Amber Server up and running

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Amber Server up and running

Hi All/Nicolas,

I have the Amber Server up and running. I will take a lool at everything as i can.

You have done a great work !!! Congratulations.

As i understand Amber Applications runs on the client side but the development is done on Server side, is this correct ?

After an Amber Application is created you do not need the NodeJs running on the server, is this correct ?

So after an Amber Application is deployed the only thing i need is to tell to my web page (this page possible created by another app -for example Orbeon Forms-) to load my Amber Application (script) that will run on client side, is this correct ?

I'm just trying to understand the whole architecture and the process of building applications. 

And again Congratulations for this excellent works !!!


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Re: Amber Server up and running

Clément Béra
2013/6/18 Bruno <[hidden email]>
Hi All/Nicolas,

I have the Amber Server up and running. I will take a lool at everything as i can.

You have done a great work !!! Congratulations.

As i understand Amber Applications runs on the client side but the development is done on Server side, is this correct ?

Amber applications runs on the client side. The development is done at the client side too, except for the commit feature which is done at server side, I guess to be able to generate new files and write into them. You can develop at client side only without the server but in this case you cannot commit / cannot save your changes.
After an Amber Application is created you do not need the NodeJs running on the server, is this correct ?

 True. When you deploy you just need to pust the deployment js files (from your packages and from amber packages) in your server (which does not require to be a NodeJS), and you load these scripts with something similar to:

<script src="../../js/amber.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
files: ['myPackage1.js','myPackage2.js'],
prefix: 'projects/easnoth/js',
        ready: function() {smalltalk.SomeClass._someNoArgMethod()},
deploy: true});

loadAmber() load the Amber kernel scripts and the scripts you specified.

For example, here an amber app running on a zinc server : (you can see it is amber by running 'smalltalk.Browser._open() in chrome console or firefox scratchpad).
Amber apps could directly be deployed on github pages, which host only static html pages, so you don't need any server for Amber, everything is client side. You can to try to deploy something as the counter example on a free github repository to experiment.

So after an Amber Application is deployed the only thing i need is to tell to my web page (this page possible created by another app -for example Orbeon Forms-) to load my Amber Application (script) that will run on client side, is this correct ?

Yeah exactly. The only thing you need isto load scripts as the code in previous paragraph. 

I'm just trying to understand the whole architecture and the process of building applications. 

Basically Amber code compiles to Javascript, so you get script files to put in your web pages that will be run client side. 

And again Congratulations for this excellent works !!!

Yeah they did a good job.


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Clément Béra
Mate Virtual Machine Engineer
Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq

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Re: Amber Server up and running


Thanks for the answer, pretty pretty cool.

Consider me as another Amber user.


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Re: Amber Server up and running

Manfred Kröhnert

Great :-)

Hopefully you have fun exploring Amber.


Am 18.06.2013 15:09 schrieb "Bruno" <[hidden email]>:

Thanks for the answer, pretty pretty cool.

Consider me as another Amber user.


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