Aspect class missing method?

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Aspect class missing method?

Ted Bracht-2
Hi Andy and Blair,

Trying to add #publishedAspects to one of my classes, I noticed that
the Aspect class doesn't have a #time: method. Copying it from the
#date: method I came up with the following.

Aspect class>>time: aSymbol
        "Answer an instance of the receiver for accessing a <Time> aspect
        of an object with accessor, aSymbol.
        The aspect is viewable and editable using a DatePresenter."

        ^self name: aSymbol
                presenterBlock: (MessageSend
                                receiver: TimePresenter
                                selector: #createIn:on:
                                arguments: #(nil nil))

Could that be added to the core?



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Re: Aspect class missing method?

Andy Bower

> Trying to add #publishedAspects to one of my classes, I noticed that
> the Aspect class doesn't have a #time: method.


> Could that be added to the core?

Thanks. This is now enhancement #1069.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?