Anyone see any issues with my Apache rewrite rules?

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Anyone see any issues with my Apache rewrite rules?

Rick Flower
I put out a test site this evening and can't seem to get logged in --  
but it works locally.. The site comes up fine
from the outside but the login is failing (w/o error).  I'm thinking  
that I'm losing my session info and Seaside
just creates a new session.. These same rules worked on my development  
image.. Anyone see anything
odd below?  Thx!

# settings
   RewriteEngine On
   ProxyPreserveHost On

# rewrite rules
  RewriteRule ^/resources/(.*) http://localhost/myapp/$1 [P,L]
RewriteRule ^/seaside/(.*) http://localhost:7777/seaside/$1 [P,L]

RewriteLog   '/var/log/httpd/rewrite.log'
RewriteLogLevel 1

I'm currently visiting http://my-domain/seaside/myapp and any links  
return me to the login page when
run remotely.. Hmm.. Must be some sort of Apache thing..

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Re: Anyone see any issues with my Apache rewrite rules?

Rick Flower
Ok.. Just a followup... It turns out that when I got in to
work this morning I was able to bring the site up just fine
and that there was no issue.. I'll admit that I was using my
iPhone last night to debug this since my Cisco 1841 router
has a config issue with routing to my locally hosted sites
when I'm behind the router's NAT..

Anyway, that makes me very happy.. The 2nd thing that makes
me very happy is that my Seaside/VW based WebApp runs about
50% faster than my old PHP based equivalent that I just
retired last weekend running on MUCH faster hardware with
a commercial hosting provider (the new config runs on a
Compaq Proliant server with quad 500Mhz CPU's running Linux)..
Anyway, a big Thanks to all of you that have helped me get this
far over the past 3.5 years (not full time mind you!).

I've still got a long way to go but the basics are there and
I can build from the current feature set easily!

Thanks again All!!!

P.S.  IF you know of an easy way to tweak my rewrite rules so
I don't need to specify the "seaside/myapp" on the end let me
know.. In the meantime I'll peruse the mailing list archives
since I suspect it's been answered already..

-- Rick

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