Jeremy Shute wrote:
> The AMD stuff is great, but I think it's probably still a struggle for
> people to understand how to get from point A to point B. Coming from
> Smalltalk you expect there to be "turtles all the way down," but here I
> think you really need some knowledge of the Javascript ecosystem in
> order to be effective with Amber.
> Similarly, I still can't figure out how to express from within Smalltalk
> that some code depends on a require.js package. It may be worthwhile to
That is not there (yet). I'd like it to have it, it's much better to say
Canvas needs jQuery than to download it separately.
> have tools available from the IDE for importing Javascript packages...
Smalltalk vm amdRequire: 'amdModule'
> Jeremy
P.S.: Nicolas - style / API design question: should the previous be
Smalltalk requireAmdModule: 'amdModule'
with definitions of forwarding methods for the published vm APIs,
or it is ok to use
Smalltalk vm knownApi
directly (but then it should probably be documented what is known API
and what is private; though _thisIsPrivate may be enough)?
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