Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog

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Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog

I'm having little success with this. Nick Ager's recent documentation regarding Pier Admin has been very helpful in many other respects and has inspired me to pursue Pier further, but embedding a Seaside component or application seems to elude me.

If I create a small Seaside application, how do I reference it so that it embeds in my blog?  A small example sure would help.
Many thanks.

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog

About 2:20 into my tutorial:


On 12/23/11 5:05 PM, Bruce Prior wrote:
I'm having little success with this. Nick Ager's recent documentation regarding Pier Admin has been very helpful in many other respects and has inspired me to pursue Pier further, but embedding a Seaside component or application seems to elude me.

If I create a small Seaside application, how do I reference it so that it embeds in my blog?  A small example sure would help.
Many thanks.

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog

Hi Lawson,

I see what you have done in your tutorial video, but I don't see how you got your Factorial1 component included in the component dropdown list in the first place so that you could select it.

So I guess my question is: how do I add Seaside components or applications to the Pier component selection dropdown list? And a related question would be: does the component have to be a Seaside application or can it be a Seaside class component, ie a subclass of WAComponent?

Many thanks for you help. Your video has been very useful to me.

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog

John McKeon
Hi Bruce

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Bruce Prior <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Lawson,

I see what you have done in your tutorial video, but I don't see how you got your Factorial1 component included in the component dropdown list in the first place so that you could select it.

So I guess my question is: how do I add Seaside components or applications to the Pier component selection dropdown list?

Implement canBeRoot on the class side of your component and make it ^true 

And a related question would be: does the component have to be a Seaside application or can it be a Seaside class component, ie a subclass of WAComponent?

Many thanks for you help. Your video has been very useful to me.

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog


Thankyou, John. I do have canBeRoot implemented.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here? I am running Pier, and I'm in a blog, and I select Add. I get a dropdown menu named Type:.
I select Component and then click the Add button. I get another dropdown menu named Component Class:.
It has a long list of options but doesn't include the Seaside component that I want to embed and doesn't offer any other option that would lead me there. On Lawson's video it appears that he selects his component from this list but he says, "it's at the bottom where you can't see it."

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog

John McKeon
Pier also "humanizes" the name of the component for rendering the list. If your component class is ABComponentUI it will show up as Component U I (the common convention being that the first two letters of the class form the package prefix and are removed). This might cause it to show up in an unexpected sort order in the list

On Saturday, December 24, 2011, Bruce Prior <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Thankyou, John. I do have canBeRoot implemented.
> Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here? I am running Pier, and I'm in a blog, and I select Add. I get a dropdown menu named Type:.
> I select Component and then click the Add button. I get another dropdown menu named Component Class:.
> It has a long list of options but doesn't include the Seaside component that I want to embed and doesn't offer any other option that would lead me there. On Lawson's video it appears that he selects his component from this list but he says, "it's at the bottom where you can't see it."
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Adding Seaside Components to Pier Blog

Many thanks, John.
That was the clue I needed. My test component is BPPierTest. The dropdown menu includes an item named Pier Test. I had not recognized it as my component. It all works now.
I think I'll leave Pier alone now for a few days and enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas to you and to Lawson English. You were both a big help.

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...