"Dziedzic, Peter"<
[hidden email]> wrote:
> i talked also with Mr Georg Heeg ( responsibly for Cincom support in
> Germany ).
> The best way would be a binary socket. But a binary socket needs to much
> implementation time.
> I am looking for a simple solution.
> One solution would be to send the two party of the double ( in german:
> exponent and mantisse ) seperate as integer over socket.
I don't see why binary socket would be any more difficult than non-binary (whatever we mean by that, since ultimately sockets are binary). Here's a sample that ships chunks of doubles over a socket connection:
| doubles buffer received |
doubles := (1 to: 10) reading collect: [ :i | i reciprocal asDouble ].
buffer := UninterpretedBytes new: 8.
received := OrderedCollection new.
[ :client :server |
[ doubles do: [ :double |
buffer doubleAt: 1 put: double.
client writeWait; writeFrom: buffer ].
client close.
[ (server readWait; bytesForRead) isZero
] whileFalse: [
server readInto: buffer.
received add: (buffer doubleAt: 1) ].
] ensure: [ client close. server close ]
] valueWithArguments: SocketAccessor openPair.
I can't resist to post an Xtreams based equivalent as well :-):
| doubles |
doubles := (1 to: 10) reading collect: [ :i | i reciprocal asDouble ].
[ :client :server |
[ (client writing interpreting: #double) write: doubles; close.
(server reading interpreting: #double) rest
] ensure: [ client close. server close ]
] valueWithArguments: SocketAccessor openPair.
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