Automation - dumb question

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Automation - dumb question

Bill Schwab-2

In using Automation to start Word and populate a document to be printed,
let's suppose that I want to "turn the document over to the user" (let the
user use Word to print and close when they are happy).  In that case, could
I simply #detach the dispatch interfaces(s) to it?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Automation - dumb question

Don Rylander-3
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:baft5s$rk79i$[hidden email]...
> Blair,
> In using Automation to start Word and populate a document to be printed,
> let's suppose that I want to "turn the document over to the user" (let the
> user use Word to print and close when they are happy).  In that case,
> I simply #detach the dispatch interfaces(s) to it?
If the Word application and documents, etc., are in a temporary variables,
I've never had a problem just letting finalization take care of it.  Of
course, if you're creating a lot documents or application instances in rapid
succession, you'll probably want to do it explicitly, but the simple case is
really simple.  Just be sure it's visible before you let go of it.  ;^)



> Have a good one,
> Bill
> --
> Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
> [hidden email]