An IdeaSpace thought

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An IdeaSpace thought

I was just tinkering with D6 - and tinkering is all I've done with it so
far, so I may be missing something - and noticed that when a transcript
is launched from within IdeaSpace it comes up as a seperate window,
rather than as another tab within the IdeaSpace.

Given that the IdeaSpace is the (almost) perfect solution for people who
prefer single window IDEs to multiple window IDEs it would be nice if
the transcript could live on a tab.

But perhaps it already can and I just haven't tinkered enough?


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Re: An IdeaSpace thought

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Steve,

> Given that the IdeaSpace is the (almost) perfect solution for people who
> prefer single window IDEs to multiple window IDEs it would be nice if
> the transcript could live on a tab.

I would like this too.

Going one step further, I would like to see SmalltalkSystemShell be
made (or be able to live in) an IdeaSpace.

Maybe the ultimate solution is to make SmalltalkSystemShell a kind of
"super" IdeaSpace ... with its current folders view on the first tab,
the transcript on the second tab, and any other view (including
"normal" IdeaSpaces) on other tabs.

> But perhaps it already can and I just haven't tinkered enough?

I am sure it can, but I think you would have to get your hands a bit
dirty. I don't think it is as simple as setting a preference somewhere.

[hidden email]

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MethosExplorer -tab's title (Re: An IdeaSpace thought)
In reply to this post by aa-3
Here's another idea about idea-space:

I click on a method in a method-list inside
the idea-space, and choose "Definition Of"
or "References To".  This opens a new TAB
inside the idea-space, showing the definitions
of referrers.

Unfortunately the TITLE of the new tab is
"METHOD EXPLORER".  When I have many tabs
open in my idea-space, many of them have
have this title, which says very little
about the actual contents of that tab. So
if I know I have the referrers of a given
method open in SOME tab, I stil need to try
opening each of them until I find the right

Suggestion: The tab-title of a Method Explorer
inside an IdeaSpace should show the name of
the method whose definitions of referrers
it is showing.

A further visual distinction could be made
in the tab-title between Referrers and
Definitions. But ideally there would be
a switch in the MethodExplorer that would
allow me to choose to see either Referrers
or Definitions.

-Panu Viljamaa

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Re: MethodExplorer -tab's title (Re: An IdeaSpace thought)
[hidden email] wrote:

> Suggestion: The tab-title of a Method Explorer
> inside an IdeaSpace should show the name of
> the method whose definitions of referrers
> it is showing.

I went ahead - couldn't wait for Dolphin 7 - and made
this change myself, in my image.

You can do the same if you open the method:

     MethodExplorerShell >> #browseMethodsInEnvironments:

and ADD the following piece of code after all of the
original code:

   "--  Added the following to make the caption
        be the name of the method - pv
   first ifNotNil:
    [  |capt|  #pv.
      capt := first asString  change: 'Definitions of ''' into: ''.
      capt := capt change: 'References to ''' into: ''.
      capt := capt subStrings  first.
      capt := capt change: '''' into: ''.
      self caption: capt .

This change/addition is simple, but it took me a lot of time
to figure out where to make it. Maybe there's a better place
to make the change - but who knows.

  -Panu Viljamaa