Newbie to Pharo
Just installed the latest 8.0 stable image. Some things work, but anything I do to access any files gets an exception dealing with getcwd in libc.dylib. I am running MacOS Catalina. I searched and found the lib.dylib file and it is an alias to another .dylib file. Is there something else I need to install or configure? Sent from my iPad e876cb42-0161-4573-bdb7-0bf57c073efb.png (134K) Download Attachment |
H Michael- that seems strange, I just tried the following on a Pharo8 with Catalina:
OSPlatform current currentWorkingDirectoryPath. > /Users/macta/Dev/Smalltalk/Pharo/Pharo 8.0 - 64bit I’m using PharoLauncher, although my images are not stored in Documents, but ~/Dev/Smalltalk/Pharo (I adjusted the launcher settings). Not sure if that makes a difference? Or - perhaps you didn’t allow Pharo disk read privileges (that is a new security check in Catalina - see the OSX System Preferences, Security and Privacy, Files and Folders. Mine has a pharo entry with access to Downloads, Documents and Desktop). Tim
Thanks Tim!
Problem solved. I did as you suggest and added (and Squeak*.app) to the "Files and Folders” and tried again. That resolved the primary issue but when opening File Browser I got a different exception referring to /.VolumeIcon.icns not being able to be opened. The volume was my boot partition and in Catalina that is a readonly filesystem. I looked at that file with ls and file commands, and it turns out that it was a broken link to the same file in the contained Data volume. The destination does not exist: [graphe:/Volumes/Graphe6] Michael% file .VolumeIcon.icns .VolumeIcon.icns: broken symbolic link to System/Volumes/Data/.VolumeIcon.icns So, I created an empty file there: [graphe:/Volumes/Graphe6] Michael% sudo touch .VolumeIcon.icns And rechecked the link: [graphe:/Volumes/Graphe6] Michael% file .VolumeIcon.icns .VolumeIcon.icns: empty File Browser now opens and lets me navigate around. All is well.
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