I'm been playing around with the Win32 stuff for representing numbers and
currency in a localised form. It now has a proper TypeConverter which can do
two way conversions of various kinds of numbers into various representations.
I'll put it onto my main website in due course, but I thought I'd ask if anyone
cared to test it for me. Obviously, I can test it here, but my machine (fonts,
default locale, etc) are all set up for "English (UK)", but it would be nice to
know about any problems on machines with different setups, or when the output
is viewed through eyes that actually know what the locale's number /should/
look like ;-)
So I've put the package itself, plus a small demo GUI shell, on the web at
http://ephemera.metagnostic.org/code/LNT.zip4 packages (one duplicated from my proper website), totalling a 30K zip file.
Load package 'CU Localised Number Example' and (after checking for malicious
code) try:
LocalizedNumberExampleShell show.
Unfortunately that won't work on D6, because the changes to LayoutManager have
broken my FormLayout, which the test GUI uses, but the rest of the code should
work OK, including the example expressions in the package comment for 'CU
Localised Numbers'.
There's a screen shot of what the test app /should/ look like here:
http://ephemera.metagnostic.org/code/LNT.pngPlease let me know if you find problems, incorrect cultural assumptions (by me,
I mean, not the ones built into Windows), or have suggestions.
Thanks in advance
-- chris