[Annoucement] StakePoint Project-Portfolio

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[Annoucement] StakePoint Project-Portfolio

Maarten Mostert

Hi Everyone,


I am happy to announce the availability of StakePoint Project-Portfolio "Technical Preview"




StakePoint is a Portfolio Project Management solution that manages resource workloads across multiple projects of an organization through interactive Gantt charts.

StakePoint integrates Earned value management, uses a constant critical path model, is compatible MS-Project and introduces matrix type navigation to improve project visibility.


The UI is Visualworks 8.0

Graphics and PDF is Cairo.

Excel export / import is COM and AppleScript.

The Windows Installer is  SetupBuilder  http://www.lindersoft.com/

The OSX installer is Packages http://s.sudre.free.fr/Software/Packages/about.html

The code sign and installer certificates are Comodo and Apple.


The Website is done with Cincom's AppeX framework and Bootstrap.


You can grab it: https://stakepoint.com/download/


And rate it  : http://www.capterra.com/project-management-software/reviews/107068/StakePoint/StakePoint/new


Have fun.




28 Av Alphonse Denis

83400 Hyères, France

+33 676411296 





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