Hi Tim,
TimM wrote:
> I am running through some simple examples with Aida - and am quite
> enjoying what I've seen so far.
I'm glad to hear that :)
> In trying to work out how to do backlinks to an object - I happened to
> inspect a WebSession and notice that it has a property "language" that
> is set #slovene.
> Similarly I notice that country is #si.
> As I am on a UK/English computer - is this something that still needs
> to be resolved? Where does it get that language and country settings
> from? What are they used for?
This was used long time ago when browsers didn't report a language
correctly. Now it could be found from a web request. It is nessesary for
multilingual apps.
I'll rest both language and country instvar as nil for now and delete
codePage at all (because Aida uses now UTF-8/Unicode by default and this
solves multilingual problems once for ever).
Best regards