More code. This time, with tests. :)
There are two classes in the parcel along with a test class.
AuthorizationResource is an abstract superclass; it should be easy to
create your own subclass that does authorization in whatever way you
want. ACLResource is a subclass that reads login,password pairs from a
This guy depends on the session stuff that I sent out earlier. It uses
the session to store the authorizedLogin between requests.
To test this out, create a file called "test.acl" that looks like this:
That'll set you up to be able to login as ken (with password "test"),
joe (with password "gemstone"), etc. Then, use a site configuration
like this:
<CompositeResource stringUriPattern: '/'>
<CookieSessionResource new>
<ACLResource stringUriPattern: 'auth' listFile: 'test.acl'>
<HelloWorld stringUriPattern: 'hi'>
Then, browse to <site>/auth/hi. Your first hit will ask you to login;
subsequent hits will display the HelloWorld message.
I'm getting excited about this stuff; and I think this framework could
really work. I've now got just about everything I need to build my
customer's site in Swazoo. Things should go pretty quickly from here.
Ken Treis
[hidden email]