On 7/1/15, Stephan Eggermont <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 01/07/15 13:00, H. Hirzel wrote:
>> BTW
>> Gofer new
>> smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation'
>> package: 'CardsMorphic';
>> load.
>> taken from above gives an error message.
> Needs a configuration, depends on DragPanels and WebSocket from Zinc.
OK, so load order is
1. WebSocket
2. Dragpanel
3. Documentation
>> I understand that there is no menu command yet to do the export so I did
>> CardsSvgWriter newFile: 'cards.svg' on: (CardWall allInstances at:
>> 1)
>> in a playground workspace window. I suggest to include that the context
>> menu.
> You noticed the websocket client?
No, how do I use it with the Cards application?
>> Texts are preserved in the svg file, so search is possible.
>> Fontsize is an issue: in the exported SVG file it is much smaller than
>> in the CardWall panel.
> Is it? I didn't define a font in SVG, and most fonts look smaller than
> the one I used in the panel. Including fonts looks more painful than
> including pictures.
I do not mean they should be included, just a larger font size. And
the text in the card should wrap around and not go out of the card.
>> Adding a card by just typing the card text and hitting '<ENTER>' would be
>> nice.
> There is a shortcut Alt-A defined in CardsApplication. I tried defining
> <enter> but that seems to be intercepted somewhere.
> Stephan