[hidden email] wrote:
> Suggestion: The tab-title of a Method Explorer
> inside an IdeaSpace should show the name of
> the method whose definitions of referrers
> it is showing.
I went ahead - couldn't wait for Dolphin 7 - and made
this change myself, in my image.
You can do the same if you open the method:
MethodExplorerShell >> #browseMethodsInEnvironments:
and ADD the following piece of code after all of the
original code:
"-- Added the following to make the caption
be the name of the method - pv
first ifNotNil:
[ |capt| #pv.
capt := first asString change: 'Definitions of ''' into: ''.
capt := capt change: 'References to ''' into: ''.
capt := capt subStrings first.
capt := capt change: '''' into: ''.
self caption: capt .
This change/addition is simple, but it took me a lot of time
to figure out where to make it. Maybe there's a better place
to make the change - but who knows.
-Panu Viljamaa