Adding Polymorph text adornment to NewTextMorph

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Adding Polymorph text adornment to NewTextMorph

Fernando olivero
Name: SLICE-Issue-2746-NewTextMorphUsesPolymorphAddornments-FernandoOlivero.1
Author: FernandoOlivero
Time: 4 August 2010, 10:26:14 am
UUID: ad45b9eb-1683-4157-9b7e-15cf7b204743
Dependencies: Morphic-FernandoOlivero.672

Polymorph text addornment and other minor refactorings to NewTextMorph and related classes.

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Re: Adding Polymorph text adornment to NewTextMorph

Stéphane Ducasse
Thanks fernando.
I will integrate that now.

On Aug 4, 2010, at 10:29 AM, Fernando olivero wrote:

> Name: SLICE-Issue-2746-NewTextMorphUsesPolymorphAddornments-FernandoOlivero.1
> Author: FernandoOlivero
> Time: 4 August 2010, 10:26:14 am
> UUID: ad45b9eb-1683-4157-9b7e-15cf7b204743
> Ancestors:
> Dependencies: Morphic-FernandoOlivero.672
> Polymorph text addornment and other minor refactorings to NewTextMorph and related classes.
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