BUG: DolphinSplash zombies and other strange things

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BUG: DolphinSplash zombies and other strange things

Keith Alcock

While trying to solve/avoid some other problems, I noticed some strange
things happening when Dolphin 4.0 ran on an old Win95 computer: there
was never any splash screen, the Help | About Dolphin Smalltalk menu
item was greyed, after the ADK ran a tip of the day would sometimes
mysteriously appear, DolphinSplash allInstances size answered 4 even
when there were none to see.

When Dolphin starts up, the DevelopmentSessionManager shows the splash

 "Show a splash screen for this session."

 | splashClass |
 (splashClass := self splashShellClass) isNil ifFalse: [
   (splashClass new)
   when: #viewClosed send: #tipOfTheDayAtStartup to: Smalltalk

Later, DolphinSplash decides if the splash screen can really be

DolphinSplash>>showTimed: aDelay
 "Shows the receiver and forks a process that will close it after

 self class canDisplay ifTrue: [
  Sound woofFor: #onStartup.
  super showTimed: aDelay ].

To do this, it checks the resolution.

DolphinSplash class>>canDisplay
 "Answer true if an instance of the receiver can be correctly displayed"

 "Displays of less than 800x600 resolution or with a palette cannot
correctly display the Dolphin
 splash bitmap."

 | desktopCanvas |
 desktopCanvas := View desktop canvas.
 ^desktopCanvas colorDepth>8 and: [desktopCanvas extent >= (800@600)].

If the splash screen can't be displayed, then splashDelay below is never

Splash>>showTimed: aDelay
 "Shows the receiver and forks a process that will close it after

 SessionManager current when: #imageSaveStarting send: #onSaveImage to:
 splashDelay := aDelay.

 super show.
 self beTopMost; update.
 [ splashDelay wait.
 super close ] fork.

This prevents the invisible splash window from ever closing.

 "Closes the receiver by cancelling the Delay the splash is waiting on"

 splashDelay signal

So, there was no visible splash screen because of DolphinSplash
class>>canDisplay and the menu item was disabled for the same reason.
Somehow the ADK did get the invisible windows to exit and that seemed to
trigger the when: #viewClosed send: #tipOfTheDayAtStartup to: Smalltalk
developmentSystem.  Finally, each time I started up Dolphin and then
saved the image, an invisible DolphinSplash got saved.

To close the invisible windows, I added the code below and wished for a
superSuper pseudovariable.


 splashDelay isNil ifTrue: [
  self sendMessage: WM_CLOSE wParam: 0 lParam: 0.
  ^self isOpen not.
 ^super close.

To get rid of the zombies, I evaluated

DolphinSplash allInstances do: [ :splash |
    splash close.

DolphiSplash allInstances do: [ :splash |
    splash become: String new.

To keep it from happening again, this method was changed:

DolphinSplash>>showTimed: aDelay
 "Shows the receiver and forks a process that will close it after

 self class canDisplay ifTrue: [
  Sound woofFor: #onStartup.
  super showTimed: aDelay.
 ] ifFalse: [
  self close.

There is probably a better solution, but something like this should
probably go into the next patch.

Keith Alcock