While trying to solve/avoid some other problems, I noticed some strange things happening when Dolphin 4.0 ran on an old Win95 computer: there was never any splash screen, the Help | About Dolphin Smalltalk menu item was greyed, after the ADK ran a tip of the day would sometimes mysteriously appear, DolphinSplash allInstances size answered 4 even when there were none to see. When Dolphin starts up, the DevelopmentSessionManager shows the splash screen. DevelopmentSessionManager>>showSplash "Show a splash screen for this session." | splashClass | (splashClass := self splashShellClass) isNil ifFalse: [ (splashClass new) when: #viewClosed send: #tipOfTheDayAtStartup to: Smalltalk developmentSystem; showTimed] Later, DolphinSplash decides if the splash screen can really be displayed. DolphinSplash>>showTimed: aDelay "Shows the receiver and forks a process that will close it after aDelay" self class canDisplay ifTrue: [ Sound woofFor: #onStartup. super showTimed: aDelay ]. To do this, it checks the resolution. DolphinSplash class>>canDisplay "Answer true if an instance of the receiver can be correctly displayed" "Displays of less than 800x600 resolution or with a palette cannot correctly display the Dolphin splash bitmap." | desktopCanvas | desktopCanvas := View desktop canvas. ^desktopCanvas colorDepth>8 and: [desktopCanvas extent >= (800@600)]. If the splash screen can't be displayed, then splashDelay below is never set. Splash>>showTimed: aDelay "Shows the receiver and forks a process that will close it after aDelay" SessionManager current when: #imageSaveStarting send: #onSaveImage to: self. splashDelay := aDelay. super show. self beTopMost; update. [ splashDelay wait. super close ] fork. This prevents the invisible splash window from ever closing. Splash>>close "Closes the receiver by cancelling the Delay the splash is waiting on" splashDelay signal So, there was no visible splash screen because of DolphinSplash class>>canDisplay and the menu item was disabled for the same reason. Somehow the ADK did get the invisible windows to exit and that seemed to trigger the when: #viewClosed send: #tipOfTheDayAtStartup to: Smalltalk developmentSystem. Finally, each time I started up Dolphin and then saved the image, an invisible DolphinSplash got saved. To close the invisible windows, I added the code below and wished for a superSuper pseudovariable. DolphinSplash>>close splashDelay isNil ifTrue: [ self sendMessage: WM_CLOSE wParam: 0 lParam: 0. ^self isOpen not. ]. ^super close. ! To get rid of the zombies, I evaluated DolphinSplash allInstances do: [ :splash | splash close. ]. DolphiSplash allInstances do: [ :splash | splash become: String new. ]. To keep it from happening again, this method was changed: DolphinSplash>>showTimed: aDelay "Shows the receiver and forks a process that will close it after aDelay" self class canDisplay ifTrue: [ Sound woofFor: #onStartup. super showTimed: aDelay. ] ifFalse: [ self close. ]. There is probably a better solution, but something like this should probably go into the next patch. Keith Alcock |
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