Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

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Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

The Brave Sir Robin-2
My personal web site doesn't get that much traffic but it does get some
from friends and family. Many of my friends are in the software industry
and are stuck in the stone age and haven't discovered the joys of

I thought it might be quite nice to have some OA/Dolphin logos scattered
around, linking to the OA web site. You never know, some of my mates might
be interested and get bitten by the Smalltalk bug.

Does OA have any objection to me doing this ? If you don't object, do you
have any 'approved' logos you'd like me to use and if so, where can I get
them ?

The Brave Sir Robin.

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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

Udo Schneider
Count me in for using these banners on DolphinMap as well then.



The Brave Sir Robin wrote:

> My personal web site doesn't get that much traffic but it does get some
> from friends and family. Many of my friends are in the software industry
> and are stuck in the stone age and haven't discovered the joys of
> Smalltalk.
> I thought it might be quite nice to have some OA/Dolphin logos scattered
> around, linking to the OA web site. You never know, some of my mates might
> be interested and get bitten by the Smalltalk bug.
> Does OA have any objection to me doing this ? If you don't object, do you
> have any 'approved' logos you'd like me to use and if so, where can I get
> them ?
> The Brave Sir Robin.
> RUN AWAY !!!

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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

Udo Schneider wrote:
> Count me in for using these banners on DolphinMap as well then.

Yep, I'd be happy to display the banners on my site too - that should
get about 10 pageviews a year :)

btw - has an apache configuration problem: takes me to the main page, but just takes me to the standard "you have installed
apache successfuly" page.

> Udo


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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

Udo Schneider
aa wrote:
> btw - has an apache configuration problem:
> takes me to the main page, but
> just takes me to the standard "you have installed
> apache successfuly" page.
It's not a bug .. it's a feature :-)  Nevertheless it "fixed".
Thanks for the report.



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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

Esteban A. Maringolo
In reply to this post by Udo Schneider
Udo Schneider wrote:
> Count me in for using these banners on DolphinMap as well then.

> The Brave Sir Robin wrote:
> > I thought it might be quite nice to have some OA/Dolphin logos scattered
> > around, linking to the OA web site. You never know, some of my mates might
> > be interested and get bitten by the Smalltalk bug.

I was whinking in the same thing, like the "Powered by Wikimedia", or
"Made with Vim", I'll publish some draft versions in the weekend.

Best regards,


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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by The Brave Sir Robin-2
Sir Robin,

> My personal web site doesn't get that much traffic but it does get
> some from friends and family. Many of my friends are in the software
> industry and are stuck in the stone age and haven't discovered the
> joys of Smalltalk.
> I thought it might be quite nice to have some OA/Dolphin logos
> scattered around, linking to the OA web site. You never know, some of
> my mates might be interested and get bitten by the Smalltalk bug.
> Does OA have any objection to me doing this ? If you don't object, do
> you have any 'approved' logos you'd like me to use and if so, where
> can I get them ?

We've certainly no object to your including references and logos on
your site as long as it doesn't make it look like the site has any
direct affiliation with Object Arts. We haven't got any approved logo
bitmaps right now but it's something I'll look into when I get a spare
moment or two.

Best regards

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

Udo Schneider
Andy Bower wrote:
> We've certainly no object to your including references and logos on
> your site as long as it doesn't make it look like the site has any
> direct affiliation with Object Arts. We haven't got any approved logo
> bitmaps right now but it's something I'll look into when I get a spare
> moment or two.
Well then ... Gentleman, Start Your Engines!

I created a page on Dolphin Map
( where we can
store different banners and design ideas.



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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

Travis Kay-2
Thanks Udo,


Udo Schneider wrote:

> Andy Bower wrote:
> > We've certainly no object to your including references and logos on
> > your site as long as it doesn't make it look like the site has any
> > direct affiliation with Object Arts. We haven't got any approved logo
> > bitmaps right now but it's something I'll look into when I get a spare
> > moment or two.
> Well then ... Gentleman, Start Your Engines!
> I created a page on Dolphin Map
> ( where we can
> store different banners and design ideas.
> Regards,
> Udo

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Re: Any objection to a bit of OA/Dolphin Advertising/Linking from my web site

The Brave Sir Robin-2
In reply to this post by Udo Schneider
Cheers Udo.

The Brave Sir Robin

On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 21:33:06 +0200, Udo Schneider
<[hidden email]> wrote:

>I created a page on Dolphin Map
>( where we can
>store different banners and design ideas.