Am not sure if that is a good idea

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Am not sure if that is a good idea

anyway. Has anyone considered adding filtering to the Debugger (in my
case the Glamorous Debugger) in a way that not all instance variables
values are shown in the value pane?

Well a kind of watch as in other debuggers. You just can "ask" to watch
e.g field firstName but not lastName or something like that. Even if I
try to keep the information down some classes still do have a lot of
elements (think of articles, which usually have at least some kind of
id, a description, a price tag, but also some other information (be it
internal or extenal for the programm)

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Re: Am not sure if that is a good idea

Ben Coman
Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

> anyway. Has anyone considered adding filtering to the Debugger (in my
> case the Glamorous Debugger) in a way that not all instance variables
> values are shown in the value pane?
> Well a kind of watch as in other debuggers. You just can "ask" to watch
> e.g field firstName but not lastName or something like that. Even if I
> try to keep the information down some classes still do have a lot of
> elements (think of articles, which usually have at least some kind of
> id, a description, a price tag, but also some other information (be it
> internal or extenal for the programm)
I still fondly remember the Watch window from Turbo Pascal 30 years
ago.  You could also define expressions that updated every step so that
you could drill down in data structures.  I don't know what that would
mean in Smalltalk terms. I guess you'd have to be more careful those
expression had no side effects, or otherwise copy the target object of
each message before it is sent.
cheers -ben

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Re: Am not sure if that is a good idea

The MIT Curl debugger in their integrated IDE is for an expression-based language
 and so your are able to "watch" expressions of your own devising as you step through code - and drill down graphically into structured values such as object instances ; there is now an eclipse "plug-in" version of the IDE for SCSK Curl, but I am less fond of it !

I often wonder if the Rebol expression-based language might have been an alternative to Perl it had an IDE,,bur Rebol got nowhere in the past ... and Curl was using Regexp and still did not displace languages with no debugger .. let alone Curl's "live" doc's which are much like Smalltalk workspaces with Prof Stef but with a "save" and a "restore" ...  Noe Laurie Pratt in London is working on an expression-baed language rather like Icon but which is indent-sensitive like Python ( and so we go back to SNOBOL 80-column cards ?  ;-)

Regardless, I  still DO hold out hope for Smalltalk, especially Pharo !


On 11 March 2014 13:11, <[hidden email]> wrote:
Friedrich Dominicus wrote:
anyway. Has anyone considered adding filtering to the Debugger (in my
case the Glamorous Debugger) in a way that not all instance variables
values are shown in the value pane?

Well a kind of watch as in other debuggers. You just can "ask" to watch
e.g field firstName but not lastName or something like that. Even if I
try to keep the information down some classes still do have a lot of
elements (think of articles, which usually have at least some kind of
id, a description, a price tag, but also some other information (be it
internal or extenal for the programm)

I still fondly remember the Watch window from Turbo Pascal 30 years ago.  You could also define expressions that updated every step so that you could drill down in data structures.  I don't know what that would mean in Smalltalk terms. I guess you'd have to be more careful those expression had no side effects, or otherwise copy the target object of each message before it is sent.
cheers -ben

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Re: Am not sure if that is a good idea

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by FDominicus

Yes, these are all points for research. It is these things that can make Pharo define its own ground and change dramatically the meaning of programming. There is so much we can do in this space.

If anyone wants to start playing let me know so that we can coordinate.


On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Friedrich Dominicus <[hidden email]> wrote:
anyway. Has anyone considered adding filtering to the Debugger (in my
case the Glamorous Debugger) in a way that not all instance variables
values are shown in the value pane?

Well a kind of watch as in other debuggers. You just can "ask" to watch
e.g field firstName but not lastName or something like that. Even if I
try to keep the information down some classes still do have a lot of
elements (think of articles, which usually have at least some kind of
id, a description, a price tag, but also some other information (be it
internal or extenal for the programm)


"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: Am not sure if that is a good idea

Esteban A. Maringolo
Not exactly the same, but related... one of the features I REALLY miss
from the Dolphin Smalltalk debugger is the listing of the stack
variables in the debugger. This way, I could see, manipulate and
inspect intermediate objects, assigned to temporal variables like
_stack1, _stack2, etc. [1]

That really speeds up my daily debugging.

Esteban A. Maringolo


2014-03-12 5:02 GMT-03:00 Tudor Girba <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> Yes, these are all points for research. It is these things that can make
> Pharo define its own ground and change dramatically the meaning of
> programming. There is so much we can do in this space.
> If anyone wants to start playing let me know so that we can coordinate.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Friedrich Dominicus
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> anyway. Has anyone considered adding filtering to the Debugger (in my
>> case the Glamorous Debugger) in a way that not all instance variables
>> values are shown in the value pane?
>> Well a kind of watch as in other debuggers. You just can "ask" to watch
>> e.g field firstName but not lastName or something like that. Even if I
>> try to keep the information down some classes still do have a lot of
>> elements (think of articles, which usually have at least some kind of
>> id, a description, a price tag, but also some other information (be it
>> internal or extenal for the programm)
> --
> "Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Am not sure if that is a good idea

Tudor Girba-2
It's related enough :)


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]> wrote:
Not exactly the same, but related... one of the features I REALLY miss
from the Dolphin Smalltalk debugger is the listing of the stack
variables in the debugger. This way, I could see, manipulate and
inspect intermediate objects, assigned to temporal variables like
_stack1, _stack2, etc. [1]

That really speeds up my daily debugging.

Esteban A. Maringolo


2014-03-12 5:02 GMT-03:00 Tudor Girba <[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> Yes, these are all points for research. It is these things that can make
> Pharo define its own ground and change dramatically the meaning of
> programming. There is so much we can do in this space.
> If anyone wants to start playing let me know so that we can coordinate.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Friedrich Dominicus
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> anyway. Has anyone considered adding filtering to the Debugger (in my
>> case the Glamorous Debugger) in a way that not all instance variables
>> values are shown in the value pane?
>> Well a kind of watch as in other debuggers. You just can "ask" to watch
>> e.g field firstName but not lastName or something like that. Even if I
>> try to keep the information down some classes still do have a lot of
>> elements (think of articles, which usually have at least some kind of
>> id, a description, a price tag, but also some other information (be it
>> internal or extenal for the programm)
> --
> "Every thing has its own flow"


"Every thing has its own flow"