BI and public sites from GLASS/Gemstone data

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BI and public sites from GLASS/Gemstone data

Hello all,

I am fishing for ideas for additional components in our current project.

GLASS/Gemstone is a fantastic product to boost productivity especially
while implementing complex logic. We implemented just that in a first
version of a product.  Great.

We are looking at implementing two additional components feeding from
the initial GLASS based component:

1- Business Intelligence: We have a growing amount of data that our
power users would like to look at through some Business Intelligence
type of product. In other words, we have a few users with complicated
queries and reports needs.
2- Public Faceted Browsing: We will need to export these data to the
public, in some sort faceted browsing capabilities. In other words, we
could have a large number of people browsing, querying information
(like the drill down for example).

Of course we could think of implementing some of the in GLASS, but
there are existing frameworks (Pentaho for the BI side,
BlackLight/Solr for the faceted browsing). I am wondering what
solution you have deployed if you encountered similar needs.

Thank you for sharing your experience.