AlphaImageMorph performance

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AlphaImageMorph performance

so I sat down to find a good way to import pngs with transparence in pharo and animate them and I ended up to this code

morph:= AlphaImageMorph new.
morph openInWorld .
form1 :=Form fromFileNamed:'/Users/kilon/Pictures/box.png'.
form2 :=Form fromFileNamed:'/Users/kilon/Pictures/box2.png'.
[(1 to: 100) do: [  :index|
morph image: form1 .
(Delay forMilliseconds: 2) wait.
morph image: form2 .
(Delay forMilliseconds: 2) wait.

gave me a basic animation then I did the proper thing and I created my own class subclassing AlphaImageMorphing and used stepping every 40 milliseconds (25 fps) to create an animation of 2 frames , frame 1 is image box.png and frame 2 is image box2.png. 

Both images are 600x600 and contain transparency. 

Now one morph is fine , seems to work ok and does not raise my cpu much. However when I kept adding instances of the class I found out that after 3 the animation was considerably slow down, pharo also slow down with slow response to my command , when I reached 6 instance I saw failed redrawing of the moprh which was like it was cutting pieces out of the image for a second or so and pharo interaction was quite slow.

The cpu one of the four cores were up to 50%. CPU consumption is not bad at all , I compared with playing a youtube FULL HD video which was the same resolution and it was consuming 30% of the cpu. 

However I wonder if this the best way to do this. Its clear that there is no way with my current solution I can fully animate a big pharo window that is more than 1200x1200 without serious flickering and ideally I should not animate more than 1000x1000 for smooth animation.

So is this all ? Are there any improvements I may apply ? 

Would Athens be faster in this case ? I did not try because Athens is using Morphic anyway so it should be same if not worse.  
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Re: AlphaImageMorph performance

Le 13/09/2014 19:49, kilon alios a écrit :
> Would Athens be faster in this case ? I did not try because Athens is
> using Morphic anyway so it should be same if not worse.

Athens may be faster because only the final drawaing is done on the
morph, not your intermediate drawing, if I understand correctly, so
worth trying.

Why do you need AlphaImageMorph? You want to adjust the overall
transparency of your morph canvas? In that case, I think it will be
always slow because software rendered.

Note: for PNG file coming with alpha transparency, you don't need
AlphaImageMorph to get the bitmap rendered with its transparency.


Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

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Re: AlphaImageMorph performance

well I just tried plain ImageMorph, indeed the pngs render with their transparency but I get the exact same performance. No I dont need my canvas to be transparent only the pngs that will render on top of it. 

No idea how to do with Athens , I am looking at the examples but so far no luck. 

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
Le 13/09/2014 19:49, kilon alios a écrit :
Would Athens be faster in this case ? I did not try because Athens is
using Morphic anyway so it should be same if not worse.

Athens may be faster because only the final drawaing is done on the morph, not your intermediate drawing, if I understand correctly, so worth trying.

Why do you need AlphaImageMorph? You want to adjust the overall transparency of your morph canvas? In that case, I think it will be always slow because software rendered.

Note: for PNG file coming with alpha transparency, you don't need AlphaImageMorph to get the bitmap rendered with its transparency.


Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

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Re: AlphaImageMorph performance

Le 14/09/2014 11:02, kilon alios a écrit :
> No idea how to do with Athens , I am looking at the examples but so far
> no luck.

For example, check in DrGeo, in the category item-view you will find a
bitmap morph for rendering in Athens

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

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Re: AlphaImageMorph performance

thank you, I will take a look shortly also it just crossed my mind that I can also use NBOpenGL for even more performance and this way I can leverage the power of my GPU :)

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
Le 14/09/2014 11:02, kilon alios a écrit :
No idea how to do with Athens , I am looking at the examples but so far
no luck.

For example, check in DrGeo, in the category item-view you will find a bitmap morph for rendering in Athens

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

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Re: AlphaImageMorph performance

In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes
trying to load drgeo using the smalltalkhub instructions gives me this error both in Pharo 3 and Pharo 4

Gofer new
   package: 'ConfigurationOfDrGeo';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDrGeo) project version: #development) load.

MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer: in Block: linearLoadPackageSpec: packageSpec gofer: gofer...
MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: in Block: [ :pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer ]
MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: in Block: [ super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repos...etc...
MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray: in Block: [ :dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray ]
MetacelloPharo30Platform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: in Block: [ ^ aBlock value: dict ]
MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray: in Block: [ ...
MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray: in Block: [ ...
MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: in Block: [ ...

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
Le 14/09/2014 11:02, kilon alios a écrit :
No idea how to do with Athens , I am looking at the examples but so far
no luck.

For example, check in DrGeo, in the category item-view you will find a bitmap morph for rendering in Athens

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

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Re: AlphaImageMorph performance

Yeah, change #development to #stable.
I edited the information page accordingly.


Le 14/09/2014 11:48, kilon alios a écrit :
> trying to load drgeo using the smalltalkhub instructions gives me this
> error both in Pharo 3 and Pharo 4
> Gofer new
>     url: '';
>     package: 'ConfigurationOfDrGeo';
>     load.
> ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDrGeo) project version: #development) load.

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -

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Re: AlphaImageMorph performance

yeap now it works, thanks, i can see the DrGBitmapMorph

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yeah, change #development to #stable.
I edited the information page accordingly.


Le 14/09/2014 11:48, kilon alios a écrit :
trying to load drgeo using the smalltalkhub instructions gives me this
error both in Pharo 3 and Pharo 4

Gofer new
    url: '';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfDrGeo';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDrGeo) project version: #development) load.

Dr. Geo -
iStoa -