I am having a problem using an image that was saved by a different user on a different machine.
I'm trying to get started with PharoJS and have downloaded the Pharo 4.0 image from
https://pharojs.github.io/faq.html#demoEsug2016. When I load the image Spotter raises errors becasue it holds on to a FileSystem object that holds a path within the previous user's local home directory. When I use Montichello browser to export the packages I need to disk or online repository, I get Error: RemoteString past end of file errors - I think this is because Montichello tries to read the changes file and cannot.
What can I do? Is there a proper way to re-initialize the host dependent state when taking over someone else's image? I know the preferred way to share code without state is to use Montichello...