Aida Tutorial

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Aida Tutorial

Hey Aiders,

I've started to complete the Aida Tutorial. As my english writing is far
from perfect, I'll appreciate any help :p
What do you want to be covered by the tutorial? I've a first draft that
introduce Forms and WebGrid (check the attachment).



6. Forms

It's time to add new entries in our AddressBook. For that, we have to create a form, process the inputs and add the new entry to our address book.
Create a link on the main view of the address book:
       | e |
       e := WebElement new.
       e addTextH1: 'Address book'.
       e table class: #webGrid.
       self observee addresses do: [:each |
           e cell addText: each name. 
           e newCell addLinkTo: each text: each surname.
           e newCell addText: each phone. 
           e newCell align: #right; addText: each email.
           e newRow].
    e addBreak.
    e addLinkTo: self text: 'Add a new entry'  view: #add.
    self pageFrameWith: e title: 'Address book'

We now have a link to an 'add view'. Create the corresponding method (#viewAdd) in the AddressBookApp class:

    | e |
    e := WebElement new.
    newEntry := AddressEntry new.
    e addTextH1: 'Add a new entry'.
    e cell addText: 'Name:' ; addBreak.
    e cell addInputFieldAspect: #name for: newEntry.
    e newRow.
    e cell addText: 'Surname:' ; addBreak.
    e cell addInputFieldAspect: #surname for: newEntry.
    e newRow.
    e cell addText: 'Phone:' ; addBreak.
    e cell addInputFieldAspect: #phone for: newEntry.
    e newRow.
    e cell addText: 'Email:' ; addBreak.
    e cell addInputFieldAspect: #email for: newEntry.
    e newRow.
    e cell addButtonText: 'Add this entry'. 
    self pageFrameWith: e title: 'Add an entry'.

This create a form linked to the newEntry instance variable. Declare it in your class definition.
When the button 'Add this entry' is pressed, Aida will call the method #actionAdd (by default, the submit button of a form call the method #actionNameOfTheView). Let's have a look:

    self observee addresses add:  newEntry.
    self redirectToView: #main.

Quite simple isn't it ?
In a real world example, you can check and validate the data (e.g., verifiy that the phone number is a valid one).

For more informations about the Forms in Aida, have a look at the doc: or browse the source code.

7.Enhance the table

Aida makes javascript/Ajax scripting really easy. No need to know Javascript, Aida does everything for you.
We'll improve our AddressBook table by adding two features: sorting and filtering
Here's the complete #viewMain method:

| e entryList |
e := WebElement new.
e addTextH1: 'Address Book'.
entryList := WebGrid new.
entryList columnNames: #('' 'Name' 'Surname' 'Phone' 'Email');
columnFilters: #(nil true true nil nil);
sortOn: 2;
collection: self observee addresses;
columnAspects: #(nil #name #surname #phone #email);
column: 3 addBlock: [ :each |
(WebElement new) addLinkTo: each text: each surname.].
e add: entryList.
e addBreak.
e addLinkTo: self text: 'Add an entry' view: #add.
       self pageFrameWith: e title: 'Address book'

Do you see the difference?
We've created a WebGrid object and gave it all the informations it needs to work properly .
#columnNames: is used to give a name to each column.
#setNumbering simply tells the webGrid to give each line a number (which will be in the 1st column)
#columnFilters: tells the WebGrid on which column we want to use a filter. In this case, only the 'Surname' and 'Name' column will have a filter box.
#sortOn: sets on which column the initial sorting has to be done
#collection: sets the collection that will be displayed by the webGrid. We use the #observee to retrieve our addressBook.
#columnAspects: tells which method has to be called for each column on very object of the collection.
#column: addBlock: The specified column will be rendered with the given block (which must return a WebElement).

That's it! Refresh your browser and enjoy your brand new table.

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Re: Aida Tutorial

Janko Mivšek
Hi François,

Very well done! I would check Nicolas's screencast to see if there is
anything not covered by tutorial yet and write down that first. Then
some Ajax "just by the way" tricks would be nice to add.


Francois Stephany wrote:

> Hey Aiders,
> I've started to complete the Aida Tutorial. As my english writing is far
> from perfect, I'll appreciate any help :p
> What do you want to be covered by the tutorial? I've a first draft that
> introduce Forms and WebGrid (check the attachment).
> Cheers,
> Francois
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     6. Forms
> It's time to add new entries in our AddressBook. For that, we have to
> create a form, process the inputs and add the new entry to our address
> book.
> Create a link on the main view of the address book:
>    viewMain
>        | e |
>        e := WebElement new.
>        e addTextH1: 'Address book'.
>        e table class: #webGrid.
>        self observee addresses do: [:each |
>            e cell addText: each name.
>            e newCell addLinkTo: each text: each surname.
>            e newCell addText: each phone.
>            e newCell align: #right; addText: each email.
>            e newRow].
>     e addBreak.
>     e addLinkTo: self text: 'Add a new entry'  view: #add.
>     self pageFrameWith: e title: 'Address book'
> We now have a link to an 'add view'. Create the corresponding method
> (#viewAdd) in the AddressBookApp class:
> viewAdd
>     | e |
>     e := WebElement new.
>     newEntry := AddressEntry new.
>     e addTextH1: 'Add a new entry'.
>     e cell addText: 'Name:' ; addBreak.
>     e cell addInputFieldAspect: #name for: newEntry.
>     e newRow.
>     e cell addText: 'Surname:' ; addBreak.
>     e cell addInputFieldAspect: #surname for: newEntry.
>     e newRow.
>     e cell addText: 'Phone:' ; addBreak.
>     e cell addInputFieldAspect: #phone for: newEntry.
>     e newRow.
>     e cell addText: 'Email:' ; addBreak.
>     e cell addInputFieldAspect: #email for: newEntry.
>     e newRow.
>     e cell addButtonText: 'Add this entry'.
>     self pageFrameWith: e title: 'Add an entry'.
> This create a form linked to the newEntry instance variable. Declare it
> in your class definition.
> When the button 'Add this entry' is pressed, Aida will call the method
> #actionAdd (by default, the submit button of a form call the method
> #actionNameOfTheView). Let's have a look:
> actionAdd
>     self observee addresses add:  newEntry.
>     self redirectToView: #main.
> Quite simple isn't it ?
> In a real world example, you can check and validate the data (e.g.,
> verifiy that the phone number is a valid one).
> For more informations about the Forms in Aida, have a look at the doc:
> or browse the source code.
>     7.Enhance the table
> Aida makes javascript/Ajax scripting really easy. No need to know
> Javascript, Aida does everything for you.
> We'll improve our AddressBook table by adding two features: sorting and
> filtering
> Here's the complete #viewMain method:
> viewMain
> | e entryList |
> e := WebElement new.
> e addTextH1: 'Address Book'.
> entryList := WebGrid new.
> entryList columnNames: #('' 'Name' 'Surname' 'Phone' 'Email');
> setNumbering;
> columnFilters: #(nil true true nil nil);
> sortOn: 2;
> collection: self observee addresses;
> columnAspects: #(nil #name #surname #phone #email);
> column: 3 addBlock: [ :each |
> (WebElement new) addLinkTo: each text: each surname.].
> e add: entryList.
> e addBreak.
> e addLinkTo: self text: 'Add an entry'  view: #add.
>         self pageFrameWith: e title: 'Address book'
> Do you see the difference?
> We've created a WebGrid object and gave it all the informations it needs
> to work properly .
> #columnNames: is used to give a name to each column.
> #setNumbering simply tells the webGrid to give each line a number (which
> will be in the 1st column)
> #columnFilters: tells the WebGrid on which column we want to use a
> filter. In this case, only the 'Surname' and 'Name' column will have a
> filter box.
> #sortOn: sets on which column the initial sorting has to be done
> #collection: sets the collection that will be displayed by the webGrid.
> We use the #observee to retrieve our addressBook.
> #columnAspects: tells which method has to be called for each column on
> very object of the collection.
> #column: addBlock: The specified column will be rendered with the given
> block (which must return a WebElement).
> That's it! Refresh your browser and enjoy your brand new table.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Aida mailing list
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Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server
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