[Ann] Phratch 4.1 is here !

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[Ann] Phratch 4.1 is here !

jannik laval
Based on Phratch 4.0 we made some bug fixes and added new small features. Phratch is now on top of Pharo 4.0.

The new features are:
- languages are more stable. Thanks to the community for the feedback and the enhancement of the language files.
- Add a "follow" option that allows one to see which block is currently executed.

Phratch 4.1 is already available on phratch.com.
If you detect an issue, you can submit a description on https://github.com/janniklaval/phratch/issues
And you can always download the latest build on the continuous integration server: https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Phratch/

See you on phratch.com
