Anyone using Bootstrap popover with HTML (seaside comp) contents?

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Anyone using Bootstrap popover with HTML (seaside comp) contents?

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys,

I want to render some component in a Bootstrap popover. In my scenario a popover is better than a JQDialog. I saw that is is indeed possible to render html in a popover:

However....I am not sure how to do that from Seaside. I know I can do:

self attributeAt: 'data-content' put: howDoIGetThis

But I am not sure how to set the html generated from a seaside component. And even worst, my html will have some some inputs so I do need callbacks working.

Has anyone have done this before? I know how to do it with JQDialog but I would prefer a popover.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance, 


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Re: Anyone using Bootstrap popover with HTML (seaside comp) contents?

Karsten Kusche
Hi Mariano,

try that:

htmlCode := WARenderCanvas builder render:[:r | 
r input on: #name of: self.
html div attributeAt:'data-content' put:htmlCode.

Kind Regards

Karsten Kusche - Dipl. Inf. (FH) - [hidden email]
Georg Heeg eK - Köthen
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Dortmund A 12812 

Am Montag, 15. Dezember 2014 um 18:21 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck:

Hi guys,

I want to render some component in a Bootstrap popover. In my scenario a popover is better than a JQDialog. I saw that is is indeed possible to render html in a popover:

However....I am not sure how to do that from Seaside. I know I can do:

self attributeAt: 'data-content' put: howDoIGetThis

But I am not sure how to set the html generated from a seaside component. And even worst, my html will have some some inputs so I do need callbacks working.

Has anyone have done this before? I know how to do it with JQDialog but I would prefer a popover.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance, 

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Re: Anyone using Bootstrap popover with HTML (seaside comp) contents?

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Karsten Kusche <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

try that:

htmlCode := WARenderCanvas builder render:[:r | 
r input on: #name of: self.
html div attributeAt:'data-content' put:htmlCode.

Hi Karsten,

Thanks for your idea. Indeed, that works for kind of "static" components. But my components (the one I want to render in the popup over), uses AJAX and has inputs and callbacks. It seems that my callbacks are of course not being invoked if I get the builder as "WARenderCanvas builder".  And of course, if I use the current real HTML canvas, I get it rendered hahaha.

Any other idea?

Kind Regards

Karsten Kusche - Dipl. Inf. (FH) - [hidden email]
Georg Heeg eK - Köthen
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Dortmund A 12812 

Am Montag, 15. Dezember 2014 um 18:21 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck:

Hi guys,

I want to render some component in a Bootstrap popover. In my scenario a popover is better than a JQDialog. I saw that is is indeed possible to render html in a popover:

However....I am not sure how to do that from Seaside. I know I can do:

self attributeAt: 'data-content' put: howDoIGetThis

But I am not sure how to set the html generated from a seaside component. And even worst, my html will have some some inputs so I do need callbacks working.

Has anyone have done this before? I know how to do it with JQDialog but I would prefer a popover.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance, 

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Re: Anyone using Bootstrap popover with HTML (seaside comp) contents?

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I want to render some component in a Bootstrap popover. In my scenario a
> popover is better than a JQDialog. I saw that is is indeed possible to
> render html in a popover:
> However....I am not sure how to do that from Seaside. I know I can do:
> self attributeAt: 'data-content' put: howDoIGetThis
> But I am not sure how to set the html generated from a seaside component.
> And even worst, my html will have some some inputs so I do need callbacks
> working.
> Has anyone have done this before? I know how to do it with JQDialog but I
> would prefer a popover.
> Any advice?
> Thanks in advance,

>From my understanding you want something similar as a halo. Look at
WAHalo >> #source:visitor: to get you started.

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