Agile Artificial Intelligence book

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Agile Artificial Intelligence book

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The first 6 chapters of Agile Artificial Intelligence are now stable. Now is a good time for reviewing them.

The chapters are available online from:

You can also see that the structure of the book has evolved. I believe that the part are stable. Maybe content of Part II and Part III can still evolve.

You can contribute to the chapters by simply making a pull-request.
People who do so,
        (i) will have their name listed on the book website,
        (ii) will have their name in the printed version of the book, and
        (iii) I will be very happy to invite you for a beer next time we meet.

Thanks to all of you who have pushed the book and sent encouragements. The community deserves your effort.

Kind regards,
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Re: Agile Artificial Intelligence book

Hi, the Book so far is great, I am looking forward to more.  However, when I
try to load the code with:
Metacello new
  package: 'NeuralNetwork';
  repository: 'github://AgileArtificialIntelligence/PharoSourceCode/src' ;
Both Pharo 6.1 stable and 7 Development Version do not understand:  package:
When I dig into it a bit this message is implemented in an abstract method
of Metacello which does not appear to be in Metacello hierarchy??  What did
I miss?  

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Re: Agile Artificial Intelligence book

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

Thanks for having spotted it. 
Code for the first chapters can be downloaded using:
Metacello new
  baseline: 'NeuralNetwork';
  repository: '<a href="github://AgileArtificialIntelligence/PharoSourceCode/src" class="">github://AgileArtificialIntelligence/PharoSourceCode/src' ;

But note that the code is not officially released. We will package it better…

Alexandre Bergel

On Dec 13, 2018, at 3:35 PM, mldavis99 <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi, the Book so far is great, I am looking forward to more.  However, when I
try to load the code with:
Metacello new
 package: 'NeuralNetwork';
 repository: '<a href="github://AgileArtificialIntelligence/PharoSourceCode/src" class="">github://AgileArtificialIntelligence/PharoSourceCode/src' ;
Both Pharo 6.1 stable and 7 Development Version do not understand:  package:
When I dig into it a bit this message is implemented in an abstract method
of Metacello which does not appear to be in Metacello hierarchy??  What did
I miss?  

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