Amber Smalltalk

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Amber Smalltalk

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
I realize Amber isn't a Pharo related question, but there doesn't appear to be much activity in their Rocket chat or on google groups.  

The instructions on the site say to install doing:
npm install -g grunt-cli grunt-init @ambers/cli

And when you run:
amber init

It fails:
fatal: repository '' not found

It appears they moved it to contrib-jquery from amber-contrib-jquery.  Does anyone know where this would be changed to get "amber init" to work?
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Re: Amber Smalltalk

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

Sending an email really messes up formatting.

I realize Amber isn't a Pharo related question, but there doesn't appear to be much activity in their Rocket chat or on google groups.  

The instructions on the site say to install doing:

npm install -g grunt-cli grunt-init @ambers/cli

And when you run:

amber init

It fails:

fatal: repository '' not found

It appears they moved it to contrib-jquery from amber-contrib-jquery.  Does anyone know where this would be changed to get "amber init" to work?

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Re: Amber Smalltalk

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

There was a reply from an Amber Smalltalk developer on Rocket chat and I uninstalled npm and cleaned up the previous grunt and amber installs, then removed node_modules and ran the command he gave me which was successful. The command to install is: npm install -g grunt-cli grunt-init @ambers/cli@latest