[Ann] IndieWeb and pocket infrastructures: 4th biweekly workshop this Saturday (3:15 PM - 7:15 PM, GMT-5)

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[Ann] IndieWeb and pocket infrastructures: 4th biweekly workshop this Saturday (3:15 PM - 7:15 PM, GMT-5)

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
Hi all,

This is just a short reminder about our biweekly Grafoscopio community
workshops about IndieWeb and pocket infrastructures (in Spanish). You
can find more information about them on:


It has been really nice to see how workshops, prose and code advance
intertwined and feedback each other in this community experience made on
a voluntary basis. You can see the behind scenes for prose and code here:

[2] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/timeline
[4] https://code.tupale.co/Offray/Brea
[5] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/brea/

