Anyone using a newer version of Magritte for VW w/ Seaside 2.8?

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Anyone using a newer version of Magritte for VW w/ Seaside 2.8?

Rick Flower
I tried loading MagritteForVisualworks (lr.251 CS12.NFR.11,niallr) and  
it had an issue w/ loading..  Anyone got a newer version for use w/  
VW7.6?  Thanks!

Below is the MNU backtrace:

Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #current
Date class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
Magritte.MAObject class>>license
Magritte.MAObject class>>initialize
Magritte.MAObject class(ClassDescription)>>postLoad:
optimized [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
optimized [] in [] in  
optimized [] in Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
optimized [] in Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
optimized [] in Store.BasicPackagePolicy>>forcePackage:while:

Date class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
        a Date class
Instance Variables:
        superclass = Magnitude
        methodDict = a MethodDictionary[47]
        format = 16386
        subclasses = nil
        instanceVariables = an Array[2]
        organization = ('comparing' #< #= #hash)
('accessing' #- #day #leap #month #monthIndex #monthName #next  
#previous #start #weekday #year)
('arithmetic' #addDays: #subtractDate: #subtractDays:)
('inquiries' #dayOfMonth #dayOfYear #daysInMonth #daysInYear  
#daysLeftInYear #firstDayOfMonth #previous:)
('converting' #asDateAndTime #asDays #asMonth #asSeconds #asTimeStamp  
('printing' #glorpPrintSQLOn: #longPrintString #mmddyyyy #months  
#printOn: #shortPrintString #storeOn: #yyyymmdd)
('private' #day:year: #firstDayOfMonthIndex: #literalArrayEncoding  
#printOn:policy:format: #weekdayIndex)
('private-spin-button' #decrementBy:boundedBy:highValue:wrapAround:  
('backward compatiblity - printing' #printFormat: #printOn:format:)

        name = #Date
        classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[5]
        environment = a NameSpace[228]
        aMessage = a Message with selector: #current and arguments: #()
        excpt = a MessageNotUnderstood
        resumeValue = nil
Context PC = 25

Magritte.MAObject class>>license
        a Magritte.MAObject class
Instance Variables:
        superclass = Object
        methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
        format = 16385
        subclasses = nil
        instanceVariables = an Array[1]
        organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:  
#propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent: #propertyAt:put:)
('visiting' #acceptMagritte:)
('testing' #hasProperty:)
('initialization' #initialize)
('private' #errorPropertyNotFound:)
('comparing' #= #hash)

        name = #MAObject
        classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
        environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
Context PC = 5

Magritte.MAObject class>>initialize
        a Magritte.MAObject class
Instance Variables:
        superclass = Object
        methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
        format = 16385
        subclasses = nil
        instanceVariables = an Array[1]
        organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:  
#propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent: #propertyAt:put:)
('visiting' #acceptMagritte:)
('testing' #hasProperty:)
('initialization' #initialize)
('private' #errorPropertyNotFound:)
('comparing' #= #hash)

        name = #MAObject
        classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
        environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
Context PC = 5

Magritte.MAObject class(ClassDescription)>>postLoad:
        a Magritte.MAObject class
Instance Variables:
        superclass = Object
        methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
        format = 16385
        subclasses = nil
        instanceVariables = an Array[1]
        organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:  
#propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent: #propertyAt:put:)
('visiting' #acceptMagritte:)
('testing' #hasProperty:)
('initialization' #initialize)
('private' #errorPropertyNotFound:)
('comparing' #= #hash)

        name = #MAObject
        classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
        environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
        aParcel = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
Context PC = 10

optimized [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
        an UndefinedObject
        cls = ClassRecord{48925-MAObject}
        obj = Magritte.MAObject
        .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
Context PC = 14

optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
        an UndefinedObject
        each = ClassRecord{48925-MAObject}
        .newCollection = an OrderedCollection[1]
        .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
Context PC = 7

        an OrderedCollection
Instance Variables:
        firstIndex = 1
        lastIndex = 2
        aBlock = BlockClosure [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
        index = 2
Context PC = 17

        an OrderedCollection
Instance Variables:
        firstIndex = 1
        lastIndex = 2
        aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
        newCollection = an OrderedCollection[1]
Context PC = 16

        a Store.Package
Instance Variables:
        primaryKey = 47532
        name = 'Magritte-Model-Core'
        timeStamp = 447072424
        version = 'lr.248'
        userName = 'NiallRoss'
        trace = 16675
        dbIdentifier = #psql_public_cst_2007
        blessingLevel = 20
        commentID = 0
        propertiesID = 0
        properties = an IdentityDictionary[0]
        propertyRecords = an OrderedCollection[0]
        commentStr = nil
        namespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
        classes = an OrderedCollection[2]
        metaclasses = nil
        methods = an OrderedCollection[29]
        binFile = ''
        data = an OrderedCollection[0]
        overrides = nil
        parcelID = nil
        dbClasses = an OrderedCollection[2]
        toPostLoad = nil
        toInit = nil
Context PC = 8

        a Store.Package
Instance Variables:
        primaryKey = 47532
        name = 'Magritte-Model-Core'
        timeStamp = 447072424
        version = 'lr.248'
        userName = 'NiallRoss'
        trace = 16675
        dbIdentifier = #psql_public_cst_2007
        blessingLevel = 20
        commentID = 0
        propertiesID = 0
        properties = an IdentityDictionary[0]
        propertyRecords = an OrderedCollection[0]
        commentStr = nil
        namespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
        classes = an OrderedCollection[2]
        metaclasses = nil
        methods = an OrderedCollection[29]
        binFile = ''
        data = an OrderedCollection[0]
        overrides = nil
        parcelID = nil
        imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
        parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
        dbClasses = an OrderedCollection[2]
        dbNamespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
        retry = an OrderedCollection[0]
        unloadable = an OrderedCollection[0]
Context PC = 51

optimized [] in [] in  
        an UndefinedObject
        .imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
        .parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
        .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
        loadRes = nil
Context PC = 62

optimized [] in Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
        an UndefinedObject
        .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in  
Context PC = 9

        a BlockClosure
Instance Variables:
        method = CompiledBlock [] in Store.XMainChangeSet  
        outerContext = nil
        copiedValues = BlockClosure [] in [] in  
        aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.XMainChangeSet  
        result = nil
Context PC = 4

Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
        a Store.XMainChangeSet class
Instance Variables:
        superclass = Store.XChangeSet
        methodDict = a MethodDictionary[108]
        format = 20486
        subclasses = nil
        instanceVariables = an Array[2]
        organization = ('public-method changes' #addSelector:class:toPackage:  
#changeSelector:class:toPackage: #correctSelector:class:toPackage:  
#removeSelector:class: #removeSelector:class:fromPackage:  
#removeSelectorChanges:class: #revertData:owner: #revertSelector:class:)
('public-data changes' #addDataKey:class:package:  
#addDataKey:nameSpace:package: #changeDataKey:class:  
#changeDataKey:class:package: #changeDataKey:nameSpace:  
#changeDataKey:nameSpace:package: #relocateBinding:from:to:  
#removeBinding:in: #removeChangesDataKey:class: #removeDataKey:class:  
#removeDataKey:class:from: #removeDataKey:nameSpace:  
#removeDataKey:nameSpace:from: #renameBinding:in:as:)
('public-fileIn/Out' #putStatsOn:)
('public-other changes' #addDoIt: #addPatch: #removeDoIt:  
#reorganizeClassData: #reorganizeSystem)
('public-testing' #isEmpty #isMainChangeSet)
('public-package movement' #moveClassDefinition:from:toPackage:  
#moveClassDefinition:toPackage: #moveClassModel:to:  
#moveClassName:from:to: #moveDataKey:class:toPackage:  
#moveDataKey:nameSpace:toPackage: #moveDataKey:owner:toPackage:  
#moveDefinition:toPackage: #moveNameSpaceDefinition:from:toPackage:  
#moveNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage: #moveNameSpaceModel:to:  
#moveObject:from:to: #moveSelector:class:fromPackage:  
#moveSelector:class:toPackage: #moveSelectors:class:toPackage:  
#moveUnpackagedSelector:class:toPackage: #moveWholeClass:toPackage:  
#moveWholeNameSpace:toPackage: #moveWholeObject:toPackage:)
('events' #addBinding:in: #addBinding:in:attributes: #addClass:  
#addClass:attributes: #addNameSpace: #addNameSpace:attributes:  
#addSelector:class: #addSelector:class:attributes: #changeBinding:in:  
#changeBinding:in:attributes: #changeClass: #changeClass:attributes:  
#changeNameSpace: #changeNameSpace:attributes: #changeSelector:class:  
#changeSelector:class:attributes: #changeSelector:class:documentation:  
#changeSelector:class:protocol: #packageFromAttributes:  
#reorganizeClass: #update:with:from:)
('public-namespace changes' #addNameSpace:toPackage:  
#addNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage: #changeNameSpace:toPackage:  
#commentNameSpace: #component:property:value: #component:renamedTo:  
#relocateNameSpace:from:to: #removeNameSpace: #renameNameSpace:as:  
('public-class changes' #addClass:toPackage:  
#addClassDefinition:toPackage: #changeClass:toPackage:  
#changeDefinitionClass: #commentClass: #relocateClass:from:to:  
#removeChangesPropagatingClass: #removeClass: #removeClass:from:  
#removeClassChanges: #renameClass:as:)
('private- cascade changes' #cascadeRelocateNameSpace:to:  
#renameClass:asAbsoluteSymbol: #renameNameSpace:asAbsoluteSymbol:)
('private-fileIn/Out' #fileOutSpecialOn:)
('events-parcels' #installedClasses:toPackage:  
#installedMethods:toPackage: #installedNameSpaces:toPackage:  
('db phantoms' #addRemoveClass:package: #addRemoveNameSpace:package:  

        name = #XMainChangeSet
        classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
        environment = a NameSpace[255]
        aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in  
        currentCS = a Store.XMainChangeSet[1977]
Context PC = 15

optimized [] in Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
        an UndefinedObject
        .imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
        .parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
        .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
        loadRes = nil
Context PC = 12


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[hidden email]
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RE: Anyone using a newer version of Magritte for VW w/Seaside 2.8?

Bany, Michel
Hi Rick,

I'm using this combination. I just make sure that Date class >> current
is implemented to send #today before loading Magritte, then everything
is just fine.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
> Of Richard E. Flower
> Sent: jeudi, 19. juin 2008 06:05
> To: Seaside - general discussion
> Subject: [Seaside] Anyone using a newer version of Magritte
> for VW w/Seaside 2.8?
> I tried loading MagritteForVisualworks (lr.251
> CS12.NFR.11,niallr) and it had an issue w/ loading..  Anyone
> got a newer version for use w/ VW7.6?  Thanks!
> Below is the MNU backtrace:
> Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #current Date
> class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
> Magritte.MAObject class>>license
> Magritte.MAObject class>>initialize
> Magritte.MAObject class(ClassDescription)>>postLoad:
> optimized [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
> optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> OrderedCollection>>collect:
> Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
> Store.Package>>doSourceLoad:within:
> optimized [] in [] in
> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
> optimized [] in Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
> optimized [] in Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
> optimized [] in Store.BasicPackagePolicy>>forcePackage:while:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Store.BasicPackagePolicy>>forcePackage:while:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
> Receiver:
> a Date class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Magnitude
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[47]
> format = 16386
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[2]
> organization = ('comparing' #< #= #hash) ('accessing'
> #- #day #leap #month #monthIndex #monthName #next #previous
> #start #weekday #year) ('arithmetic' #addDays: #subtractDate:
> #subtractDays:) ('inquiries' #dayOfMonth #dayOfYear
> #daysInMonth #daysInYear #daysLeftInYear #firstDayOfMonth
> #previous:) ('converting' #asDateAndTime #asDays #asMonth
> #asSeconds #asTimeStamp
> #asTimestamp)
> ('printing' #glorpPrintSQLOn: #longPrintString #mmddyyyy #months
> #printOn: #shortPrintString #storeOn: #yyyymmdd) ('private'
> #day:year: #firstDayOfMonthIndex: #literalArrayEncoding
> #printOn:policy:format: #weekdayIndex)
> ('private-spin-button' #decrementBy:boundedBy:highValue:wrapAround:  
> #incrementBy:boundedBy:lowValue:wrapAround:)
> ('backward compatiblity - printing' #printFormat: #printOn:format:)
> name = #Date
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[5]
> environment = a NameSpace[228]
> Arguments:
> aMessage = a Message with selector: #current and arguments: #()
> Temporaries:
> excpt = a MessageNotUnderstood
> resumeValue = nil
> Context PC = 25
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Magritte.MAObject class>>license
> Receiver:
> a Magritte.MAObject class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Object
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
> format = 16385
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[1]
> organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
> ('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:  
> #propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent:
> #propertyAt:put:) ('visiting' #acceptMagritte:) ('testing'
> #hasProperty:) ('initialization' #initialize) ('private'
> #errorPropertyNotFound:) ('comparing' #= #hash)
> name = #MAObject
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
> Context PC = 5
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Magritte.MAObject class>>initialize
> Receiver:
> a Magritte.MAObject class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Object
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
> format = 16385
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[1]
> organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
> ('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:  
> #propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent:
> #propertyAt:put:) ('visiting' #acceptMagritte:) ('testing'
> #hasProperty:) ('initialization' #initialize) ('private'
> #errorPropertyNotFound:) ('comparing' #= #hash)
> name = #MAObject
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
> Context PC = 5
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Magritte.MAObject class(ClassDescription)>>postLoad:
> Receiver:
> a Magritte.MAObject class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Object
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
> format = 16385
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[1]
> organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
> ('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:  
> #propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent:
> #propertyAt:put:) ('visiting' #acceptMagritte:) ('testing'
> #hasProperty:) ('initialization' #initialize) ('private'
> #errorPropertyNotFound:) ('comparing' #= #hash)
> name = #MAObject
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
> Arguments:
> aParcel = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
> Context PC = 10
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Arguments:
> cls = ClassRecord{48925-MAObject}
> Temporaries:
> obj = Magritte.MAObject
> .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
> Context PC = 14
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Arguments:
> each = ClassRecord{48925-MAObject}
> Temporaries:
> .newCollection = an OrderedCollection[1]
> .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
> Context PC = 7
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> Receiver:
> an OrderedCollection
> Instance Variables:
> firstIndex = 1
> lastIndex = 2
> Arguments:
> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
> Temporaries:
> index = 2
> Context PC = 17
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> OrderedCollection>>collect:
> Receiver:
> an OrderedCollection
> Instance Variables:
> firstIndex = 1
> lastIndex = 2
> Arguments:
> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
> Temporaries:
> newCollection = an OrderedCollection[1] Context PC = 16
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
> Receiver:
> a Store.Package
> Instance Variables:
> primaryKey = 47532
> name = 'Magritte-Model-Core'
> timeStamp = 447072424
> version = 'lr.248'
> userName = 'NiallRoss'
> trace = 16675
> dbIdentifier = #psql_public_cst_2007
> blessingLevel = 20
> commentID = 0
> propertiesID = 0
> properties = an IdentityDictionary[0]
> propertyRecords = an OrderedCollection[0]
> commentStr = nil
> namespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
> classes = an OrderedCollection[2]
> metaclasses = nil
> methods = an OrderedCollection[29]
> binFile = ''
> data = an OrderedCollection[0]
> overrides = nil
> parcelID = nil
> Arguments:
> dbClasses = an OrderedCollection[2]
> Temporaries:
> toPostLoad = nil
> toInit = nil
> Context PC = 8
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Store.Package>>doSourceLoad:within:
> Receiver:
> a Store.Package
> Instance Variables:
> primaryKey = 47532
> name = 'Magritte-Model-Core'
> timeStamp = 447072424
> version = 'lr.248'
> userName = 'NiallRoss'
> trace = 16675
> dbIdentifier = #psql_public_cst_2007
> blessingLevel = 20
> commentID = 0
> propertiesID = 0
> properties = an IdentityDictionary[0]
> propertyRecords = an OrderedCollection[0]
> commentStr = nil
> namespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
> classes = an OrderedCollection[2]
> metaclasses = nil
> methods = an OrderedCollection[29]
> binFile = ''
> data = an OrderedCollection[0]
> overrides = nil
> parcelID = nil
> Arguments:
> imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
> parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
> Temporaries:
> dbClasses = an OrderedCollection[2]
> dbNamespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
> retry = an OrderedCollection[0]
> unloadable = an OrderedCollection[0]
> Context PC = 51
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in [] in
> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> .imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
> .parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
> .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
> loadRes = nil
> Context PC = 62
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in
> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
> Context PC = 9
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Receiver:
> a BlockClosure
> Instance Variables:
> method = CompiledBlock [] in Store.XMainChangeSet  
> class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
> outerContext = nil
> copiedValues = BlockClosure [] in [] in
> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
> Arguments:
> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.XMainChangeSet  
> class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
> Temporaries:
> result = nil
> Context PC = 4
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
> Receiver:
> a Store.XMainChangeSet class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Store.XChangeSet
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[108]
> format = 20486
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[2]
> organization = ('public-method changes'
> #addSelector:class:toPackage:  
> #changeSelector:class:toPackage: #correctSelector:class:toPackage:  
> #removeSelector:class: #removeSelector:class:fromPackage:  
> #removeSelectorChanges:class: #revertData:owner:
> #revertSelector:class:) ('public-data changes'
> #addDataKey:class:package:  
> #addDataKey:nameSpace:package: #changeDataKey:class:  
> #changeDataKey:class:package: #changeDataKey:nameSpace:  
> #changeDataKey:nameSpace:package: #relocateBinding:from:to:  
> #removeBinding:in: #removeChangesDataKey:class:
> #removeDataKey:class:  
> #removeDataKey:class:from: #removeDataKey:nameSpace:  
> #removeDataKey:nameSpace:from: #renameBinding:in:as:)
> ('public-fileIn/Out' #putStatsOn:) ('public-other changes'
> #addDoIt: #addPatch: #removeDoIt:  
> #reorganizeClassData: #reorganizeSystem) ('public-testing'
> #isEmpty #isMainChangeSet) ('public-package movement'
> #moveClassDefinition:from:toPackage:  
> #moveClassDefinition:toPackage: #moveClassModel:to:  
> #moveClassName:from:to: #moveDataKey:class:toPackage:  
> #moveDataKey:nameSpace:toPackage: #moveDataKey:owner:toPackage:  
> #moveDefinition:toPackage: #moveNameSpaceDefinition:from:toPackage:  
> #moveNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage: #moveNameSpaceModel:to:  
> #moveObject:from:to: #moveSelector:class:fromPackage:  
> #moveSelector:class:toPackage: #moveSelectors:class:toPackage:  
> #moveUnpackagedClassDefinition:toPackage:  
> #moveUnpackagedDataKey:nameSpace:toPackage:  
> #moveUnpackagedInWholeClass:toPackage:  
> #moveUnpackagedInWholeNameSpace:toPackage:  
> #moveUnpackagedNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage:  
> #moveUnpackagedSelector:class:toPackage: #moveWholeClass:toPackage:  
> #moveWholeNameSpace:toPackage: #moveWholeObject:toPackage:)
> ('events' #addBinding:in: #addBinding:in:attributes: #addClass:  
> #addClass:attributes: #addNameSpace: #addNameSpace:attributes:  
> #addSelector:class: #addSelector:class:attributes:
> #changeBinding:in:  
> #changeBinding:in:attributes: #changeClass: #changeClass:attributes:  
> #changeNameSpace: #changeNameSpace:attributes:
> #changeSelector:class:  
> #changeSelector:class:attributes:
> #changeSelector:class:documentation:  
> #changeSelector:class:protocol: #packageFromAttributes:  
> #reorganizeClass: #update:with:from:)
> ('public-namespace changes' #addNameSpace:toPackage:  
> #addNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage: #changeNameSpace:toPackage:  
> #commentNameSpace: #component:property:value: #component:renamedTo:  
> #relocateNameSpace:from:to: #removeNameSpace: #renameNameSpace:as:  
> #reorganizeNameSpace:)
> ('public-class changes' #addClass:toPackage:  
> #addClassDefinition:toPackage: #changeClass:toPackage:  
> #changeDefinitionClass: #commentClass: #relocateClass:from:to:  
> #removeChangesPropagatingClass: #removeClass: #removeClass:from:  
> #removeClassChanges: #renameClass:as:)
> ('private- cascade changes' #cascadeRelocateNameSpace:to:  
> #renameClass:asAbsoluteSymbol: #renameNameSpace:asAbsoluteSymbol:)
> ('private-fileIn/Out' #fileOutSpecialOn:) ('events-parcels'
> #installedClasses:toPackage:  
> #installedMethods:toPackage: #installedNameSpaces:toPackage:  
> #installedOverrideMethods:toPackage:)
> ('db phantoms' #addRemoveClass:package: #addRemoveNameSpace:package:  
> #addRemoveSelector:className:meta:package:  
> #addRemoveStatic:ownerName:isInNameSpace:package:)
> name = #XMainChangeSet
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a NameSpace[255]
> Arguments:
> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in
> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
> Temporaries:
> currentCS = a Store.XMainChangeSet[1977] Context PC = 15
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> .imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
> .parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
> .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
> loadRes = nil
> Context PC = 12
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
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Re: Anyone using a newer version of Magritte for VW w/Seaside 2.8?

Rick Flower
Thanks Michel --

That works like a charm.. I created a nice little override and all is  

-- Rick

On Jun 18, 2008, at 11:04 PM, Bany, Michel wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> I'm using this combination. I just make sure that Date class >>  
> current
> is implemented to send #today before loading Magritte, then everything
> is just fine.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email]
>> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
>> Of Richard E. Flower
>> Sent: jeudi, 19. juin 2008 06:05
>> To: Seaside - general discussion
>> Subject: [Seaside] Anyone using a newer version of Magritte
>> for VW w/Seaside 2.8?
>> I tried loading MagritteForVisualworks (lr.251
>> CS12.NFR.11,niallr) and it had an issue w/ loading..  Anyone
>> got a newer version for use w/ VW7.6?  Thanks!
>> Below is the MNU backtrace:
>> Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #current Date
>> class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
>> Magritte.MAObject class>>license
>> Magritte.MAObject class>>initialize
>> Magritte.MAObject class(ClassDescription)>>postLoad:
>> optimized [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
>> optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>> OrderedCollection>>collect:
>> Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
>> Store.Package>>doSourceLoad:within:
>> optimized [] in [] in
>> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
>> optimized [] in Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
>> optimized [] in  
>> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
>> optimized [] in Store.BasicPackagePolicy>>forcePackage:while:
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> Store.BasicPackagePolicy>>forcePackage:while:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Date class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
>> Receiver:
>> a Date class
>> Instance Variables:
>> superclass = Magnitude
>> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[47]
>> format = 16386
>> subclasses = nil
>> instanceVariables = an Array[2]
>> organization = ('comparing' #< #= #hash) ('accessing'
>> #- #day #leap #month #monthIndex #monthName #next #previous
>> #start #weekday #year) ('arithmetic' #addDays: #subtractDate:
>> #subtractDays:) ('inquiries' #dayOfMonth #dayOfYear
>> #daysInMonth #daysInYear #daysLeftInYear #firstDayOfMonth
>> #previous:) ('converting' #asDateAndTime #asDays #asMonth
>> #asSeconds #asTimeStamp
>> #asTimestamp)
>> ('printing' #glorpPrintSQLOn: #longPrintString #mmddyyyy #months
>> #printOn: #shortPrintString #storeOn: #yyyymmdd) ('private'
>> #day:year: #firstDayOfMonthIndex: #literalArrayEncoding
>> #printOn:policy:format: #weekdayIndex)
>> ('private-spin-button' #decrementBy:boundedBy:highValue:wrapAround:
>> #incrementBy:boundedBy:lowValue:wrapAround:)
>> ('backward compatiblity - printing' #printFormat: #printOn:format:)
>> name = #Date
>> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[5]
>> environment = a NameSpace[228]
>> Arguments:
>> aMessage = a Message with selector: #current and arguments: #()
>> Temporaries:
>> excpt = a MessageNotUnderstood
>> resumeValue = nil
>> Context PC = 25
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Magritte.MAObject class>>license
>> Receiver:
>> a Magritte.MAObject class
>> Instance Variables:
>> superclass = Object
>> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
>> format = 16385
>> subclasses = nil
>> instanceVariables = an Array[1]
>> organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
>> ('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:
>> #propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent:
>> #propertyAt:put:) ('visiting' #acceptMagritte:) ('testing'
>> #hasProperty:) ('initialization' #initialize) ('private'
>> #errorPropertyNotFound:) ('comparing' #= #hash)
>> name = #MAObject
>> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
>> environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
>> Context PC = 5
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Magritte.MAObject class>>initialize
>> Receiver:
>> a Magritte.MAObject class
>> Instance Variables:
>> superclass = Object
>> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
>> format = 16385
>> subclasses = nil
>> instanceVariables = an Array[1]
>> organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
>> ('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:
>> #propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent:
>> #propertyAt:put:) ('visiting' #acceptMagritte:) ('testing'
>> #hasProperty:) ('initialization' #initialize) ('private'
>> #errorPropertyNotFound:) ('comparing' #= #hash)
>> name = #MAObject
>> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
>> environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
>> Context PC = 5
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Magritte.MAObject class(ClassDescription)>>postLoad:
>> Receiver:
>> a Magritte.MAObject class
>> Instance Variables:
>> superclass = Object
>> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[13]
>> format = 16385
>> subclasses = nil
>> instanceVariables = an Array[1]
>> organization = ('copying' #postCopy)
>> ('accessing' #properties #propertyAt: #propertyAt:ifAbsent:
>> #propertyAt:ifAbsentPut: #propertyAt:ifPresent:
>> #propertyAt:put:) ('visiting' #acceptMagritte:) ('testing'
>> #hasProperty:) ('initialization' #initialize) ('private'
>> #errorPropertyNotFound:) ('comparing' #= #hash)
>> name = #MAObject
>> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
>> environment = a FirstFindNameSpace[13]
>> Arguments:
>> aParcel = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
>> Context PC = 10
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> optimized [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
>> Receiver:
>> an UndefinedObject
>> Arguments:
>> cls = ClassRecord{48925-MAObject}
>> Temporaries:
>> obj = Magritte.MAObject
>> .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
>> Context PC = 14
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
>> Receiver:
>> an UndefinedObject
>> Arguments:
>> each = ClassRecord{48925-MAObject}
>> Temporaries:
>> .newCollection = an OrderedCollection[1]
>> .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
>> Context PC = 7
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>> Receiver:
>> an OrderedCollection
>> Instance Variables:
>> firstIndex = 1
>> lastIndex = 2
>> Arguments:
>> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in OrderedCollection>>collect:
>> Temporaries:
>> index = 2
>> Context PC = 17
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> OrderedCollection>>collect:
>> Receiver:
>> an OrderedCollection
>> Instance Variables:
>> firstIndex = 1
>> lastIndex = 2
>> Arguments:
>> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
>> Temporaries:
>> newCollection = an OrderedCollection[1] Context PC = 16
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Store.Package>>initializeClasses:
>> Receiver:
>> a Store.Package
>> Instance Variables:
>> primaryKey = 47532
>> name = 'Magritte-Model-Core'
>> timeStamp = 447072424
>> version = 'lr.248'
>> userName = 'NiallRoss'
>> trace = 16675
>> dbIdentifier = #psql_public_cst_2007
>> blessingLevel = 20
>> commentID = 0
>> propertiesID = 0
>> properties = an IdentityDictionary[0]
>> propertyRecords = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> commentStr = nil
>> namespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> classes = an OrderedCollection[2]
>> metaclasses = nil
>> methods = an OrderedCollection[29]
>> binFile = ''
>> data = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> overrides = nil
>> parcelID = nil
>> Arguments:
>> dbClasses = an OrderedCollection[2]
>> Temporaries:
>> toPostLoad = nil
>> toInit = nil
>> Context PC = 8
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Store.Package>>doSourceLoad:within:
>> Receiver:
>> a Store.Package
>> Instance Variables:
>> primaryKey = 47532
>> name = 'Magritte-Model-Core'
>> timeStamp = 447072424
>> version = 'lr.248'
>> userName = 'NiallRoss'
>> trace = 16675
>> dbIdentifier = #psql_public_cst_2007
>> blessingLevel = 20
>> commentID = 0
>> propertiesID = 0
>> properties = an IdentityDictionary[0]
>> propertyRecords = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> commentStr = nil
>> namespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> classes = an OrderedCollection[2]
>> metaclasses = nil
>> methods = an OrderedCollection[29]
>> binFile = ''
>> data = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> overrides = nil
>> parcelID = nil
>> Arguments:
>> imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
>> parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
>> Temporaries:
>> dbClasses = an OrderedCollection[2]
>> dbNamespaces = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> retry = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> unloadable = an OrderedCollection[0]
>> Context PC = 51
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> optimized [] in [] in
>> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
>> Receiver:
>> an UndefinedObject
>> Temporaries:
>> .imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
>> .parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
>> .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
>> loadRes = nil
>> Context PC = 62
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> optimized [] in Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
>> Receiver:
>> an UndefinedObject
>> Temporaries:
>> .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in
>> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
>> Context PC = 9
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> Receiver:
>> a BlockClosure
>> Instance Variables:
>> method = CompiledBlock [] in Store.XMainChangeSet
>> class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
>> outerContext = nil
>> copiedValues = BlockClosure [] in [] in
>> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
>> Arguments:
>> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.XMainChangeSet
>> class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
>> Temporaries:
>> result = nil
>> Context PC = 4
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Store.XMainChangeSet class>>ignoreMainChangesWhile:
>> Receiver:
>> a Store.XMainChangeSet class
>> Instance Variables:
>> superclass = Store.XChangeSet
>> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[108]
>> format = 20486
>> subclasses = nil
>> instanceVariables = an Array[2]
>> organization = ('public-method changes'
>> #addSelector:class:toPackage:
>> #changeSelector:class:toPackage: #correctSelector:class:toPackage:
>> #removeSelector:class: #removeSelector:class:fromPackage:
>> #removeSelectorChanges:class: #revertData:owner:
>> #revertSelector:class:) ('public-data changes'
>> #addDataKey:class:package:
>> #addDataKey:nameSpace:package: #changeDataKey:class:
>> #changeDataKey:class:package: #changeDataKey:nameSpace:
>> #changeDataKey:nameSpace:package: #relocateBinding:from:to:
>> #removeBinding:in: #removeChangesDataKey:class:
>> #removeDataKey:class:
>> #removeDataKey:class:from: #removeDataKey:nameSpace:
>> #removeDataKey:nameSpace:from: #renameBinding:in:as:)
>> ('public-fileIn/Out' #putStatsOn:) ('public-other changes'
>> #addDoIt: #addPatch: #removeDoIt:
>> #reorganizeClassData: #reorganizeSystem) ('public-testing'
>> #isEmpty #isMainChangeSet) ('public-package movement'
>> #moveClassDefinition:from:toPackage:
>> #moveClassDefinition:toPackage: #moveClassModel:to:
>> #moveClassName:from:to: #moveDataKey:class:toPackage:
>> #moveDataKey:nameSpace:toPackage: #moveDataKey:owner:toPackage:
>> #moveDefinition:toPackage: #moveNameSpaceDefinition:from:toPackage:
>> #moveNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage: #moveNameSpaceModel:to:
>> #moveObject:from:to: #moveSelector:class:fromPackage:
>> #moveSelector:class:toPackage: #moveSelectors:class:toPackage:
>> #moveUnpackagedClassDefinition:toPackage:
>> #moveUnpackagedDataKey:nameSpace:toPackage:
>> #moveUnpackagedInWholeClass:toPackage:
>> #moveUnpackagedInWholeNameSpace:toPackage:
>> #moveUnpackagedNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage:
>> #moveUnpackagedSelector:class:toPackage: #moveWholeClass:toPackage:
>> #moveWholeNameSpace:toPackage: #moveWholeObject:toPackage:)
>> ('events' #addBinding:in: #addBinding:in:attributes: #addClass:
>> #addClass:attributes: #addNameSpace: #addNameSpace:attributes:
>> #addSelector:class: #addSelector:class:attributes:
>> #changeBinding:in:
>> #changeBinding:in:attributes: #changeClass: #changeClass:attributes:
>> #changeNameSpace: #changeNameSpace:attributes:
>> #changeSelector:class:
>> #changeSelector:class:attributes:
>> #changeSelector:class:documentation:
>> #changeSelector:class:protocol: #packageFromAttributes:
>> #reorganizeClass: #update:with:from:)
>> ('public-namespace changes' #addNameSpace:toPackage:
>> #addNameSpaceDefinition:toPackage: #changeNameSpace:toPackage:
>> #commentNameSpace: #component:property:value: #component:renamedTo:
>> #relocateNameSpace:from:to: #removeNameSpace: #renameNameSpace:as:
>> #reorganizeNameSpace:)
>> ('public-class changes' #addClass:toPackage:
>> #addClassDefinition:toPackage: #changeClass:toPackage:
>> #changeDefinitionClass: #commentClass: #relocateClass:from:to:
>> #removeChangesPropagatingClass: #removeClass: #removeClass:from:
>> #removeClassChanges: #renameClass:as:)
>> ('private- cascade changes' #cascadeRelocateNameSpace:to:
>> #renameClass:asAbsoluteSymbol: #renameNameSpace:asAbsoluteSymbol:)
>> ('private-fileIn/Out' #fileOutSpecialOn:) ('events-parcels'
>> #installedClasses:toPackage:
>> #installedMethods:toPackage: #installedNameSpaces:toPackage:
>> #installedOverrideMethods:toPackage:)
>> ('db phantoms' #addRemoveClass:package: #addRemoveNameSpace:package:
>> #addRemoveSelector:className:meta:package:
>> #addRemoveStatic:ownerName:isInNameSpace:package:)
>> name = #XMainChangeSet
>> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
>> environment = a NameSpace[255]
>> Arguments:
>> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in
>> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
>> Temporaries:
>> currentCS = a Store.XMainChangeSet[1977] Context PC = 15
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> optimized [] in  
>> Store.Package>>sourceLoadFromDBloadWithin:warnReplace:
>> Receiver:
>> an UndefinedObject
>> Temporaries:
>> .imPkg = [Magritte-Model-Core]
>> .parentBundle = {'Magritte'-'lr.251'-22236}
>> .super = {'Magritte-Model-Core'-'lr.248'-47532}
>> loadRes = nil
>> Context PC = 12
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
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> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]

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