Automatic code refactoring in Pharo 5.0?

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Automatic code refactoring in Pharo 5.0?

Marco Naddeo

I'm using Pharo 5.0 and sometimes looking to code I previously wrote, I realize that all local variables have been renamed as tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, and so on; or that the arguments of a block have been renamed as arg1, arg2, arg3, and so on.

I don't understand if some automatic refactoring of the code is enabled (and when it would be eventually executed, because such renaming of variables does not happen immediately after saving), I had a look to the System Settings but I could not figure it out.

Could you please help me?


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Re: Automatic code refactoring in Pharo 5.0?

Paul DeBruicker
It sounds like the changes file for your image is missing. Could that be possible?  

Marco Naddeo wrote

I'm using Pharo 5.0 and sometimes looking to code I previously wrote, I realize that all local variables have been renamed as tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, and so on; or that the arguments of a block have been renamed as arg1, arg2, arg3, and so on.

I don't understand if some automatic refactoring of the code is enabled (and when it would be eventually executed, because such renaming of variables does not happen immediately after saving), I had a look to the System Settings but I could not figure it out.

Could you please help me?

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Re: Automatic code refactoring in Pharo 5.0?

Marco Naddeo
Thank you! The changes file was not missing but for some strange reason it lacked some changes.

I recovered from an old image.

Thanks again,