[Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

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[Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Seth Berman
Hello All,

Instantiations will be releasing 9.2 very soon.
We wanted to give all our customers a chance to view the release-candidate before we do so.
If no major issues are reported, then ECAP 3 (downloadable from the link above) will be what you
should expect to see for the release.

Incorporated in ECAP 3 is a set of @300 enhancements and fixes to the product.

There is a _CHANGELOG.txt that you can always refer to for a list of changes in the downloaded ECAP directory.
However, I usually like to highlight some of the changes here for all to see what we have been doing.

What's New in V9.2

Major performance increase with all new Just-In-Time Compiler for 32 & 64-bit virtual machines!

  • AArch64 joins the ARM family lineup
  • Major FFI Performance Increases
  • Support for returning struct-by-value in FFI
  • Transitioned to latest Clang compiler for Windows
  • Updated LLVM Code Generator
  • Walkback generator provides more useful information and pluggability
  • Updated Virtual Machine C-Interface (samples/include and samples/lib)

Base Libraries:
  • CSV Support
  • STON Support
  • Many APIs added for dialect Protability

  • Full HiDPI support on Windows
  • Scintilla Editor fonts use DirectWrite (GPU-Accelerated rendering) by default
  • 20x speedup in PNG reading
  • PNG Interlaced Frame Handling Support

  • Kernel-level EsCodePageUtilities with enhanced Unicode conversion
  • Seaside Unicode updates
  • Grease UTF-8 Enhancements
  • Iconv updates for Unix
  • Zip Streams UTF-8 support for file names and comments

  • Brotli Compression Streams
  • ZStandard Compression Streams

  • New IMAP Client
  • New SMTP Client
  • SASL Authentication Framework
  • Mail examples
  • SstHttpClient support for HTTP requests (PUT, DELETE...)
  • Absolute/Relative Redirect support for SstHttpClient
  • SNI support for SstHttpClient
  • Seaside Improvements

  • LibreSSL Compatibility
  • Probabilistic Signature Schemes (RSA-PSS)
  • Server Name Indication support

  • Native PostgreSQL Driver
  • PostgreSQL Database Abstraction Layer Integration
  • Glorp Updates

Development Tools:
  • Cross-Development Enhancements (XD)
  • SstDebugger now supports reading .sdf files
  • MonticelloImporter loading enhancements
  • SUnit Enhancements

  • Improvements to PAM Authentication
  • Dynamic Packaging rules using static code analysis for warning reduction
  • Significant reduction of packaging warnings on shipped apps
  • Seaside packaging works out-of-the-box
VAST Environments Launcher:
  • Copy Installations to new location
  • Move Environments to a new location
  • Default Editor/File Explorer identifier for Linux
  • Seaside Headless Packaging Examples in Server Guide
  • Stack Dumping and Remote Debugging with Seaside documentation
  • Updated Migration Guide
Research/Development and Open Source Projects:
  • As of 9.2, A formal Github presence for Instantiations: https://github.com/vasmalltalk
  • TensorFlow Machine Learning for VAST (tensorflow-vast on Github)
  • Git support for VAST with Tonel interchange (tonel-vast on Github)
  • Git/Tonel examples (tonel-demos on Github)
  • Docker examples (docker-examples on Github)
  • Pigpio bindings for VAST (pigpio-vast on Github)
  • Pharo to VAST porting tool (pharo2va on Github)
  • Eclipse MQTT Paho Client for VAST (paho-mqtt-vast) <-- The project also serves as an example of how to write user-prims

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email].
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/va-smalltalk/b7b77ec4-1dbb-4585-901a-f78386863995%40googlegroups.com.
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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Richard Sargent
Wow! That's a really impressive release!

On Friday, November 8, 2019 at 10:15:51 AM UTC-8, Seth Berman wrote:
Hello All,

<a href="https://www.instantiations.com/ecap/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.instantiations.com%2Fecap%2F\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNH3R9rne3hoK5or_IjB3SUasdkOmw&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.instantiations.com%2Fecap%2F\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNH3R9rne3hoK5or_IjB3SUasdkOmw&#39;;return true;">Instantiations Early Customer Access Program (ECAP).

Instantiations will be releasing 9.2 very soon.
We wanted to give all of our customers a chance to view the release-candidate before we do so.
If no major issues are reported, then ECAP 3 (downloadable from the link above) will be what you
should expect to see for the release.

Incorporated in ECAP 3 is a set of @300 enhancements and fixes to the product.

There is a _CHANGELOG.txt that you can always refer to for a list of changes in the downloaded ECAP directory.
However, I usually like to highlight some of the changes here for all to see what we have been doing.

What's New in V9.2

Major performance increase with all new Just-In-Time Compiler for 32 & 64-bit virtual machines!

  • AArch64 joins the ARM family lineup
  • Major FFI Performance Increases
  • Support for returning struct-by-value in FFI
  • Transitioned to latest Clang compiler for Windows
  • Updated LLVM Code Generator
  • Walkback generator provides more useful information and pluggability
  • Updated Virtual Machine C-Interface (samples/include and samples/lib)

Base Libraries:
  • CSV Support
  • STON Support
  • Many APIs added for dialect Portability

  • Full HiDPI support on Windows
  • Scintilla Editor fonts use DirectWrite (GPU-Accelerated rendering) by default
  • 20x speedup in PNG reading
  • PNG Interlaced Frame Handling Support

  • Kernel-level EsCodePageUtilities with enhanced Unicode conversion
  • Seaside Unicode updates
  • Grease UTF-8 Enhancements
  • Iconv updates for Unix
  • Zip Streams UTF-8 support for file names and comments

  • Brotli Compression Streams
  • ZStandard Compression Streams

  • New IMAP Client
  • New SMTP Client
  • SASL Authentication Framework
  • Mail examples
  • SstHttpClient support for HTTP requests (PUT, DELETE...)
  • Absolute/Relative Redirect support for SstHttpClient
  • SNI support for SstHttpClient
  • Seaside Improvements

  • LibreSSL Compatibility
  • Probabilistic Signature Schemes (RSA-PSS)
  • Server Name Indication support

  • Native PostgreSQL Driver
  • PostgreSQL Database Abstraction Layer Integration
  • Glorp Updates

Development Tools:
  • Cross-Development Enhancements (XD)
  • SstDebugger now supports reading .sdf files
  • MonticelloImporter loading enhancements
  • SUnit Enhancements

  • Improvements to PAM Authentication
  • Dynamic Packaging rules using static code analysis for warning reduction
  • Significant reduction of packaging warnings on shipped apps
  • Seaside packaging works out-of-the-box
VAST Environments Launcher:
  • Copy Installations to new location
  • Move Environments to a new location
  • Default Editor/File Explorer identifier for Linux
  • Seaside Headless Packaging Examples in Server Guide
  • Stack Dumping and Remote Debugging with Seaside documentation
  • Updated Migration Guide
Research/Development and Open Source Projects:
  • As of 9.2, A formal Github presence for Instantiations: <a href="https://github.com/vasmalltalk" style="color:rgb(17,85,204);font-size:small" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fvasmalltalk\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEjkE420gojVcXDrJN7mTllswUuUg&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fvasmalltalk\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEjkE420gojVcXDrJN7mTllswUuUg&#39;;return true;">https://github.com/vasmalltalk
  • TensorFlow Machine Learning for VAST (tensorflow-vast on Github)
  • Git support for VAST with Tonel interchange (tonel-vast on Github)
  • Git/Tonel examples (tonel-demos on Github)
  • Docker examples (docker-examples on Github)
  • Pigpio bindings for VAST (pigpio-vast on Github)
  • Pharo to VAST porting tool (pharo2va on Github)
  • Eclipse MQTT Paho Client for VAST (paho-mqtt-vast) <-- The project also serves as an example of how to write user-prims

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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

In reply to this post by Seth Berman
Congratulations to Instantiations and the whole team !

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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

In reply to this post by Seth Berman

there are many reasons to look forward to 9.2. I am just looking through some of the IMAP examples, and I must say I really like what I see.

Congratulatiosn to the the VAST development and support team! Keep up the good work! I hope to get my hands at the golden code soon!


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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Leonardo Oillataguerre
In reply to this post by Seth Berman
Awesome release. Good work and congratulations the whole team.

We are going to migrate some proyects to 9.2 ecap3. Could be posibble to get any future changes between this ecap and final release ? May be a changelog ?


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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Seth Berman
Thanks all for the kind words...we’re certainly looking forward to delivering it.

This is a good idea.
Yes, I will make it so.


On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 9:32 AM Leonardo Oillataguerre <[hidden email]> wrote:
Awesome release. Good work and congratulations the whole team.

We are going to migrate some proyects to 9.2 ecap3. Could be posibble to get any future changes between this ecap and final release ? May be a changelog ?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "VA Smalltalk" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email].
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/va-smalltalk/0838ece4-fb86-4caf-9d8b-1425cbf8cb2b%40googlegroups.com.
Seth Berman
President & CEO, Instantiations Inc.
Email: [hidden email]
Twitter: @sethloco78

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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Seth Berman
Greetings All,

I had to update the ECAP for Windows because of a bad build for the 32-bit version.
It's actually correct in our normal installers, but something went wrong on my machine when I compiled the vm for ECAP 3
and esvm40.bin on 32-bit ended up with 0-size (Thanks Norbert for pointing this out!).
This is bad because that is how the JIT compiler works:)

Therefore, I have just redone a build for ECAP 3 on Windows and verified that the esvm40.bin sizes are what they should be.

The 64-bit version looked fine, so you don't need to re-download if you are ONLY using 64-bit.

I apologize about that...and thank you to all that have been giving great feedback.

I think there is only 1 issue I know of that will force a rebuild, but we are holding off until we hear any additional feedback
and really trying to target the end of the week for a golden release.  However, if that can't happen for some reason, it's not
going to go past the following week.

Kind Regards,

- Seth

On Monday, November 11, 2019 at 9:36:22 AM UTC-5, Seth Berman wrote:
Thanks all for the kind words...we’re certainly looking forward to delivering it.

This is a good idea.
Yes, I will make it so.


On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 9:32 AM Leonardo Oillataguerre <[hidden email]> wrote:
Awesome release. Good work and congratulations the whole team.

We are going to migrate some proyects to 9.2 ecap3. Could be posibble to get any future changes between this ecap and final release ? May be a changelog ?


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Seth Berman
President & CEO, Instantiations Inc.
Email: [hidden email]
Twitter: @sethloco78
LinkedIn: <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/seth-berman" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fseth-berman\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNGUCwgCQUfxA1-uQjw1ZVLWWp_-OA&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fseth-berman\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNGUCwgCQUfxA1-uQjw1ZVLWWp_-OA&#39;;return true;">www.linkedin.com/in/seth-berman

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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Louis Andriese
In reply to this post by Seth Berman

it might be me being a bit daft on a sunday night, but I can't seem to find the raspberryPi-directory in the ECAP3-download (Vast92Ecap3_Linux). 
As per _USAGE.txt and per Mariano's excellent blog (https://marianopeck.blog/2019/06/05/getting-started-with-vasmalltalk-raspberry-pi-and-other-devices/) it shoud be in the download.
Any pointers?


Op vrijdag 8 november 2019 19:15:51 UTC+1 schreef Seth Berman:
Hello All,

<a href="https://www.instantiations.com/ecap/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.instantiations.com%2Fecap%2F\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNH3R9rne3hoK5or_IjB3SUasdkOmw&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.instantiations.com%2Fecap%2F\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNH3R9rne3hoK5or_IjB3SUasdkOmw&#39;;return true;">Instantiations Early Customer Access Program (ECAP).

Instantiations will be releasing 9.2 very soon.
We wanted to give all of our customers a chance to view the release-candidate before we do so.
If no major issues are reported, then ECAP 3 (downloadable from the link above) will be what you
should expect to see for the release.

Incorporated in ECAP 3 is a set of @300 enhancements and fixes to the product.

There is a _CHANGELOG.txt that you can always refer to for a list of changes in the downloaded ECAP directory.
However, I usually like to highlight some of the changes here for all to see what we have been doing.

What's New in V9.2

Major performance increase with all new Just-In-Time Compiler for 32 & 64-bit virtual machines!

  • AArch64 joins the ARM family lineup
  • Major FFI Performance Increases
  • Support for returning struct-by-value in FFI
  • Transitioned to latest Clang compiler for Windows
  • Updated LLVM Code Generator
  • Walkback generator provides more useful information and pluggability
  • Updated Virtual Machine C-Interface (samples/include and samples/lib)

Base Libraries:
  • CSV Support
  • STON Support
  • Many APIs added for dialect Portability

  • Full HiDPI support on Windows
  • Scintilla Editor fonts use DirectWrite (GPU-Accelerated rendering) by default
  • 20x speedup in PNG reading
  • PNG Interlaced Frame Handling Support

  • Kernel-level EsCodePageUtilities with enhanced Unicode conversion
  • Seaside Unicode updates
  • Grease UTF-8 Enhancements
  • Iconv updates for Unix
  • Zip Streams UTF-8 support for file names and comments

  • Brotli Compression Streams
  • ZStandard Compression Streams

  • New IMAP Client
  • New SMTP Client
  • SASL Authentication Framework
  • Mail examples
  • SstHttpClient support for HTTP requests (PUT, DELETE...)
  • Absolute/Relative Redirect support for SstHttpClient
  • SNI support for SstHttpClient
  • Seaside Improvements

  • LibreSSL Compatibility
  • Probabilistic Signature Schemes (RSA-PSS)
  • Server Name Indication support

  • Native PostgreSQL Driver
  • PostgreSQL Database Abstraction Layer Integration
  • Glorp Updates

Development Tools:
  • Cross-Development Enhancements (XD)
  • SstDebugger now supports reading .sdf files
  • MonticelloImporter loading enhancements
  • SUnit Enhancements

  • Improvements to PAM Authentication
  • Dynamic Packaging rules using static code analysis for warning reduction
  • Significant reduction of packaging warnings on shipped apps
  • Seaside packaging works out-of-the-box
VAST Environments Launcher:
  • Copy Installations to new location
  • Move Environments to a new location
  • Default Editor/File Explorer identifier for Linux
  • Seaside Headless Packaging Examples in Server Guide
  • Stack Dumping and Remote Debugging with Seaside documentation
  • Updated Migration Guide
Research/Development and Open Source Projects:
  • As of 9.2, A formal Github presence for Instantiations: <a href="https://github.com/vasmalltalk" style="color:rgb(17,85,204);font-size:small" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fvasmalltalk\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEjkE420gojVcXDrJN7mTllswUuUg&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fvasmalltalk\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEjkE420gojVcXDrJN7mTllswUuUg&#39;;return true;">https://github.com/vasmalltalk
  • TensorFlow Machine Learning for VAST (tensorflow-vast on Github)
  • Git support for VAST with Tonel interchange (tonel-vast on Github)
  • Git/Tonel examples (tonel-demos on Github)
  • Docker examples (docker-examples on Github)
  • Pigpio bindings for VAST (pigpio-vast on Github)
  • Pharo to VAST porting tool (pharo2va on Github)
  • Eclipse MQTT Paho Client for VAST (paho-mqtt-vast) <-- The project also serves as an example of how to write user-prims

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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Mariano Martinez Peck-2

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 5:06 PM Louis Andriese <[hidden email]> wrote:

it might be me being a bit daft on a sunday night, but I can't seem to find the raspberryPi-directory in the ECAP3-download (Vast92Ecap3_Linux). 
As per _USAGE.txt and per Mariano's excellent blog (https://marianopeck.blog/2019/06/05/getting-started-with-vasmalltalk-raspberry-pi-and-other-devices/) it shoud be in the download.
Any pointers?

Hi Louis,

Sorry about the delay, we were extremely busy at Smalltalks conference as well as preparing the release. 

Thanks for the nice words about the blog. I am glad you like it and please don't hesitate to ask anything!

You are correct, there is no Raspberry/ARM built in that Release Candidate. That's because we had the time to only focus on the "official" platforms (ARM is not yet official but we hope to make it in 9.3). ARM and ARM64 VM compilation is still a manual process and not yet hook up in our build. 

We will do an ECAP shortly after 9.2 is released with /raspberryPi and maybe even with /raspberryPi64 (for ARM64 devices). 

In the meanwhile, what I suggest is to use ECAP2 that DID have /raspberryPi: https://www.instantiations.com/downloads/vast-license/92Ecap/Vast92Ecap2_Linux.tar.gz

Let me know if that helps,

Best regards, 

Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.

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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/va-smalltalk/CAOUkibFoj53%3DWoadWWGBQGoaZT5cSeDun25xTQ9wbnh5pGVYFQ%40mail.gmail.com.
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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Louis Andriese
Thanks Mariano, that's enough to get me started!


Op maandag 18 november 2019 22:20:22 UTC+1 schreef Mariano Martinez Peck:

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 5:06 PM Louis Andriese <<a href="javascript:" target="_blank" gdf-obfuscated-mailto="mTdTJ9oSBwAJ" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;javascript:&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;javascript:&#39;;return true;">land...@...> wrote:

it might be me being a bit daft on a sunday night, but I can't seem to find the raspberryPi-directory in the ECAP3-download (Vast92Ecap3_Linux). 
As per _USAGE.txt and per Mariano's excellent blog (<a href="https://marianopeck.blog/2019/06/05/getting-started-with-vasmalltalk-raspberry-pi-and-other-devices/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fmarianopeck.blog%2F2019%2F06%2F05%2Fgetting-started-with-vasmalltalk-raspberry-pi-and-other-devices%2F\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNE5JiMk2dJ0xwour9x7mRS6aYuKVw&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fmarianopeck.blog%2F2019%2F06%2F05%2Fgetting-started-with-vasmalltalk-raspberry-pi-and-other-devices%2F\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNE5JiMk2dJ0xwour9x7mRS6aYuKVw&#39;;return true;">https://marianopeck.blog/2019/06/05/getting-started-with-vasmalltalk-raspberry-pi-and-other-devices/) it shoud be in the download.
Any pointers?

Hi Louis,

Sorry about the delay, we were extremely busy at Smalltalks conference as well as preparing the release. 

Thanks for the nice words about the blog. I am glad you like it and please don't hesitate to ask anything!

You are correct, there is no Raspberry/ARM built in that Release Candidate. That's because we had the time to only focus on the "official" platforms (ARM is not yet official but we hope to make it in 9.3). ARM and ARM64 VM compilation is still a manual process and not yet hook up in our build. 

We will do an ECAP shortly after 9.2 is released with /raspberryPi and maybe even with /raspberryPi64 (for ARM64 devices). 

In the meanwhile, what I suggest is to use ECAP2 that DID have /raspberryPi: <a href="https://www.instantiations.com/downloads/vast-license/92Ecap/Vast92Ecap2_Linux.tar.gz" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.instantiations.com%2Fdownloads%2Fvast-license%2F92Ecap%2FVast92Ecap2_Linux.tar.gz\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEsSb9DRD1zRh8dtXbE4fKGf1LPMw&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.instantiations.com%2Fdownloads%2Fvast-license%2F92Ecap%2FVast92Ecap2_Linux.tar.gz\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEsSb9DRD1zRh8dtXbE4fKGf1LPMw&#39;;return true;">https://www.instantiations.com/downloads/vast-license/92Ecap/Vast92Ecap2_Linux.tar.gz

Let me know if that helps,

Best regards, 

Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.
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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Wayne Johnston
Is the official 9.2 ending up equivalent to ECAP 3?  Besides the build [455], are the Windows .dll / .exe files unchanged (not rebuilt)?

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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Mariano Martinez Peck-2

On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 3:15 PM Wayne Johnston <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is the official 9.2 ending up equivalent to ECAP 3?  Besides the build [455], are the Windows .dll / .exe files unchanged (not rebuilt)?

No. We had a couple of new builds in the middle (between 445 and now) as well as a VM fix. 
But ...as Seth stated, we will try to list all changes since ECAP3 to golden release once the latter is out of the door. 


Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.

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Re: [Ann] 9.2 ECAP 3 Release-Candidate available for download!

Seth Berman
Hello All,

The following are the list of changes since ECAP 3.
Many thanks to folks that provided ECAP input.

New Product Splash Screens and Multi-Res Windows Application Icons
Additional Fixes:
65353: Linux - Manipulation of default button for a window or form causes walkback
65364: Use correct verion of EpXDPackagingExamples app
65369: Oracle updates from ECAP3
65362: [ b445] Glorp-Postgres-Logon errors are not handled properly due to existence of PGConn>>#pass
65378: High DPI issue with size of group boxes
65382: [b445] HiDPI: Scintilla Line Width Margin to wide
65383: Packaging Rule Error: Class named #SstImap4LoggingApp does not exist
65386: HiDPI: Visualage Organizer opens too slowly
65390: HiDPI makes task button selection way off on Packager Control Panel
65394: HiDPI: Tooltip text not scaled in Environments
65397: AbtOracle10DatabaseConnection>>#ociAllocateStatementHandleAsByteArraryIfError: returns freed pointer
65406: Fix WindowBuilder z-order in nested applications
65407: IMAP Fetch updates
65410: Fix GCEvent Framework- not ported correctly to new virtual machine.
65411: Environments - Update the banner graphic to new style
65415: Environments - pick up new abt .exe with updated icons embedded plus new Installations button jpg
65418: Remove Vast Team Testing Support map from shipped image

On Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 1:19:02 PM UTC-5, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 3:15 PM Wayne Johnston <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is the official 9.2 ending up equivalent to ECAP 3?  Besides the build [455], are the Windows .dll / .exe files unchanged (not rebuilt)?

No. We had a couple of new builds in the middle (between 445 and now) as well as a VM fix. 
But ...as Seth stated, we will try to list all changes since ECAP3 to golden release once the latter is out of the door. 


Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.
Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/MartinezPeck" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FMartinezPeck\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNFPV-7Bnc-U6phGEh-VZU0iUtY7vw&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FMartinezPeck\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNFPV-7Bnc-U6phGEh-VZU0iUtY7vw&#39;;return true;">https://twitter.com/MartinezPeck
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