seaBreeze is our award winning graphical editor suite for Web2.0 applications
After a lot of work we are happy to announce that now seaBreeze version 5.0 is available.
New features include:
1. Based on Seaside 3.0
2. Based on VisualWorks 7.8
3. Communication between UI elements is based on Value Model pattern
4. Internationalization with support of per session locales derived from browser settings
5. Many little improvements
seaBreeze continues to be MIT licensed. The 5.0 version is available on Cincom Public Store (
A presentation of the new internationalization features can be found in
Have fun using seaBreeze (
Georg Heeg
Georg Heeg eK, Dortmund und Köthen, HR Dortmund A 12812
Wallstraße 22, 06366 Köthen
Tel. +49-3496-214328, Fax +49-3496-214712