -- there a TreeModel isn't the > kind > of thing that can be added to another TreeModel (except as an atomic > node). > > I think to emulate that kind of pattern you would need a new kind of > TreeNode -- something like IndirectionNode perhaps, which would contain a > reference to another TreeModel and "fake up" its own #children by invoking > the > foreign TreeModel's #roots. Actually you'd need a different kind of > TreeModel > too -- not inheriting from TreeModel since that "knows" that it knows > about all > of its elements. (There'd be issues with events too, but nothing that > can't be > solved with a bit of extra code.) > > > > If I had discovered no notion whatsoever of a tree in the Dolphin > > framework, I would have begun with Tree as a subclass of > > SequenceableCollection. > > Reasonable. I think that on further investigation you would have > better to start by subclassing Collection directly (SequenceableCollection > is > about linear collections of objects, and trees are, um, not so linear ;-) > but > that general idea would be a good approach. > > OTOH, I have tried -- on and off -- to produce a decent Graph (aka > "network") > collection class. So far I have failed. It's easy enough to create > something > that works for a limited subset of potential applications, but as soon as > I try > to resolve the problems caused by the wide range of domains that need > graphs, > the thing falls apart. I can create an abstraction which is any of: > easy to understand and use, > efficient enough to cover the cases I /know/ I'l need, > flexible enough to cover the cases I /know/ I'l need, > but I can't get all three :-( > > I sort of suspect that the sucess of TreeModel (and its friends) is > to > /not/ attempting to solve this problem in even remotely full generality. > > > > In Eiffel, > > CURSOR and ITERATOR are two very different animals, the former > > maintaining the state of current position, the latter maintaining the > > state of just about anything pertinent to the iteration. Indeed, > > iterators often utilize cursors. > > I'm afraid I don't understand the distinction you are making there. I'll > just > have to wait and see what the code looks like ;-) > > -- chris |
> I should close by > saying that you may already be more familiar with the distinction > between CURSOR and ITERATOR than you think. [...] Ah, I see. A cursor is a place, an iterator moves from place to place. -- chris |
Yes. Nicely put. Cheers, Eric > -----Original Message----- > From: Chris Uppal [mailto:[hidden email]] > Posted At: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 4:13 AM > Posted To: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin > Conversation: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > Subject: Re: ActiveTreeModel (Beta) > > Eric, > > > I should close by > > saying that you may already be more familiar with the distinction > > between CURSOR and ITERATOR than you think. [...] > > Ah, I see. A cursor is a place, an iterator moves from place to > > -- chris |
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