When I generated the IDispatch subclasses for VS FlexGrid I found some
problems with some of the methods which were generated. Heres an example of what was automatically generated: VSFlex7LIVSFlexGrid>>cell: setting row1: row1 col1: col1 row2: row2 col2: col2 pVal: pVal "Set the 'Cell' property of the receiver to the <variant> value of the argument. Helpstring: 'Returns or sets cell properties for an arbitrary range.'" self put_Cell: setting Row1: VARIANT new Col1: VARIANT new Row2: VARIANT new Col2: VARIANT new pVal: pVal asVariant whereas what was needed was: self put_Cell: setting Row1: row1 asVariant Col1: col1 asVariant Row2: row2 asVariant Col2: col2 asVariant pVal: pVal asVariant Looking at the IDL [id(0x0000009e), propget, helpstring("Returns or sets cell properties for an arbitrary range."), helpcontext(0x000027d9)] HRESULT __stdcall Cell( CellPropertySettings Setting, [optional] VARIANT Row1, [optional] VARIANT Col1, [optional] VARIANT Row2, [optional] VARIANT Col2, [out, retval] VARIANT* pVal); [id(0x0000009e), propput, helpstring("Returns or sets cell properties for an arbitrary range."), helpcontext(0x000027d9)] HRESULT __stdcall Cell( CellPropertySettings Setting, [optional] VARIANT Row1, [optional] VARIANT Col1, [optional] VARIANT Row2, [optional] VARIANT Col2, [in] VARIANT pVal); [id(0x0000009e), propputref, helpstring("Returns or sets cell properties for an arbitrary range."), helpcontext(0x000027d9)] HRESULT __stdcall Cell( CellPropertySettings Setting, [optional] VARIANT Row1, [optional] VARIANT Col1, [optional] VARIANT Row2, [optional] VARIANT Col2, [in] VARIANT pVal); ---The same problem shows in some other commands as well. Its easy enough to fix manually, but would be worthwhile fixing for the next release. --Regards Gary Overgard |
You wrote in message news:a1sp6d$7ih$[hidden email]... > When I generated the IDispatch subclasses for VS FlexGrid I found some > problems with some of the methods which were generated. Thanks for your report. > > Heres an example of what was automatically generated: > VSFlex7LIVSFlexGrid>>cell: setting row1: row1 col1: col1 row2: row2 col2: > col2 pVal: pVal > .... Hmmm, it seems to be because some of the parameters are not marked as either in or out. The reverse engineered IDL (by Dolphin, OLEView goes into an infinite loop on this component's typelib) is: HRESULT __stdcall Cell( CellPropertySettings Setting, [optional] VARIANT Row1, [optional] VARIANT Row2, ... [out, retval] VARIANT* pVal); I don't recall ever having come across this before in testing, and it is not handled correctly by the type-library analyzer. It seems that it means "Whether the parameter passes or receives information is unspecified." I'm not sure whether, in general, such parameters should be treated as in only, or in-out, or whether one is supposed to somehow deduce this from the type of the parameter (!). In this case they are clearly intended to be input parameters. Anyway the attached should get you going, and we'll review it further for 5.0. Regards Blair -------------------------- !PARAMDESC methodsFor! isIn "Answer whether the receiver is describing an input argument. Note that it is possible for the direction not to be specified, in which case one must assume both." | flags | flags := self wParamFlags bitAnd: ##(PARAMFLAG_FIN|PARAMFLAG_FOUT). ^flags == PARAMFLAG_FNONE or: [flags anyMask: PARAMFLAG_FIN] ! ! !PARAMDESC categoriesFor: #isIn!public!testing! ! |
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