BSUG Meeting Tuesday May 31

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BSUG Meeting Tuesday May 31

Sven Van Caekenberghe
BSUG Meeting Tuesday May 31

The Belgian Smalltalk User Group (BSUG) is organising its next meeting on Tuesday May 31 at the VUB Software Languages Lab, 10th floor of building F, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene.

We will start at 18:00 and have a program with 4 sessions each lasting about half an hour, leaving ample room for discussions.

IMPORTANT: Please send an email to [hidden email] to confirm your attendance!

Session 1: Pharo Smalltalk
The new kid on the block
(Sven Van Caekenberghe)

Session 2: DALi
A database-abstraction layer for multiuser web applications
(Johan Brichau - Andy Kellens)

Session 3: Zinc HTTP Components
An open-source Smalltalk framework to deal with the HTTP networking protocol
(Sven Van Caekenberghe)

Session 4: BSUG
A plan for the future

We invite all young and old Smalltalkers to join us and make this a successful event.

For the Belgian Smalltalk User Group,
Johan Brichau and Sven Van Caekenberghe

ps: Our websites, and our currently offline but will be back soon.