Announcement: Smalltalk Industry Conference 2012 will be in Biloxi, MS, March 18 to 21

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Announcement: Smalltalk Industry Conference 2012 will be in Biloxi, MS, March 18 to 21

Georg Heeg

Dear ESUG Members,


I just made this announcement in Edinburgh:


1.      Smalltalk Solutions has been renamed to Smalltalk Industry Conference (STIC)

2.      STIC 2012 will be in Biloxi, Mississippi

3.      STIC 2012 will open Sunday March 18th, 2012 in the evening

4.      STIC 2012 conference days will be Monday to Wednesday March 19th to 21st, 2012

5.      STIC 2012 will be followed by a Camp Smalltalk on Thursday and Friday

6.      There will be program for Student Volunteers

7.      Call for papers is open

8.      STIC will continue to collaborate with ESUG


Please stay tuned for further announcements on


Georg Heeg


STIC - Smalltalk Industry Council

Executive Director

Phone +49-3496-214328, Fax +49-3496-214712


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