Anybody get jquery.validate.js working?

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Anybody get jquery.validate.js working?

Timothy Murray
I ran into another "gotcha" with this approach.

In the custom event handler example from remember the milk

there is a submitHandler: handle that must be commented out or the seaside
callbacks  assigned to your submit button will not work.

$(document).ready(function() { 
    // validate signup form on keyup and submit 
    var validator = $("#signupform").validate({ 
        submitHandler: function() { 

Once I commented out that section of the example, the Seaside callbacks worked.

Prior to removing it, I had tried replacing the alert("submitted!") with return true; and return false; to no avail.

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Re: Anybody get jquery.validate.js working?

Another gotcha is it you don't have javascript at the client.
I have suggest using javascript at the server (rhino is a good version) to run
the same validations at the server.

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