> Hi all,
> How I add an arrangement to a View inside the View Composer ?
> I took a look to AvatarChat package and I realized that each element of
> "AvatarChat view" has an arrangement, but I can't add an arragement to my
> views inside the View Composer.
To let your View have arrangements:
First, you need have a ContainerView which is a parent view for your view.
Second, layout manager of the ContainerView mustn't be nil.
Layout manager for a new container view is nil for default.
If you double click the layout, you will be ask to choose one of the
available layouts. After choosing the layout, you are then possible to set
arranegments of your view.
There are lot of layout, but the easiest one is BorderLayout.
GridLayout is good for arranging arrayed equalspaced views.
FramingLayout is the toughest one, but it can provide detailed layouts.
Check out the Education Center for better explanation.
Hwa Jong Oh