Adding javascript without encoding

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Adding javascript without encoding

Sebastia Van Lacke
Hi list, I need to add some javascript on the document head to achieve this:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
   $( "#example_2" ).accessNews({ 
         speed : "normal",
   slideBy : 1
I add the script on the updateRoot method:
Component >>updateRoot: aRoot
 super updateRoot: aRoot.
 aRoot javascript add: self example2Script.
 ^'$(function() {
  $( "#example_2" ).accessNews({
         speed : "normal",
   slideBy : 1
but the problem is that Seaside by default, encodes this string with an HTML enconder, generating this string embeded on the document
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    $( &quot;#example_2&quot; ).accessNews({ 
        speed : &quot;normal&quot;,
        slideBy : 1
where the $" are replaced by '&quot' . And the script doesn't work!!.
I need to put the string without enconding. Which is the correct way to do it?
I do it by redefining a Seaside method, but I suppose there's some other clean solution.
I have redefined this method:
encodeOn: aDocument
 aDocument openTag: self tag attributes: attributes closed: self isClosed.
 self isClosed ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
 self childrenDo: [ :each | each encodeOn: aDocument ].
 aDocument closeTag: self tag
WAScriptElement >> encodeOn: aDocument
 aDocument openTag: self tag attributes: attributes closed: self isClosed.
 self isClosed ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
 self childrenDo: [ :each | aDocument nextPutAll: each displayString].
 aDocument closeTag: self tag.
Thank you!!
sebastian  van lacke | developer caesar systems | see clearly. decide smarter.

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Re: Adding javascript without encoding

Lukas Renggli
I assume that you are in Seaside 2.8, because this problem seems to be
fixed in Seaside 3.0?

> Component >>updateRoot: aRoot
>  super updateRoot: aRoot.
>  aRoot javascript add: self example2Script.

You probably should use #document: instead of #add:

  aRoot javascript document: self example2Script


Lukas Renggli
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