Any way to force D6 to recompute its errors?

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Any way to force D6 to recompute its errors?

Tim M
So - I've been having way to much fun looking at parseNodes and the
compilationErrors collection in the Workspace...

I've been running for a few days now with a system where pressing tab
jumps you to the next error in your source code (particularly handy if
you have autocompleted a method that takes several parameters that you
still need to fill in).

Because this now makes me even more efficient (hehe) - sometimes I can
tab to the next error before the workspace has actually recomputed
where those errors are (I guess it works on this in the background?).
Thus, if my previous fix was a long string I can end up hiliting
something that is a little offset from where the problem is now
computed to be.

Anyone have any tips on whether I can force a recompute, or maybe some
sneaky pause that will make it less easy to do.

As it stands - you have to type pretty quickly to do it, so a pause
might work really well.

As an aside, I was hoping someone might comment on whether Tab was a
good idea to use as this jump forward key.. it works well for me (and
fits with pressing tab in the code complete as well) but was interested
in other's thoughts.
